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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. This is a slippery slope. A IndieGogo or GoFundMe Campaign is really possible, but this would be something we would want to handle instead of the community. While we appreciate the work and dedication for the art for example, this is magnitudes more important that Jason and I would need to directly control. If we implemented a vote system though where Free members get 2 votes and members who have Premium get 3 or something, then gave them a list of features to vote on so we could get an accurate representation would probably work best in the case. However, getting people to actively vote would be difficult. The problem with the BitBucket is you can vote as many times as you want, so for an accurate study votes per user would need to be limited. Past that, it's not just having a developer create code. It's really much more complicated than that. It would take them several hours or days (depending on their aptitude) to just get up to speed on the code, BEFORE they ever start creating any code. They wont want to do this for free, at least any developer worth their salt wouldn't. We would also need them to sign paper work, NDA's (a bit more severe, but potentially a truth), and go through a lot of training. Someone who is more familiar with LaunchBox could get up and running a lot faster, but the best person for the job is required and being familiar with LaunchBox doesn't automatically make you a good candidate. We've thought long and hard about it. I don't know if we would be comfortable letting the community run this one, as much as we love the dedication a lot of people bring with them.
  2. If you want to. the LaunchBox Games Database. I know users would appreciate it. http://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/ We have guidelines and everything: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/games-database-news-and-updates/moderator-guidelines#p15363 Users have been able to upload metadata and media to our Database for months now! If the game you want to add images to doesn't exist, you can add it. When you try and add it, it will look to see if the game exists for that platform already too. An easy check is if a game in LaunchBox doesn't have a blue link in the top right of the edit page. Also, please make sure that the images get uploaded to the proper categories so that they get downloaded properly. If a title image already exists for a game too and it's not in the right category, you can edit it to the proper category OR if the image you have is better quality you can replace it with your version. All submissions need to have a total of 3 approval votes over rejection votes too. So if you have 2 rejections but 3 approvals, the change wont be made public, you'd need 5 approvals at that point.
  3. You may need to check the box to use every available controller for this. I don't know if the functionality is included in the drivers, if InputMapper handles a chat pad or if a secondary driver is required for it to work.
  4. @Turi0n I don't know what to call your theme so I added it to the main post with a name I quickly came up with. If you have a name for it, let me know.
  5. Every theme should work. I use the Clean Hardware theme myself too and it's working just fine. Sorry for the obvious questions, but did you extract the Theme folder from the package and change the setting in BigBox? You may even need to restart BigBox.
  6. Microsoft did a lot of screwing around with their drivers recently and both us and RetroArch had to do a lot of patching and adding related to them. RetroArch 1.3.4 I believe was the first version they got those fixes implemented?
  7. Wow, thanks for sharing this! I know it's a lot of images, but have you thought about uploading some of these to games that are lacking in this category? Images are separated out a lot more now. While placing all screenshots in to the same folder works, you wouldn't be able to accurately use the Image Priorities system.
  8. Drybonz said Is there a way to start BigBox on your second monitor? If not, this would be a very helpful option to add. There is also software that can do this. Like Jason said, obviously want to create a way to do this without extra software, but I use DisplayFusion Pro. I actually talked about it in another thread where someone wanted to do the same thing and I detailed how to do it.
  9. No there isn't. You can enable the file name for the Game Details bar though so you can see the full file name in the right.
  10. There's gonna be a MAME update every month. The Sony boot up screen is related to BIOS. If there are BIOS Screen options then you can turn this off or on. So there might be something in the command line parameters that messes this up. ePSXe for example, needs -nogui for sure in order to load properly within LB and BB. Have you tried mednafen PS1 on RetroArch?
  11. It's not the only option, but it's one of the better options.
  12. Yea I bought more than I should have. X_X Wish I had more money for things. Need a new hard drive, phone, car. Money... xD https://i.imgur.com/iLdSalL.png
  13. Having to edit each game is why I just replaced the .74 install with Daum instead. We do want to implement something to make it easier to replace DOSBox with your own version, but varying command line parameters and way it handles mounting things like discs and other changes make it difficult. Vanilla DOSBox is languishing though, so we might even find a fork to start using instead like -x.
  14. I need to re-import my MAME system since there was an update Wednesday, but I will see if it's working for me. I have everything still set up the way I did it for the Controller Automation tutorial that goes up in about 50 min.
  15. It should work just fine this way. You might as well leave LaunchBox and the images on the same drive, I assume the SSD. These are the things that are most used. Games and emulators work on a different drive. That's how I have mine setup, except not an SSD. I have LaunchBox and all my media on an internal hard drive (SATA3) and my games and emulators on a USB3 external. I would love to move my LB install to an SSD though. Besides not enough space on the drive, everything works great. Working on getting a big internal drive to move all my games and emulators to. I never let LaunchBox move my games. Since you already have all your stuff scraped mostly, just delete the games from within LaunchBox (backup your XML just in case), move everything to the folders you'd want them set up under then re-import all your games and uncheck all of the media check boxes during import. The systems should import extremely fast. I would say use Notepad++ to edit the paths, but if you have multiple systems, and the game root folders and drives are changing I would just re-import as it will be the easiest way. Don't clean your images with the option in Tools while the games are removed or the images will go poof too. Then just fix the paths to your emulators. Don't remove them or you'll have to setup commands and associated platforms all over again.
