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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Sorry if these seems like a dumb question, but do you have Audio Drivers installed? What are you trying to use to play audio? Are they speakers, headphones etc. My feeling is that some Windows Audio settings are set incorrectly, but are you getting sound from anything else? Edit: Well I guess too another question would be do you have 4 audio files in your Sounds folder in your root LaunchBox install? That is another possibility.
  2. For the video not playing right, yes. Otherwise video doesn't get downloaded through the Wizard as far as I can tell.
  3. Except not that everyone has a No-Intro Pack. Most people just get the games they want, though I personally love the No-Intro Packs. Full packs are BS xD. Also, those packs from their FTP require EmuMovies Premium don't they?
  4. Yes it can because I've gotten manuals and music. If you're not getting them then they may not exist. In my entire NES Library I only got 7 manuals out of hundreds of games for example.
  5. Merry Christmas Clive! So the forums will stay at what it is, a place to discuss things. The Features section can still have threads related to current features or discuss new features in depth. The BitBucket page is to just keep track of everything, however "add feature a" isn't necessarily descriptive or even helpful. The forums can be to discuss features that are in the BitBucket, discuss new ones before adding them etc. The BitBucket link is being pushed because its new, and not a lot of people even know about it. It's there just so Jason doesn't have to take time to add everything. It still needs to be pruned every once in a while but this is a much easier task and most users can search keywords before adding this. Though... lets be honest, a lot of users wont. ;) As per format, the forums don't really have many rules other than don't be a complete and utter dick, don't be racist etc etc. I don't know how it will be handled, but I think something similar to what you propose is a very good idea. It's just getting people to know about the rule, know about BitBucket and then follow it. I think the Report Issue / Feedback button needs to be renamed, though most people probably ignore it as is. It's.... stupidly tricky. I like being able to have a discussion about anything, including a discussion on having discussions. xD I think that is a very good thing that is fostered on these forums and I still think that even though I get, lets face it, jerks. Sometimes people don't want to hear a truth, don't want to see another way other thinking (not that anyone here forces their way on to someone else) or simply be told no because they feel some sort of ownership and entitlement. So yea, the current sub sections of the forums still have meaning, all of them. They just need to evolve like the team behind this software evolves and like the software its self evolves.
  6. Higan isn't needed though, RetroArch covers Super Nintendo more aptly then higan does. Not to mention between Zsnes, Bsnes (which is Higan) and Snes9X it's not like there isn't sufficient coverage for the platform. The bsnes Balanced core in RetroArch perfectly emulates everything except for 1 game which requires the Accuracy core. If higan was the only decent emulator out there I would agree that this could be useful, but the time it will take away from other things is honestly not worth it. Not to mention it would be harder to make the roms match the Higan libraries as there is no standard for naming.
  7. You need to enable Beta Updates for right now. It's still being tested for full release for 5.6.
  8. On the left click a platform. At the top Tools -> Download Images and Metadata. The last screen should be EmuMovies. Make sure you uncheck Box and Back Box here for compatibility. Edit: Oh, when you click a system on the left you gotta Ctrl + A to select all the items then do the above. xD
  9. I personally keep up with the nightly and I've never had to revert back to an older version after upgrading. I do know the save config difference between the two version, i am unsure about anything else. If you don't know how to carry over your settings to a new install you can take a look at the tutorial on our YouTube. If you already know how you don't have to watch it, but just in case. :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otnJNjiu7RA
  10. Are you on the latest RA revision? https://i.imgur.com/gKWBEz9.png
  11. It depends, is it loading the correct core? Did you change it in LaunchBox and if not do you have the core LB is looking for in your cores folder? Is it the right file extension for the SNES core? You've gotta give us more to go on to help you further.
  12. Yes, but its funny that this is like the 5th thread today. xD Also, Jason no you?
  13. No clue, I don't use the filters. I wanted a x2 to x5 option without distorting our rounding pixel edges and I thought Filters would do it, but I found the Pixellate Shader instead which works wonders so I just never touched the filters since.
  14. I like how we just keep hijacking threads at this point. xD We really need an IRC or a Live Chat for the regulars. xD
  15. I got crashes when trying to change certain filters too. Change them before you load a game, so in the case of LB, you'll need a custom config for that core, load the core select the filter, save the config then either load a game or relaunch in LB.
  16. You don't have to, I just told you how to use a backup XML file. Use a backup first that way you don't throw away all your work from before the problem started.
  17. If nothing came up in GamesDB that could mean the game doesn't exist in their Database. If there was an Error for the GamesDB, instead of the name [GamesDB] Popping up it would be [Error]. Again, the problem you are running in to is normal, all LaunchBox is telling you is that there was an error when scraping and importing, would you like to still add your games to your library. Tell it yes. Some games may be missing images or metadata, so you'll either need to update that System selecting it on the left, going to Tools -> Download Metadata and Images or by updating them 1 by 1.
  18. Follow my previous post first before trying to add more.
  19. The most likely error when importing is that some of the entries didn't scan properly. Telling LaunchBox to go ahead and import anyways is usually fine, you would just need to scan for Metadata again. That said, close down LaunchBox completely, re-open and see if it scans again. If you did that already close LaunchBox again and in your LB folder create a backup of your current LaunchBox.xml file. In there is also a 'backups' folder. In the backup folder sort it by Date Modified and try replacing your current LB XML with one of the backups, preferably one from before you started importing Master System games.
  20. So I decided to check this for you even though I thought the video was explanatory... I downloaded Today's build (12-21-15) and made a copy of my current RA LaunchBox Build (12-10-15). Under the first tab is an Information selection, and under System Info it gives you your current build information. The Build Dates were correct on each version and the git version was different. I ran the online updater and updated everything but cores, checked the Build Info tab and nothing changed from previous. So running the online updater updates certain things that can be updated in this fashion, but a hard update downloaded from the site is still a good thing to do every so often.
  21. Steam (for steam games) and Wikipedia as well. No, there is no way to add more sources, they need to be coded in to LaunchBox and if there is no API available it will most likely not make it in.
  22. I don't have the money to buy the External Drive Bay I want, let alone drives to fill it with (I might take the externals I have now to save on space, + one of the cases is super old and broken) but then I also don't have the money to buy duplicate sized drives to then back everything up. xD
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