Version 1.0.0
Basically a neon transparent version of the current default box image. It's a little less bland than and looks better alongside Mr.Retrolust's Neon Deluxe Arcade Theme.
The 4 Default Box, 3D Box, etc. folders in the zip all contain the same image. Simply drop folders into:
AND/OR Launchbox\Images\Platform Categories\CategoryName\
How I use Symbolic Links with this file:
I don't believe there is a way to apply one image to ALL platforms besides copying them into each default platform folder or editing within LB. I don't have THAT many platforms, so I have a 'base' folder outside of LB Images that contains my desired default image (currently this one) and I drop symbolic links of the Default Box, 3D Box, etc. into each of my platforms/categories (I use LinkShellExtension for this), so if I happen to replace the base image, it then syncs to all platforms that still have the symlinks, and I can always delete a symlink folder if I feel like using a platform-specific box art instead.
I don't think it's possible to replace certain default images like logos or banners--anything that isn't a box or a cart, unfortunately, but this is as close as I can get at the moment.
My hope is that someone else might like to use it as a default box, if they're not wanting to use custom art per platform ¯\_(ツ)_/¯