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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Oh, that is very strange. Is there a way to rebind functions for Mednafen? If the script is causing interference, then maybe it's with the buttons? I'll pass this on to Jason; I did forget that the AHK close script is there, which obviously does "interfere" with a program if it's enabled.
  2. It also doesn't help that we need to update the defaults within LaunchBox, I gave Jason an update doc a while back, but he's busy, so it probably got lost. I need to do that again.
  3. Oh no, of course, and thank you for posting something like this. We can even expand this as well, and it might help cut down on a lot of the noise that gets posted. I did just want to share what I use for taking Screenshots, it's a fairly light weight program and I pretty much use it daily because it's so easy.
  4. No, not at all. LaunchBox never interferes with software like that. LaunchBox is simply a facilitator. If you do have issues with mednafen standalone, most of mednafen is available within RetroArch, and the same BIOS set up that is used for Mednafen works in RetroArch, as long as you put the BIOS in the proper location. So if you want the very superb emulation of Mednafen, but prefer a better program around it, that is a very good solution in my opinion.
  5. Yes, you can, in the options with Image Priorities, however this is a Premium Only feature.
  6. Greenshot is also an amazing screenshot taker as well that can take various types of screenshots and automatically upload them to various sites like Imgur for very quick posting as well.
  7. Oh, I for some reason thought you did mean in RetroArch. Oops. If you are stuck on using Stand alone's only, then use mGBA. I think It's the best for all 3 systems. Otherwise, within RetroArch I do suggest Gambatte, and Gambatte does have a standalone that is fairly well regarded as well.
  8. Use the gambatte core for GB and GBC, it should work then.
  9. It's not something that is implemented. There have been BitBucket requests for this though, and you can vote on that ticket if you'd like.
  10. Go in to your LaunchBox Data folder, backup the Settings.xml and remove the original. Start up LB and it should reset all of your settings in LB, but it will let us know if it's a setting issue or a potential XML corruption issue, or something else.
  11. You can delete a game from within LaunchBox, you just need to activate it. Tools -> Options -> General (the screen it starts on), check the box "Allow deleting ROMs," and this will allow you to do so when you delete the entry inside of LB. You can also clear out images with Tools -> Clean Up Images, and it will run through and remove any image that aren't associated anymore. The bigger your library, the longer this can take, and Jason does want to implement similar features for videos, manuals and music as well.
  12. I never read that it auto-detects, I always pressed F5, which is partly why I changed to RetroArch.
  13. House of the Dead 3 is a regular PC game. You can either run the Windows game importer, drag and drop the shortcut or exe in to LaunchBox, or use the add button in the bottom right hand corner. Once the game is in LaunchBox, it's pointing at the exe it will just work. DOS has nothing to do with this game.
  14. Check the Dome of Pleasure (hint hint).
  15. You can only have one emulator with one name, if you want to add the same emulator again, you just need to change it's name. Otherwise, I would suggest that you take a look at the tutorials on our channel, the SNES Beginner tutorial will walk you through how to set everything up.
  16. Change the name of this emulator. You already have an emulator titled ReotrArch already added in to LaunchBox, and LB wont let you create another entry with the same exact name. "Please choose a different name."
  17. There wasn't much to sort per-se, other than fixing that odd windows bug and getting stuff off before the drive is not usable anymore. At the time I bought these, I didn't have much of a choice for hard drives, I was very very limited on money and had to buy what I could afford, and Seagate drives provided the best $1 per GB. It was only after that I started to read and learn about the drives, and then they all started failing.
  18. Actually, for simplicity I would advise most users to go with MAME/MESS, however, I think there is a little bit of credit to be given for the MAME Core in RetroArch. I think we may be a bit harsh on it in terms of quality of emulation, but it is a bit more of a nightmare, ish.
  19. Sometimes with emulation and computers, that's what it takes, 30 min of just going "wait... that's not right, wait... that's not right."
  20. It takes 3 approvals over rejections for a submission to get accepted, and then 24-48 hours from that point to then get published to LaunchBox. So it can be as little as 24 hours, you make a change, it's approved right away, that night the update gets pushed out to users, the user updates their metadata.xml, and the changes are there, sometimes it can take a lot longer.
  21. Yea, I don't know what to say anymore. They are cheaper drives, but sometimes not by much, and really the peace of mind and that extra longevity far outweighs the slight increase in price. I also love this saying, because I think it is so damn true, but also perfectly contradicting in a lot of situations, and in this case very true: You get what you pay for.
  22. Well I am glad there is a solution, at least in the mean time!
  23. Scraping is what it's called when LaunchBox takes the name of a game you have, runs it through the LaunchBox Games Database and EmuMovies, gives you some results, and downloads the appropriate media for it within LaunchBox. Scrape As is a feature where when someone imports a platform, and uses a non-traditionally named system they can opt to scrape it as another. For example, I want a platform named NES, but NES doesn't exist in the Database so I will call it NES and Scrape It as Nintendo Entertainment System. This way media can be found, but I can still call the platform what ever I choose. You can also change a platform scrape as in the Tools -> Manage Platforms screen, however it doesn't look like that is your issue here. I honestly can't say what it is at this point. A setting has to be off somewhere. Paths, names, cores, or some sort of setting. I don't know if you've followed our RetroArch tutorials, but there is a beginner one centered around SNES and assumes nothing, but I would suggest trying to watch that if you haven't already. If you have seen it, then I am even more confused to be honest.
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