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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. What kind of GPU and how much RAM do you have? If you are using RetroArch x64 that means it is flagged to use up to 3 or 4GB of RAM. If you are at 4 or 6GB there might not be enough wiggle room. As well, if your GPU is a bit older as well that could effect the frame rate. A quick look up after my last paragraph reveals a lot about the two emulators actually. SSF is closed source which is why its a bitch to deal with. Only the main developer(s) can do anything to the emulator and who knows if they're even still developing it. Yabuse however is open source, which is why it is included with RA to begin with and can be edited or added to over time, and quicker more than likely. However, it does seem (at least at the time of this information's post date that I found) SSF is technically more superior to Yabuse. I don't know the rate of development for them though and the sad truth is the Sega Saturn is not a sought after console to emulate so it gets left behind sometimes. The complexity of the console can also be at fault sometimes too. An inverse example is the Wii. It was so like the Gamecube (pretty much two gamecubes stacked on top and plugged in to each other) that it was super easy to emulate and folded in to Dolphin right away.
  2. I don't know why as I don't use the PPSSPP core, however you can create a custom cfg file for the PSP Core, so when you load it in LaunchBox is also loads a specialized cfg file for it. This way, if it does funny things it does it only to its self and not every core. You'll need to use the name of the cfg file the Core creates but I just told someone how to do this method here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/using-daemon-tools-through-launchbox/page-2#p8834 Load RetroArch, load the PSP core and in the first Tab of RetroArch near the bottom should be a "save new config file" option. Do this and above these options the name of the loaded cfg will change from retroarch.cfg to this one. Take that name and apply it to my instruction on that thread.
  3. Currently we use TheGamesDB, Wikipedia, Steam and EmuMovie API's. Something similar in function to them would probably do just fine. Anything that lets us cleanly access Metadata, Images and anything else relevant on a games page. The other key component however is the API not breaking after the site gets updated. I know of other front ends who's importers break from time to time. I don't know if they're using an outdated API (if one even exists) or they're kind of forcing their way in, but we always guessed it was the former and a simple update to the site could break their importers.
  4. Honestly, the RA core doesn't require mounting. This seems like a waaaaay easier method.
  5. The custom config loading is easy. Edit RetroArch under Manage Emulators and go to Associated Platforms. Super Nintendo (SNES) -L "cores\bsnes_balanced_libretro" -c "config\RetroArch-1220-194545.cfg" This is what my SNES line looks like. After the " -c denotes loading a config then the line after tells what config to load. The default location is the config folder that RA saves the configs in. If it is in its default location you can use "config\xxxxxxx.cfg". If it is in a different folder in your RA root folder then you'd change the config name to what ever else it is. Conversely you can also use a full path instead of a relative path. Using the method above you wont need to change anything if you move your RetroArch folder (except for its location in LB). You can still use for example -c D:\Emulators\RetroArch\Config\xxxxx.cfg and you don't need " " for it. But if you use the full path and you change the location of RA you need to edit this line, so I do suggest the relative path like the first one.
  6. Updating RetroArch from the Online updater is not a full update, you have to download RA from the site to do a full upgrade. The Emulator Name does not change. When you edit RetroArch there is a tab called Associated Platforms, this is where LaunchBox and RA communicate. LaunchBox sends command line commands to RA to load the right Core when you launch a specific system. In here is a list of Console, you can add and remove them or change their names. You can also change what core it is using by changing the core .dll name. The Console names here need to match the console names in the left pane of LaunchBox. As far as the Tutorial goes, I thought it was straight forward honestly. I separated the two for a reason. All of those folders have things you can carry over, but the first set can also be downloaded from the Online Updater. The second set can not. Systems folder houses Saves and BIOS which are required for some platforms. The Config folder will house system specific configs if you start creating them for some cores, which I do for shaders and control schemes (I have a USB N64 controller for example). Your RetroArch.cfg file houses all of the settings you've changed around or edited. None of these can be 'downloaded'; they're either created when LB runs and are default with no changes or need to be completely supplied by the users. All of the files I listed can be copied over, but if someone were to ignore or miss the first part I made it a point to say "Hey, this is the most important part." I'm not getting GBA to work either with mGBA right now either... but everything else works. I'll work on it more in a bit.
  7. Huh... really? That... is odd. I've updated through dozens of nightlies with it working every step of the way. If you edit your emulators and open the RetroArch edit, you associated the right cores to the right system correct? This is in Associated Platforms and it is worth noting that the name in Associated Platforms needs to match the name you used to import your games. So on the left if it says Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which is default, RA's associated platform needs to say Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). For everyone who comes across this, I d also recommend to name your platforms to the defaults. They were chosen as the default on purpose, and that's because that is what most scrapers use. For example, I fight TheGamesDB constantly renaming my MS-DOS games to PC because they don't have a damn MS-DOS section. Grab a new nightly and see if it will load just fine without an upgrade. 1.3 does have some changes and updates though and that could be considered worth it but as long as your cores are updated you have half of the puzzle. Updating RA can help performance though which is why I do recommend upgrades every so often.
