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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Interesting. I tried that quite a while ago. Maybe it works better now. Do you also import different revisions of the games? I have also had problems with that, e.g. lower revisions were made default.
  2. Did you do that manually? I tried auto importing my No Intro SNES collection that way, but in many cases, regional variants were not combined with the North American version, but instead added as a separate game. That happened with many Japanese Games that had a different title from the North American version, e.g. Donkey Kong Country 3.
  3. Don't try to emulate the dual shock controller. Use the regular PS1 controller instead and set the d-pad controls to your analogue stick manually if you want to use analogue controls. A few games, such as Tekken (3, I think) don't work well with dual shock.
  4. I'm stupid. I just found out that Retroarch allows for rescaling and moving overlays. So I got it to work. ?
  5. Ah, too bad. Not sure, what I'll do about the shaders then. Maybe Ieave them off for GBA and other handhelds then... I really want to stick to your overlays...
  6. Hey @Mr. RetroLust I've been testing out some shaders recently and have noticed that the screens for your amazing overlays in most cases don't work well with integer scale in retroarch enabled. However, integer scale is needed for many shaders to work properly (when scanlines or dots are used). This is especially noticeable in some handheld systems. Whereas your GB and GBC bezels do work with integer scaling, GBA does not. 5x5 is too large and 4x4 is too small for your bezel. I've found other GBA bezels that work with integer scaling, but these do not nearly look as good as your bezels. Are there any plans to update the bezels so that they fit an integer scale in the future?
  7. Oh OK, I can see how using emulated windows emulators on Linux might hurt performance. Is there no way to just emulate Launchbox and have to point to the Linux versions of the emulators (e.g. Retroarch cores) ?
  8. For people like me, who don't have a clue about all of this, what are downsides of using LaunchBox on Linux through Wine compared to running natively on Windows?
  9. I agree. DLCs or expansions are not separate games. The only exception to this is if an expansion is (also) released as a separate standalone game, e.g. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and its Torna expansion. Torna is available as a dlc, but also as a standalone game.
  10. Jesus Christ, some people sure are paranoid. I find the idea that the Launchbox team delivers viruses to its userbase ridiculous to put it mildly.
  11. For now: 1G1R sets, North America --> Europe --> Japan --> Rest. Been thinking about splitting the collection and creating a separate Platform for different regions. There are disadvantages to this approach, though: 1. There would be a lot of duplicate games, since most games have multiple region releases. 2. Some gams have multiple regions (e.g. USA, Europe; or USA, Japan). Where would those go? 3. Artwork might be inconsistent (American Artwork turning up on Japanese region games) 4. The curation effort would be much much higher. 5. What to do with the "Rest" regions (other than North America, Europe and Japan)? Having a "Rest" or "Various Regions" Platform is not optimal. Having Regions like "Germany" or "France" Platforms with just a few games in them is unpractical. In conclusion, I think I'll stay with my 1G1R set. Having different regional versions is intriguing, but I guess I could just research what games have differences that are interesting enough and then manually adding these games into the collection. E.g. Contra III on SNES is "Super Probotector" in Europe. It has different sprites, everyone is a robot. So I'd add this version as an additional app to Contra III.
  12. The most important point for me is the performance improvements. The other features are nice to have, but performance is essential. I would like faster start up speeds as well as smoother performance in Launchbox, but especially BigBox, especially if you have a large collection of platforms, games and (auto generated) playlists.
  13. I've since read that windows on the steam deck might lead to performance issues especially if there is no real driver support for this thing. I'm not sure if I will install windows on it after all... On the other hand, I'm not sure if I want to set up something like Launchbkx that will work natively on steam is all over again... Tricky... maybe one could install windows on am SD card and then boot from there whenever they want to use emulation?
  14. Search the forum, there are many people who have similar problems. Certain programs apparently cause issues with Launchbox, such as MSI Afterburner or other MSI products. Realtek software such as Nahimic are also named frequently. Certain USB devices apparently also can cause lag, so you could unplug all USB devices you have and then test if the lags go away.
  15. Yes, this works, but having the option within the emulator would make the whole setup more independent. Still overall great progress for xbox emulation. Didn't know about it until a few days ago.
  16. Hey this is great. It actually runs Conker Live & Reloaded. I've been dying to try this version out. There seems to be screen tearing, though. Is there any way to turn on vsync within Xemu? I cn't find anything in the settings, but maybe there is a way to edit the "xemu.ini"? Haven't found anything, yet, though.
  17. Ahhh, I didn't know that. Yes that is most likely the issue. Thanks for your help, again! Worked fine, thx!
  18. I just tried your suggestion, but it does not seem to work. I deleted every file in 3D box images for SNES and copied 742 images I downloaded into the folder. Then I refreshed the SNES library images. After that I audited the SNES library. So far so good, however, the results of the audit are incorrect. The audit shows only very few games with "0" 3D Box images, when in fact only 742 games of the 1785 in my collection actually have 3D Box images. I don't know what's wrong here. Any suggestions? EDIT: When I click to check on some of the images listed in the list above, many of them are not 3D box Images, but they are listed as such.
  19. Oh that works? Will try that first thing tomorrow. Thank you!
  20. But the Audit Tool doesn't allow me to then select all games that are missing 3d boxes and start downloading them, right? What I would like is having Launchbox showing me all snes games without 3d box images --> select all --> download 3d images for those games.
  21. Hey everyone, I would like to use some of the 3d game box sets available here to keep some consistency with how my collection looks. However, for the games that are not included in the sets, I would still like to be able to download the 3d images that Launchbox might have in its database. I would also like to check for missing game media one platform at a time, because I have a very large collection of platforms and it takes ages to let Launchbox update the missing game media for the whole collection. So for example (SNES): 1. I delete every 3D Box (USA) set in the SNES images folder 2. I download a 3D Box set and extract it into the SNES images folder for 3D boxes. --> When I now go to games missing media 3D Boxes and look at the SNES platform, there are almost no games shown even though many are still missing 3D Boxes (Non USA Regions) So my question is: How can I get Launchbox to show me, which SNES games currently have no 3D Boxes?
  22. I use an android app on my phone to switch my PC on. It's called "Wake on Lan" Very handy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.mrwebb.wakeonlan&hl=en&gl=US
  23. I much prefer a Windows install anyway. Great news about the android version, though. I've checked out several frontends and there are none that compare to Launchbox, in my opinion.
  24. Well, great! So Windows 10 it is. ?
  25. I've been following the portable PC scene for a while now, but never bought one, because prices were too high and I was unsure about how well supported something like this would be. But I gotta say, this Steam Deck looks really great. My daily round trip commute is around 2.5 hours, which I spend listening to music or podcasts and playing my Nintendo Switch. Being able to play PC games during my commute does sound intriguing to me. Of course I would port over a trimmed version of my Launchbox collection as well. If Launchbox can't run on SteamOS, I think I'd buy a windows 10 key. However, I suspect that windows needs more power than SteamOS, so I guess there could be a performance hit if one installs windows 10 on the steam deck, right?
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