  16. You'd use Visual Studio, download it from the MS site.
  17. RetroArch isn't generally the best for MAME, but it should be fine as it's getting updates more frequently for MAME. The games can be in any directory, shouldn't need to specify anything in RA for MAME specifically. I know the tutorial I created mainly dealt with regular MAME, but I recall showing off RA. As long as you got a 174 or 175 pack, import them in to LB with the MAME Importer. Should honestly work. RetroArch crashing like that generally means a BIOS issue.
  18. XP was drug along because of corporations. Some stayed in DOS (sadly), some stayed in XP, some use Windows 7, some use 8 and some use 10, depending on the job needed. Let's take my local game store for example. He upgraded his 7 machine to 10 and he said it ran a hell of a lot better, but his PoS (Point of Sale) software wasn't patched for 10 yet and they were taking their sweet time, so he had to go back to 7 for a while. Walmart's self check out machines use Windows XP (I used to work self check, and they would crash a lot). Walmart's Jewelry registers still run fucking DOS. Some business switched over to proprietary or upgrade slowly because it costs them a shit ton of money.
  19. Yea it would probably need to be customized for everything, and there is a lot of stuff. Something like xpadder only works globally because it's emulating a keyboard. Once you specify applications it can then load based on what you just launched. Tapping in to the code for each emulator would actually be pretty much impossible. Jason would have to learn the code of each specific emulator. RetroArch easily gets away with this because it's ported each of the systems it can run to the same code base. It can adapt easily to each situation. Once you step outside of RetroArch though that would require an interpreter. That could also potentially add in some input lag because instead of just pressing the button and immediately sending the proper code to make Mario jump it has to first pass through an interpreter so that it could then run. That's part of why Java is so poor in performance, it's designed to run on everything and not specialized for anything really. It could certainly be done, but it is way out of our scope or time. Also, congratulations on 2k posts Derek!
  20. Sweet, thank you @imdavid555. A new Demo is probably a really good idea actually. These are more basic though and less tutorialy, but the two can compliment each other nicely. ScummVM! Yes. That is a system tutorial I've been wanting to do for months. Jason asked me to wait on it *cough cough!* but I think sooner rather than later (unless the change happens next week) I am just gonna have to do the tutorial, then make an update video to it. So that might be next weeks. That is easily one the most requested left that I haven't done. AHK is a great idea, but I am not a coder. I will look for some good scripts, but if someone can find good ones for Windows and DOSBox functionality, or can create some I will certainly show them off and explain AHK more. I do have a plan to cover Overlay's in RetroArch which will cover quite a bit. I admit though that MAME emulation was previously behind, but it seems to be getting semi-regular updates, so I will probably end up doing both. I don't know if it will be a combined tutorial, but it seems like it could be.
  21. We'll have Windows 11 by that point.
  22. This is more powerful then mapping Esc to a button. AHK works on almost everything. It still works here, just ePSXe has this dialogue. In the most recent version of ePSXe, in the options you can disable this. You should also be able to press your button combination again to then close this dialogue box.
  23. I did just replace the DOSBox folder. Keep the folder name the same, and drop in DOSBox Daum. Backup the DOSBox .74 exe and rename Daum's x64 or x86 (depending on your system) exe to the dosbox .74 exe you backed up. Should be good to go. The conf is a bit tricky, but if you set the settings in Daum then specify to save it in the LB directory or the default directory (which might be in the documents folder... I can't recall) you just edit that config file from there on out. I wanted to use DOSBox-x. Superior to Daum, being updated regularly, but I had a lot of issues getting it to work. Also, some of the installing commands don't seem to work the same in Daum or x, so if we did implement using alternate versions of LaunchBox then the install process would probably break. So chances are, the best case scenario is "Choose your preferred DOSBox flavor!" with a drop down menu or something, then it sets the right commands and takes you to the download page.
  24. You don't need our permission, if you'd like to go ahead and create them, then please!
  25. spektor56 said It makes no sense to upload videos to the HS site when they are not for use with HS anyway (they can just use the theme zip). We should just use the themes directly in bigbox, skip the whole video shenanigans. Its not too much work to make them work in BB. These could be re-created in the ZAML, but that would take a seriously talented coder and themer to do. Past that, making existing Hyperspin themes work in BigBox IS a lot of work, and after we would do it HS would be right back in this same spot, mad at someone and we would be right back where we started, if not more angry. To make these work, this was the best possible chance and it fell through. Now, we hope someone that wants to create themes in XAML turns up and wants to create some badassery. XAML can certainly pull off very complicated and awesome themes, it will just take some time.
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