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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I'm sure they have a plethora of great content we could use, and maybe we will add them, but currently we're not actively seeking out more database partners.
  2. You explained yourself well, Derek and I understood. Media can be in the name of the rom file incase you get media with a rom pack for example, but usually the media matches the game name in LaunchBox. As long as that is the same name and you downloaded art for it from the Database, LaunchBox will automatically assign the media to the same game in that system. When you remove it from one game to fix it though, it doesn't de-associate it from the other game. At least it shouldn't, and it hasn't for me in the past but that could have changed. Restarting LaunchBox would most likely fix that though.
  3. keltoigael said This is going to be goodddddd Eventually. :P I figured this would take some time to take off, unlike the sound thread I created. I almost instantly got submissions for that. :P
  4. Yea that would be my guess to, some check. Nothing to specifically worry about I guess.
  5. Our stance used to be, certainly, add as many as we can. Since we tried working with MobyGames it's been taking forever with little to no progress on that front. I would never say never that we wouldn't offer more repository inclusions in to LaunchBox if they have an API, but with our Database we do expect this information to grow. I have a feeling Xbox might lack for us due to complete lack of emulation.
  6. There isn't as much 3D art as 2D, and we are working on a system for users to do this. In the mean time you can put your 3D art in your Box Front folder, just make sure to back it up before hand so only the 3D art is in there, or unless you want to mix and match. The art just needs to be the same name as the rom file or game. If you downloaded the art from us, it should already be in that format.
  7. Unfortunetly I've come to learn it's a lot harder than it seems.
  8. Our concurrent connection is having a hard time keeping up with the demand. We've already scheduled a server update to hopefully help this, but our servers are in the United States, so there will inherently be a bit of lag even with the upgrade. Currently, those 3 fields can not be added to on the database either. They'll be opened up at some point though.
  9. Gius3ppe said Hi, This happened to me because of : - wrong BIOS files and wrong BIOS path - wrong games structure : some of my games (in 7z archives) are composed by multiples .bin files (audio tracks) and these ones don't starts in Launchbox. Games with one .cue file and .bin file are OK. So I have converted my games with multiples files in 2 files and now I have no probleme with it. To do conversion : mount the cue file (of a multiples files archive game) in Daemon Tool and Create a new image of the game mounted with ImgBurn !!! A new game with only 1 cue and 1bin is created ! Hope this help RetroArch only likes mp3 files if I recall.
  10. When the art gets downloaded the media gets renamed to the name of the rom. It's designed so that if you have external media (anything) that all it needs to easily work is be named after the rom file or game name and LaunchBox will automatically detect it. If you are playing around with the names it's hard for LaunchBox to assume what the name will be. If you change the game name then you can just download the art for it again, and use the clean up that you found later. It only downloads one set per name, so if you have the same game twice in the same platform, the same front box art will be used to help save space. We might be able to handle this better, but I am unsure how.
  11. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/commodore-amiga-and-how-to-emulate-it#p16552
  12. SentaiBrad


    https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/emulation/commodore-amiga-and-how-to-emulate-it#p16552 Don't forget to search.
  13. Yea right now it is in Beta, but if you are so inclined you can mess around as much as you want. This is one of those things that is very long term and not something that will be easily completed. We will of course attempt to make it more user friendly, but for now this is the state the theming engine has to be in.
  14. Welcome! Pressing that red x shouldn't delete the image actually, so that might be a bug. Sequels getting caught by the scraper is known, and the scraper is already fairly strict, but it's a fine line. If it's too strict, slight variations may make it so a lot of games aren't found at all, and too much more relaxed and the issues might get worse. There still might be more we can do in this regard though, so we'll take a look at it. Letting LaunchBox change the name of the rom files sounds like a great idea, but that might annoy people more than anything. It also wouldn't work for systems like Arcade (MAME) that require the file names to be in a very specific format. In terms of fixing a game's metadata, you can right click and edit a game, change it's name back, deassociated it with the LaunchBox Games ID (or Wikipedia ID) that it's associted with, click the search box and select the proper game. Once selected, press the red x for the images to clear them out (doesn't delete them for me) then press the download images button to download the new images for the game. Choose what you want to download and click download. Press ok to save all the changes. Automatically figuring out what is mis-matched is a lot harder than it seems unfortunetly. Im not saying it can't be done, it most probably can be, but if we add more logic to our importer it can severely slow things down. Especially for users on weaker systems. Also keep in mind we have 1 developer mainly doing all of this. So maybe I am confused about what you're asking, but most of this is already present if not all (except for checking for duplicates).
