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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Ah, this is very good to know. Then yea, in that case what ckp said is perfectly fine. Edit that single game, change the emulator to RetroArch and make sure the default command line parameter is set up properly for SNES in RA.
  2. When I was trying to pass command lines to the game and the emulator for RetroArch I had crashing, but it was for Super Game Boy stuff before I realized how to do it best for the tutorial.
  3. Yes, but that passes both command line arguments. Does the second one override the first one, or does it crash?
  4. For regular emulators yes, but not for RetroArch.
  5. For this situation? No, at least not easily. Since the command line is ran at the base level (on the emulator), and it swaps based on platform, you can't have one platform be two cores. You can assign command line arguments to the games, but then it runs the command line associated with the emulator, then the game, and that's no good. Why don't you swap everything over to Bsnes Accuracy or Balanced? They're some of the best, if not the best cores for SNES in RetroArch.
  6. Ok, added it to where? Because of the forum you chose to post, I assume you are trying to add the game to the database, but are you adding it to LaunchBox? If you are trying to add the game to the Database, you don't need to, it already exists and this would create a duplicate. If you are trying to add it to LaunchBox you need to make sure your rom file or the name of the game inside of LaunchBox matches the name on the Database, that's the only way it will be able to download metadata and media.
  7. Is that for the game The 3rd Birthday? That already exists in the Database and "pa-3rdu" is not a real name.
  8. I've been trying to see if there is a different command line parameter needed for nullDC to load dat files, but I can't really tell. You've left the default command line parameters and the check box for the emulator at default in LB correct? Edit nullDC and make sure there is "-config nullDC:Emulator.Autostart=1 -config ImageReader:LoadDefaultImage=1 -config ImageReader:DefaultImage=" in the command line parameters box and that "No space before ROM" is checked as well.
  9. Go in to the settings and refresh your BigBox Image cache and see if that fixes it. If you are viewing BigBox in a view that utilizes Clear Logo's then it should work automatically.
  10. How so? You clicked the Images tab then the big + symbol, and the database refuses your images? Are they PNG's?
  11. I've used Dfend In the past, but that program is what made me find LaunchBox almost 3 years ago now. I honestly don't know if there is much benefit to running that parallel to LaunchBox. I guess if you don't know how to edit the DosBox.conf? If you wouldn't mind adding that as a BitBucket ticket by clicking the Issues/Requests link at the top of the forums, this way it can be tracked and implemented.
  12. No, but it has been requested on the BitBucket for a while.
  13. This type of customization has always been there; go to Tools -> Options, and on the left hand side of the options menu go to Game Details. You can edit and add most of the info here (I like showing the games file name for example, as it can help figure out duplication a lot easier without needing to leave LB). There is also a ton more customization if you have LaunchBox premium, like spacing, fonts, colors, and Image Priorities. If you need any more help then please let us know!
  14. If anyone else sees this in the future and needs a bit more help, or visual help:
  15. I only split systems that will require a different emulator because they don't play well in the Arcade platform (MAME). For example, Sega Model 3 games I believe aren't even in MAME Rom packs, so that certainly should be in it's own platform.
  16. What you want already exists actually. There isn't as much automation as you may be wanting, but it exists. With Custom Filters it's all possible, you can even mark a game broken when you edit it. Marking games with tags though is very awesome (I'm not sure the custom field panel would fit this as is) and being able to more easily mark games with the current check boxes should be two good upgrades to Custom Filters.
  17. I'm not 100% sure this will fix the problem, but we've since migrated over to a different XML structure. The reason I had you make a copy of your LB folder first, is just in case. We may need to fix your XML and then have you run the upgrade process; and of course! I love helping everyone out, so I hope we can get your issue resolved for you!
  18. Of course! If you need anymore help please feel free to ask!
  19. So I would make a backup of your LaunchBox folder (right click the LB folder, copy, and paste it in the same location so it will create a LaunchBox - Copy folder). Download the latest version of LaunchBox from the site and install it on top of your original LaunchBox install.
  20. Oh, one more quick thing, you can also highlight your game (or games) and go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Media. This will re-run just the download procedure for metadata and media so you can try to redownload everything if you'd like as well. Of the 3 options, I generally select the middle option so I am not re-downloading a ton of data, unless I want to try and make sure everything is up to date.
  21. If you have LaunchBox and EmuMovies, then when you import your games it does it all for you as long as you leave all of the check boxes checked. In almost every single Tutorial I go through the process of importing roms, there is the LaunchBox Games Database screen then the EmuMovies screen (I ignore Wikipedia now as it's commonly wrong or broken). At the bottom of the EmuMovies screen during import are check boxes for video. As long as it's all checked, everything possible gets downloaded. If this game doesn't have a video playing, then a video may not even exist for it; not every game will have a video. If it does, check ../LaunchBox/Videos/Sega Genesis/, and a video file should be in there. Try importing an entire set of games and let us know. The import bar at the bottom will tell you what it's downloading as it's happening and you'll commonly see that it will be downloading video if one is available and it's working correctly.
  22. Are you on the latest version of LaunchBox? If so, the LaunchBox.xml is no longer being used, the XML has since been split and put in to a new folder called Data. What version are you even on?
  23. So the videos can get downloaded from Within LaunchBox. To do this you do need LaunchBox Premium and EmuMovies Premium as well, either for a month or a life time. Your original screenshot is correct, it's just not populated with everything possible. I have every single image, video, song and manual downloaded for everything possible and I've worked on my library for a really long time. It's really easy to get to the point I have it at if you're ok spending money. Otherwise, you just put videos in the proper location (It works just like the Images folder, but for Video, so ../LaunchBox/Video/System name/<videos>), and you can get these from anywhere, but if you go the EmuMovies route integrated in to LaunchBox it is a lot easier. Lets take Arcade as an example, you can download the Progretto Video snap pack for completely free. You put those videos in ../LaunchBox/Video/Arcade/. All of the video files have the same exact name as the rom file, so you just drop it in, restart LaunchBox and you should be good to go. Videos, as well as other media, just needs to share the same name as the rom file or the game name inside of LaunchBox and you're golden.
  24. I have a game that I've been working on myself as well. I don't do nearly as much as Jason, but I still find it hard to find time to work on everything. It is indeed hard.
  25. If you imported your games and told it to import the iso files then it will load the iso files; LaunchBox only tells the program what to load unless you set up extra scripts or things like that.
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