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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Once it's moved you can rename the "emulation" folder if you want to and just find "F:\emulation\" and rename that to the folder you named it.
  2. So you had roms in with LaunchBox, so it is using relative paths. So what we need to do is keep the "emulation" folder the same. move the Emulation folder to your new drive. Find "..\..\..\" and replace it with your new drive letter, for example, "F:\". Then start up LB and see if that worked.
  3. SentaiBrad

    Raspberry Pi 2

    I think I am going towards a Pyra or a GPD Win. Difference is, Pyra is Linux and GPD Win is W10. The GPD Win, in theory, is powerful enough to run LaunchBox actually. Otherwise we want to throw a Pi 3 in to an R2D2 shell we have, or build a custom set tablet with a board like this: http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G143452239825&tab_idx=1. It's just a dream anyways. :P
  4. I wouldn't suggest rolling back, things could break. As for the problem, you're the first to report something like this so I am inclined to believe it's not a bug. However this is obviously not the intended result. What system are you launching? Is it all of them or just one emulator?
  5. LaunchBox.xml. This is your main XML. Make sure to make a backup. To make it simple, if all that is changing is the drive letter only replace the drive letter. So for example say you have a file path of D:\Emulators\\ etc. Only search for D:\ and replace it with your new drive letter, say F:\. Just move your "Emulators" folder or what ever it is called for the easiest move possible.
  6. Instead of Drag and Drop the method I use is relatively the same. Go in to the Rom importer and choose Add Files. Then navigate to your Dreamcast Root folder and type in to the Windows Search function in the top right. "*.gdi" They should return the same results except that " " looks for exact values. It's good to use " " when file names could accidentally contain parts of what you are searching. More prevalent when you want to filter out, say, European games from your collection.
  7. Alt + F4 is the only other option really. You just gotta be careful. Unless the emulator has some commands you can give it through a macro key, then you could use that.
  8. http://file-folder-ren.sourceforge.net/ I use this myself. At the top next to Browse and Ok is a box. Put the Root game path in here. Then below that are some small check boxes. Check "Walk" so that it scans sub folders too. Once you check "Walk" click ok. At the top click the main tab. Click the Search box. Where it says "Text (Blank for all)" type in ".iso". Since you are trying to remove it leave the "Replace with" box empty. If you wanted to replace .iso with something else then you would otherwise type it here. Then click Go at the bottom.
  9. SentaiBrad

    Raspberry Pi 2

    DOS76 said Yeah that makes sense I actually saw it called that in an article I read about the PI 3 and its disturbing heat issues. You can get heat sinks for them and cases with fans.
  10. SentaiBrad

