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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Has anything changed in the latest Beta? I took a break from curating my Launchbox Setup and when I switched it on today and tried the colorful theme again, everything worked much more smoothly. Apart from small lags, everything is snappy now. That's great.
  2. I've merged it with my existing collection. It works fine. Just use the manual from your Exodos collection and follow the instructions. Obviously you have to substitute anything exodos related with scummvm related files and folders, but the import procedure is basically the same: run the setup bat file, copy all the images, music and manual folders into your Launchbox folder, copy the exo folder into your Launchbox folder, and then copy all the platform and playlist files into the correct folders in your data folder. If you managed to successfully integrate exodos, you shouldn't have any problem with scummvm. Good luck!
  3. Hmm, I think I'm rattert wait until exo updates this collection like He did with exodos and exowin3x. Anyway, I'm sorry, but I cannot help you. I haven't looked at exoscummvm, yet.
  4. Is exoscummvm even available? Last time I looked on exo's homepage, I couldn't find it ... Maybe you have to wait till exo releases an update?
  5. Should be possible in theory. You just create custom platform categories. My C64 Dreams collection is nested in Computers (Category) --> Commodore 64 (Category) --> C64 Dreams (Category) --> Games (Platform) I don't know if there is a limit for how deep this can go, though.
  6. I second this. Retroarch offers bezel support, but some systems (like dolphin) run better with standalone emulators, so I usually have to play GameCube games without bezels.
  7. Tanks man, this is way easier than I thought. The tips for the emulator and Comic Utility Belt were especially helpful!
  8. You could make multiple instances of the same platforms for different regions. This is what I would do if I'd import all versions of a game, e.g. in Super Nintendo. Create a custom Plattform Category named "Super Nintendo Entertainment System". Then make 4 different Super Nintendo Platforms: - "Super Nintendo Entertainment System - North America" - "Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Europe" - "Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Japan" - "Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Other" As for different Versions / revisions of games, I don't know about any working method to tell Launchbox to prioritize the latest version of a game when importing, and importing previous revisions or betas as additional applications. Would be great if you could just tell launchbox to do that.
  9. You seem to have some duplicate folders in your collection, e.g. "Microsoft MSX 2" and "Microsoft MSX2" (without the space). How did you include different versions of games, such as hacks, languages and updates? Did you just import everything into the same platform or did you make different platforms for, say, hacks? What do you mean by "saves"? Does your BigBox really take 30 minutes to launch? That seems really impractical. Impressive collection anyway. I'm at about 200.000 games (Mainly because of flashpoint, otherwise I'd be just a little over 100.000). Most of my systems are a 1G1R set. My BigBox takes around 1 minute to launch (which I already find a bit much).
  10. I have retroarch 1.9.2. I can access the menu pressing f1. Maybe check the retroarch.cfg file. There should be a line called: input_menu_toggle = "f1" If that's there then the only reason for why f1 isn't working for you (hat I can think of) is that you have to hold down the "FN" key on your keyboard while pressing f1 (if your keyboard is laid out that way".
  11. Well, setting this up in retroarch is actually quite easy. Maybe Rocketlauncher is the problem? I can imagine Rocketlauncher somehow overweighting retroarch's settings? I would try testing this using just retroarch without using rocketlauncher to check if it's working.
  12. Yes that's possible in retroarch. I don't know about Rocketlauncher. I've tried setting up Rocketlauncher a while back, but decided that I don't want to introduce another software that might cause problems. So I cannot tell you how to do it in rocketlauncher. In Retroarch, do the following: After launching a game go into the retroarch main menu and select video, then scaling. Go to aspect ratio and select "custom". Now change the values to move the screen around and fit it into the bezel. Afterwards make sure to navigate back to the menu of the currently running rom and select "save core override" if you want all games using the same retroarch core to fit the bezel like that. If you use the same core for different systems (e.g. Gameboy and Gameboy Color), you might want to use "content directory override". Your gameboy and gameboy color roms must be located in different directories for this to work.
  13. It's an amazing plugin. Literally the only thing missing is some way to ONLY import games and skip all applications. Manually removing all the apps from these computer systems is a pain.
  14. Yeah, well I'm a fan of weird stuff, too. And I get what you mean. The fact that someone spend time to think about and make some of this stuff is just mind-boggling. What goes through someone's head when designing this?!
  15. That's all I needed to know. I'm in favor of your method of excluding titles by having the excluded tag taking priority. This makes a lot of sense. I think I'll be fine with excluding the "Adult" tag. Man... this collections seems to include some seriously f***ed up content right there. Wouldn't want any of that popping up showcasing my LaunchBox setup to friends. Try talking yourself out of that one, haha.