  15. If we included the internal WHDLoad name on the Database, it wouldn't work as not every game exists on the Database. Using the internal database naming, if it converts it internally like MAME does, will work and we could more easily implement something like that.
  16. Some changing can be done under Tools -> Options -> Game Details. I am unsure how they could re-order some things, unless I just forgot.
  17. I'm not, they really wanted to listen to their fans. A late game is better than a bad game.
  18. emko said How does the image grabing system work? for example i have MAME game Air Gallet selected then i go to download metadata and images wizard On the Would you like to downloads images for your games page Is this combining emu movies with launchbox db? If i select Fanart - Background then on the next page Emumovies i select Background i end up with 2 exact same fanart images and i checked the launchbox DB we have no fanart for this game so is the first page a combination of both emumovie and launchbox and its just downloading 2 exact same files twice? Thanks Edit: NVM its not combined but for some reason EMUmovies downloads two same images for backgrounds any way to see whats on emumovies database? maybe this is a bug with Launchbox just tested out emumovies sync app and it only downloads one background We are gonna update what we grab from the EmuMovies API as Circo, the admin on EmuMovies, was giving us feedback for the API so we're gonna implement a few changes. You can go to their site and see what they have or use the sync app like you found out already. :P
  19. If anyone hasn't seen the new trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rPxiXXxftE Legend of Zelda is my favorite series of all time, instant pre-order. I am waiting to see word on the NX and it's version for the NX, because NX may become a day one purchase with Zelda as well. This looks great though, I get Skyrim vibes from it, which makes a bit of sense since they said they were taking a look at more western RPG's for influence. I love my linear Zelda's, but I also love the more open Zelda's. Everyone wanted something new and more open from Zelda like the older ones, and they seem to be delivering.
  20. I'll let Jason know so we can tweak it a bit, though I could have sworn we did previously. Thanks for letting me know.
  21. kerszr said We should totally sticky a theme building thread on here to share ideas and build off eachother @sentaibrad @jasoncarr. @vikings ideas are pretty sweet it would be cool what we could build together as a community. I already did. ;)
  22. If anyone does end up creating themes, I created a post for everyone to share them in: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/collections/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes
  23. No, but it should still be found regardless. The scraper knows to try and conver "-" to the special desired character. If there is nothing at all there, then it should still work as well. The Scraper is less strict around special characters (or should be) then it is for words. Is the scraper not picking something up for you?
  24. Create your own thread for your theme and I will add it to the list of themes! If you've been playing around with the new themeing engine in LaunchBox Beta for BigBox, then share your creations here for everyone to see! If you would be so kind to use a friendly upload service, that would be great. A short list of providers we like are Mediafire, Mega, Google Drive and Dropbox. Just post your link in a reply with a small description! BigBox User Sound Pack Mega-Thread! Clean Console Design by @niglurion https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/big-box-custom-themes/cleanhardware#p20479 Giant Video BigBox Wheel View by @CriticalCid https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/collections/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes#p19980 Sega TV Theme and Nintendo TV Theme by @Awaken Jenova https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/collections/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes/page-2#p20150 Metroid Theme by @Awaken Jenova https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/collections/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes/page-3#p20163 Oldskool Polaroid by @Frakatchoo https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/big-box-custom-themes/oldskool-polaroid-banners-optimized-1080p-backgrounds-more#p20644 SNES Theme by @nmc https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/big-box-custom-themes/theme-snes#p20772 Simple and Clean (not Kingdom Hearts related!) by @Turi0n https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/big-box-custom-themes/bigbox-user-create-theme-mega-thread-share-your-custom-made-themes/page-5#p20997
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