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Everything posted by Knowcontrol

  1. Looks awesome. Could you link your source for the xemu setup tutorial, please?
  2. I now remember why I did a grid for each image/video - that's because the videos for each platform need to be in a different location and size for each platform image. Yes, I can just use Viking's fully-combined videos but my intent was to keep the file size down by using the individual elements. (yes, they are significantly smaller if I use the video/image separate rather than have them combined as a single video file.)
  3. Maybe this isn't useful to most, but would it be possible to string videos - e.g. When one video ends, begin another, possibly with a fade-to-black as an option. This may be just too hard to program but I was curious. P.S. Where are the crash logs? I'm getting some repeatable ones. I have a Grid that is holding multiple grids (one grid per platform). Each of those platform grids has a visibility of Collapsed unless the platform name is abcxyz. Inside THAT grid is a media image and a media video. Both the image and video are set to visible. This all works as expected - the platform video and image are collapsed until that platform is selected, they are then displayed. The problem - the video begins playing in the background so you hear all 17 videos playing at once even though only one is being displayed. The code error that pops up is when the Mute is toggled for the video.
  4. Fantastic 2.0 update! I really like the improved hierarchy dragging, it's intuitive and there is no question where you are dragging the element in the editor. One thing I noticed, the editor window will not automatically scroll if I'm trying to drag an item up/down in the list. Am I not doing it right? I know you are working on it, but I am really looking forward to wall view support. Thank you for all your hard work!
  5. May I suggest Emby to manage and display your media. There is a UI for every possible platform out there and for Windows there is a 10-foot UI as well.
  6. My Button Mashers arrived today! I can't wait to try them. They are quite thick and provide significant grippiness to the buttons. It'll be great in helping remember which buttons are which while playing Playstation games! Flaming Toast was the only company I could find (found them through a Reddit post) who has Playstation stickers for buttons. I only wish they had actual flat stickers, or to find a company that does. I used tweezers to pick them up and place them, that was the ticket and worked well.
  7. Oh, that's not how I had pictured it in my mind - yeah that would suck. How I pictured this feature was the ability to sort by suggested games. Instead of sorting by stars, you would sort by suggestions. Suggestions would be different from stars since they would be curated by one to three people who come up with a custom list of their favorite games and this list would be presented to the user as only those games, you wouldn't see any other games in that particular platform other than what is suggested. It would be enabled/disabled as easily as using the sort feature. That's how I imagine this feature in my mind.
  8. Yep, there needs to be a notification. In my case I had a back button #2 set as well as ESC, but what I didn't know until reading these replies was that you need to hold it for 4-5 seconds. I wasn't holding it that long! It was the initial 11.13 release before you pulled it.
  9. @faeran I, for the life of me, can't figure out how you created your wall views with the CTC beta. Since CTC doesn't show wheel changes in real time it's an extremely arduous process to tweak a wheel, save, publish, start BB, switch views, and then finally see the result. This might make for a good YouTube tutorial! Any help in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  10. I'm unable to get to the system menu if the hold 'back' option is enabled but there is no keybind or controller bind. Holding ESC doesn't work. Holding 'A' (back button) on my controller doesn't work either. Edit: I found the <RequireHoldToBackToSystem> element and set it to false for now until this is resolved.
  11. Yep, not a problem. I've had fun working on it today.
  12. Beta - latest as of 25July.
  13. I'm playing with Pulse in the CTC beta version and there are a handful of elements that are broken. Some still show the name in the editor box but some are just listed as broken. For instance - I can see that for a game screen that Favorite and Completed are items but I can't figure out what the third item is because it just shows the word broken. I just realized that Broken is an actual element - there are still things that don't work with the new CTC version though. I'm also utilizing stacks and docks to help align and contain elements. I love your theme and I am very grateful that you shared your source files. It's a compliment that I'm modifying your theme, not a complaint (I love it that much).
    Such a beautiful theme! Very classy and clean. Thank you very much for all your hard work!
  14. What a beautiful theme! Fine job! And thank you for the source files so that I can make tweaks to the displayed details and such.
  15. 11.13b7 Bugs: When editing an emulator's config>Associated Platforms, if you try to copy the text in the "Extra command line parameters", all the text in that row is copied. Thus, when you paste the extra command line info, you paste all of the fields into the single box. While in the Emulator Editor and the "New Beta" window pops up and takes focus (but you don't want to acknowledge the download yet because you haven't finished what you were doing in the Emulator Editor (or probably any editor window)), you won't be able to regain focus on the Emulator Editor window nor can you re-select the New Beta window because it's behind the emulator editor.
  16. Hello @viking I absolutely love your platform artwork and videos! It has inspired me to create my own theme in Community Theme Creator using your artwork. I just purchased the lifetime EmuMovies subscription to get to your H265 content but I can't seem to find it. Would you mind posting the locations of your EmuMovies FTP content, please? Thank you very much!
  17. That's gorgeous! I love the curves and angles, it looks very classy and modern. Nice job!
  18. Thank you for entertaining my questions, I'm not at home in front of my emulation box. Many thanks!
  19. One last noob question. Is Number of Players an option in BB?
  20. That's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! I KNEW it had to be somewhere and I just wasn't seeing it. Thanks for the noob screenshots too!
  21. Yes, I've searched but I can't seem to find my answer. I'm upping my emulation game from a RPi 3B+ to a Windows desktop. One thing that I really appreciated in EmulationStation was in the display of "Number of Players" in the game details. I can't seem to find an option in LB or BB to enable/disable the display of Number of Players. Am I missing a setting? Or is this not a feature? Yes, yes, I know I can group the games by number of players, but that's not always how I will want to view the games. In addition, I'd argue that this is a simple statistic that is missing given that every other statistic about a game can be enabled/disabled - such as Developer, Console, Release Date, and even Publisher. Then why not Number of Players too? It's already scraped and in the database, why not have an option to display it? I've purchased LB premium because I can tell the incredible amount of work that has gone into LB/BB and I look forward to future developments and improvements. Keep up the amazing work, @Jason Carr
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