  16. It seems to have worked perfectly. Had to manually remove some of the older playlists, since Flashpoint reduced its playlists. A question about the new Tag System. Now I still want to exclude "Adult" games. There are however many other tags that would suggest "Adult" content, such as "sexual violence" and other problematic sounding categories, which I don't want. Do you know how this works? Do apps have multiple tags? Is it enough to just exclude "Adult" games or do I have to go through the list excluding every problematic sounding tag? Thanks for all your hard work, man!
  17. So I've deleted the ListCache.xml in the Data folder, which seems to have sped up my setup a little. It's still laggy, but much less than before. Removing all Playlists smoothed out the setup to a point where I'd consider the performance smooth enough. But the benefits of using playlists outweighs the benefits of using Colorful, no matter how beautiful the theme is. Besides, my setup ran smoothly on your machine, so the problem must be somewhere else. I'll try renaming the image directories later, but I doubt that's the problem, because I didn't use any images in my Launchbox Testsetup on my other SSD. EDIT: Scratch that, after a few reboots of BigBox, the lag returns, I guess after Listcache finished it's processes. Earlier today, I also opened up my PC and dd a little RAm readjustment. I was using 4 Ram Sticks (2x Corsair + 2 x G.Skill). I know that you shouldn't mix brands, but I was careful that all the values are compatible. In fact I never had problems using these 2 together. I removed the G.Skill anyway to try if that solved my problem. It didn't. Now I'm running 32GB of Ram instead of the former 48 GB of ram. I'm wondering if I should put the G.Skill back in or if I shuuld leave them out, just in case there were issues which I just wasn't aware of. I don't know, yet. Anyway, long story short, my issue still isn't fixed.
  18. Something else I noticed. While CPU and GPU load are pretty normal when using BigBox, BigBox does use over 20GB of Ram. Ram use is continuously climbing . Is that normal? After a certain amount of time, it seems that ram use dips down again:
  19. Tanks for jumping in, unfortunately I tried your plugin suggestion already and it didn't fix the problem. I will try removing stuff and see if that helps. Thank you for your continued support. Bummer that we couldn't figure out a solution. The "Games" Platform is from C64 Dreams, As far as I can see there are more than 2 or 3 games in it, though. It should contain 2500 games, in fact.
  20. Thanks you so much for testing. The fact that you don't have my images is not the issue here, since I didn't have images on my test setup for launchbox as well and the lag was still there. The long startup is definitely related to the number of games and playlists you have in your setup. That's just something I have to live with. There is no fix for that. I should clarify that the lags only occur when scrolling through the platform categories. When scrolling through platforms colorful is smooth. That said, scrolling through platform categories in your video was much much smoother than on my machine. So... I'm out of ideas again... I now tried just about everything I could... I don't have the skills to troubleshoot this issue systematically and the trial and error approach has not generated any viable solutions for me so far. The 2TB SSD was not cheap so I don't see myself replacing it anytime soon, also because I don't think it's the issue here. I guess I'll have to wait for when I will eventually buy a completely new PC. But that won't happen for at least another 3 to 4 years. Regardless, I thank you so much for your help so far. Do you have any more suggestions for me? I'm out of ideas.
  21. Hello again, 1. I've checked in msconfig, the task manager and the services menu. These services are not there. I've tried googling which third party program might interfere with WPF rendering, but it felt like googling a symptom you have with the intention of finding out what disease might cause it, haha. That's never successful. What I tried instead is disabling all non microsoft services in msconfig and rebooting. That didn't work as well. 2. I've also read that hardware acceleration might be causing trouble with WPF, so I disabled it in the display options, but that didn't work either. 3. I don't know what you refer to when you say that the EDID adapter causes lag. I've never experienced any kind of lag with it, be it in gaming, streaming or watching Blu-rays. And I am very sensitive when it comes to lagging. I cannot watch a movie if video and audio aren't in sync. And don't get me started about input lag. I used to use steam link, which has a minimal, but noticeable amount of input lag, especially noticeable when playing platformers, like Super Mario World. Again, it was minimal, but enough for my sensitive self to be bothered by it so much that I eventually resorted to a direct HDMI connection. 4. I think I could take my Launchbox to friend's PC, although I don't know anyone living near me who has a similarly beefy PC as me. EDIT: 5. I also tried disabling Nvidia Geforce ingame overlay, since I read somewhere that overlays in general might cause rendering issues. But again, no luck.