    Raspberry Pi 2

    No, the Pi 3 isn't powerful enough either for the entire Package. You gotta remember that the issues that we're present previous are only fixed because of slightly more CPU but it is still all predicated on Linux. Windows is still a disaster on Pi 3, still not enough RAM. The Raspberry Pi 3 will need at least 2-3GB of RAM to run a very light version of Windows 10, maybe at 2 or 3 their special version will run well. For the Pi 2 and 3 it runs very poorly, thus LaunchBox would be even worse. I would love it to work with the Pi. If you had a super super small library then setting LaunchBox to use 0 extra RAM for caching might work. It would still be slow and what's the point with minimal games. A medium to large library feasibly requires more then the min. that is set currently, 1GB+ of extra RAM is preferable. There are CoC's that achieve really great power and are about double the size of a Pi. 8 core, 64bit and 3GB of ram at under $100. I was debating making tablets with them, still not a Windows anything with LaunchBox on top.
  11. Yea, I think we get some of the extra images but they don't go in their own folder. Being in their own folder would probably make sense. No reason not to get the images other than the 1GB daily limit. We get more tickets and e-mails then you would probably imagine... actually you probably could since you work at EmuMovies, about not getting all of the images or "LaunchBox is broken because of this EmuMovies error". Even if we handled that error better we'd still probably get a ton. Our average user is also probably not going to purchase an EmuMovies account regardless of if we think they should. That could be my only guess as to why they're not all downloaded globally. Same concern I had with the extra video. Thank you for the compliments on the channel. We both greatly appreciate it. We love that our hard work is being enjoyed. There is nothing better... except for maybe giving life.
  12. So the last one (zipped archives) has been talked about a lot. It is on the list, however I don't believe it to be priority. My personal opinion is that it is a waste, but I do conceit that others use it and like it. At the very least, I want it in so there is less of a need for RocketLauncher, I don't think that we need to add a second layer on top of everything. LaunchBox isn't inherently designed this way, but of course it can pretty much work with anything... that's the point of the ease of use. I've gone over that before though... so I'm not going to go in to it again. As far as the different types of media, we do grab everything as far as I can tell...? At least in terms of images. Where they are sorted, how they are used might not be so easily discernible but I was confident we got the most pertinent and then some. Of course you guys are evolving a lot, and we can easily miss something. Intro video's is new to me, but that would be an awesome feature for BigBox if the user elected to use it. There might need to be a button to say "download all", or even 1 by 1. Though if that conflicts with the 1GB a day limit (I assume it does) the 1 by 1 option might be best. Get the ones you want the most then work on the rest later. Theme options in BigBox is not a new idea, but the rearranging items is. However, I am unsure how much bloat something like that could cause, so I can see BigBox getting similar treatment like LB already does with some of it's look and spacing options. Of course, I could be wrong, but the idea does very much intrigue me. I never say never, but an integrated PDF or CBZ reader seems... redundant? We could easily advertise links for Foxit and ComicRack, but I am unsure if it would be worth the time to develop? I again could also be wrong in this, but since we do utilize what ever the user already has set-up why integrate it? The only case use I could easily see is BigBox and using it with a Controller... but that could easily get cumbersome then there is switching back and forth with a controller... yea. I am glad you are loving LaunchBox. He does put a lot of time in to this, and now so do I. It is what we love. The forums are great to discuss these things, but the BitBucket tracker is the best way to get features implemented and bugs fixed. At the top click "Send Feedback". That'll take you to the page. You can search for anything or add what ever you don't find. For example Archive and compression support has been requested and Is on BitBucket, so you can vote for it. I don't think Integrated PDF's or BigBox theme's are though. I do appreciate the time you put in to your post. It is amazing the fan's and user's we get. You also clearly know your way around, but if you need to we do have our YouTube channel with Tutorials and some Entertainment type stuff. You can get there by the link in my signature. If you have any more questions, PLEASE keep asking.
  13. Which is why it was taking me forever. xD
  14. You found what I was looking for. >.>
  15. It could work flawlessly on another PC though, so test it on the machine you want to use.
  16. CADScott said This sounds fantastic @Antropus, I have one request, would it be possible to have the images and movies import into another location of our choosing other than the default one inside the LaunchBox directory? I keep all my media in a different structure to the LaunchBox default setup. But then it wouldn't work in LaunchBox unless you did a ton of symbolic linking... and even then, more than likely not.
  17. Well I don't think it's all that bad, especially since file name's are now in the side bar, but it can have it's uses.
  18. So I had this audio issue in the past, but with every bit of audio coming out of my system, when LaunchBox was open. It took Jason and myself a long time but we figured out it was the Gamepad option in the options menu. Once I unchecked "use a gamepad" in the options menu, the crackling audio immediately stopped. That may not work for you, but that is my "give it a try" answer.
  19. Well it wouldn't be the default action, it would be something along the lines of "Delete and Remove Files" or something like that.
  20. The codes are generated once, and yes the codes will probably never overlap. However, if you gave two different games the same identifier in the XML that would not work. LaunchBox wouldn't handle that. So is there a way for your generated codes to double check the LaunchBox XML and make sure nothing is redundant?
  21. So this has been talked about a lot and is already a ticket in BitBucket. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/101/add-option-to-delete-game-file-s-when Create tickets or search for them so you can vote up these features. Best chance it has. Also, I edited your title so that you're not "begging" and so it isn't in all caps.
  22. - Generates unique IDs for games and unique IDs for emulators, mimicking what Jason already does with LaunchBox Unique with a redundancy to check for previously used codes?
  23. For the record, for now, we only provide the image so that everyone can get the image EMBROIDERED. If you want just a regular shirt with the logo, use the shop. If you want something a bit different ask Jason and myself and we can talk about creating a variant for purchase.
  24. Yes it is. It is the exact image we used on SpreadShirt. It just won't display the text right in that preview window because the preview window uses a black background. When you open the image it should be just fine.
  25. CADScott said I have been experimenting with using the Dualshock 4 controller for the last week or so, and have had nothing but problems with it. I am running Windows 10 with the controller plugged into USB, and cannot get the controller to stay in exclusive mode for any length of time. It always seems to disconnect and reconnect, and change out exclusive mode when it does, which then adds a second controller to windows and stuffs up retroarch. I have tried InputMapper and DS4Windows, and the issue is there with both. I can get the controller to connect with bluetooth, but the latency was very high as soon as I started playing any game, and the input lag would be awful! Might have to just switch back to the wireless 360 controller, which I have never had any issues with connecting. I had this problem, but eventually it started going back in to exclusive mode. My fix, which is bullshit to have to do, was Close Steam, have InputMapper open, plug in my controller. Then I would wait for it to say it's not in exclusive mode, open up Task Manager and end explorer.exe. Unplug my controller, wait for it stop retrying, then plug the controller back in. Sometimes I would have to leave it unplugged, turn back on explorer and close it again, then plug back in the controller for it to work. It would always go back to exclusive mode on the 2nd attempt though, sometimes the 1st. Though I admit, that is BS. I don't have an alternate controller other than PS3 and 360, both of which are completely inferior though.
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