  22. Have to write from my phone. 1. In don't have any of these services and or programs.Realtek Sonic Studio, Nahimic or NahimicOSD. EDIT: To clarify, I have the onboard soundcard disabled in the bios. On a former install of windows I actually did have the drivers and Nahimic software installed (the name sounded familiar, but I never knew what they were for), but on my newest setup, I did not install any realtek related drivers and such. 2. My bios storage mode is ahci 3. I already tried disabling full screen optimizations. 4. The EDID Adapter fixes an issue with my TV, not my gpu. To make it short, apparently my TV has a problem when my gpu is connected to it, but I switch to a different hdmi on the TV, to play my switch. There needs to be a constant signal connection. 5. My gpu drivers are cleanly installed. I didn't change any settings. I also tried various settings, but nothing helped. 6. My TV runs in game mode. All things that could cause input lag are deactivated. I will send you my data folder once I have access to my pc again. EDIT: I've sent you a private message. If you want you can also send me your data folder, so I could try it in my setup. What I forgot to write before, referring to: "You mentioned earlier you tested without your collection and it was fine until you added your collection back. Are you copying the db and swapping it or you doing an import? How many games did you import when you seen the lag again?" I did not reimport anything into Launchbox through the importer. I just copied my entire data folder back in. All in all that's almost 190.000 entries. Ridiculous, I know, but a large chunk of those are from computer systems which sometimes have a huge amount of roms. Over 70.000 entries are from the Flashpoint ultimate collection alone. Anyway, I don't know at which point the lag "returns", I just know that if I import 1 game per platform category (for testing purposes), there is no lag, but with my full collection, there is lag. Once again, only in Colorful, not in any other theme.
  23. Tanks again for taking the time. I'll go through your suggestions: 1. I haven't tried disabling video playback. I will try that and report back. 2. I will make a video later showing you the lag I was talking about. 3. The HDMI cable runs through an Adapter. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pass-Through-Emulator-splitters-Extenders-fit-Headless/dp/B07C87QFNF This Adapter is crucial for my setup, since without it, my TV sometimes loses the signal to my PC which makes the GPU driver crash. It's a super weird issue, I won't get into. Took months to troubleshoot and eventually fix. But this is not the problem, since the Lag also occurs on my other two displays which are connected via displayport. And again, this only occurs with the COLORFUL theme. 4. My GPU usage during BigBox use is fairly low as well, at about 2-3% 5. I reinstalled Windows 10 a few months ago. It was a clean install with CSM disabled, just like you suggested. 6. I don't think it's my SSD. I already tried setting up a second Launchbox test install on a different SSD and also on a HDD. The results are the same. A fresh install does not Lag COLORFUL, but as soon as I copy my large collection into it, it starts lagging. That's why I think that the large game collection is the issue, however, as stated before, only in COLORFUL. EDIT: 1. I've been trying to disable video playback, but I couldn't find the correct option to do so... I tried to navigate to Options --> Videos and remove the ticks on the three options there, but that didn't work. BigBox still plays the platform videos. 2. Here is the video showcasing the general laggyness of BigBox. Note, these lags happens on all the themes, not just on COLORFUL, but browsing through the platforms is smooth with all themes, except for COLORFUL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB1hWGDjWrw There is no sound in that video, but I just flipped through the options and back as quickly as possible (always pressing the buttons right after I entered a specific menu, just so you know that I didn't wait to click the buttons to leave the menus. This is literally how long it takes for me to navigate through bigbox. EDIT 2: Another thing we could try - if you'd be willing - is that I could send over my Data folder so you can test my Collection on your setup and tell me if you experience similar problems.
  24. I enabled iGPU and told windows to start BigBox in energy saving mode which apparently means it's using the iGPU. Sadly that did not fix the lag in COLORFUL. I'm not sure Im doing it right, though. In my BIOS, "PEG" is still set as the default GPU windows will use. 2. I also already tried disabling Anti Virus Software and BigBox is already excluded from scans, real time detections and firewalls. I've since tried every single BigBox theme available and the lag really ONLY occurs with COLORFUL. I mean BigBox in general runs pretty slowly when going to the options menu and back to the platform lists, bur once I'm at the platform lists, everything runs super snappy in every theme except for COLORFUL. EDIT: yes, I verified that my TV is running at 60hz. The other two displays run at different refresh rates, but that's not the issue either, since I've tried disconnecting them and using only one display. EDIT 2: I don't think the iGPU is working correctly. When I start BigBox, the iGPU isn't used, even though I set BigBox to run with the iGPU. Can you make sense of this?
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