  8. Yea, PC Parts Picker will try its best to tell you about compatibility between hardware, like if you have the wrong type or too powerful of RAM, and it will tell you a guesstimate on the PSU you'll need based on that hardware. Obviously you'll need to scale because its only seeing whats in that list.
  9. Right, my suggestions is to spend a bit on the latest boards for room to grow, but I am unsure how much the OP is willing to spend. Looking at the price in the link I tried to keep it low. I also didn't go fantastic part scouring for best price to power ratio. That /can/ take several days. :P
  10. Well I went to PCPartsPicker and built out a machine in there for you and it shows the price break down. I didn't go super crazy with the parts however. I went with 8GB of 1866 RAM (which I think is the max speed of that board...?) but its DDR3 RAM not DDR4 RAM because the motherboard is DDR3 (DDR4 is still pricey). As for the CPU its an LGA 1150 Socket motherboard instead of the LGA 1151 Sockets. Again, this will require you to buy the more expensive CPU just like the more expensive Motherboards. The prices on this tier (DDR4 RAM, LGA 1151) motherboard are coming down, but can still be up there. I also didn't pick out an ATX Full Tower, which are big. I went with a Mid ATX tower, modest PSU (but at least Gold rating) and I didn't go SSD for the storage or with an operating system. I went with what will be a good machine for even a lot of modern games. Though I would severely suggest doubling that RAM to 2x http://pcpartpicker.com/p/VdMZhM
  11. Honestly, nothing lower than a 2.8Ghz i5 or i7, 6-8GB of RAM and a GTX 700-900 series. That will be a really decent starting off point. If you splurge on any part get a kick ass Motherboard. Make sure it has wings to upgrade with. My Motherboard is old, but the cpu in it was the max that motherboard could do for its chipset when I bought it... I've since put in max speed RAM (12GB) and a GTX 970 but my CPU is lacking and there is not a damn thing I can do about it other than buy a new motherboard, and at that point you might as well build a new PC honestly. :P
  12. No, I personally would suggest against this. BigBox may run... but that CPU is abysmal in today's standard, but this PC is also not meant for what you're looking for. The ceiling for this machine would MAYBE be PS1 / N64 / GBA games too. If you are thinking price consciously, thinking under $400 this PC would get you to the ball game way better. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883798486 Edit: And do note, this is without a GPU too, just integrated graphics.
  13. You know what WONT change your language to Russian, log you in to someone else's account and display all their sensitive purchase history, credit card, paypal and financial information to you then freak out and turn the whole system off attempting to mask that this is NOT a new feature of Steam.... LaunchBox Premium.
  14. Use a different emulator. Zsnes is fairly inaccurate at this point. Bsnes Balanced, either Standalone or in RetroArch (and I suggest RetroArch) is the way to go. I would normally help you fix the problem, but it would be a lot of work for honestly an out of date emulator, and I used to use Zsnes a lot.
  15. I thought that this was only the case for scraping.. hence my reaction was to Libraries. I thought this too but then told my self "no dummy, only for scraping" ... shows how much I know. Did i mention im tired...
  16. My first instinct, never use Libraries, they are destructive and problematic. This being one of the potential problems. If those are all from a different location then you need to specify multiple locations. I am just going off what I see though. Go to where your games are actually on your drive, not in a library.
  17. numbnuts said Needed a reason to get back into emulation and Launchbox was just what I needed to get sucked back in. Looking forward to getting to know this brilliant looking frontend... It's a damn rabbit hole...
  18. averagejoe said Merry Christmas! The best time of year by far! My favorite games to play during the Holidays: -Space Quest series, especially 1 VGA and 4; -Xmas/Holiday Lemmings; -retro hockey games like Ice Hockey (NES), Blades of Steel (NES), Face Off (DOS), etc. -Jetpack Xmas special; -Jazz Jackrabbit Xmas special; -Marvin's Mittens; ...all of them gathered in one awesome platform, Launchbox!! @averagejoe I actually played Jetpack and Jazz Jackrabbit for the first time (knew about them before) for my channel. Jetpack went up Yesterday and Jazz Jackrabbit is going up to. I liked Jetpack more :P
  19. Right now I don't believe this can be changed, but you can check the BitBucket page to see if someone has put this in there. If so, vote for it. If not add it. The BitBucket link is at the top of the page "report issue".
  20. Holy shit, we just smashed our record for the Most Users Ever Online!
  21. Great detail for new people, if anyone else finds this thread. It seems Jason and I need to repeat our selves a lot, so it is refreshing to see someone go through "The Trial" on their own for the most part. ;) That, I applaud you for. Default Emulator only makes a difference when you first import, otherwise yea it doesn't matter too too much. I also never got MESS to work in RA, I also never got it to work on its own either. I know its BIOS system is...... finicky and RA wants them in a specific place, otherwise the command's /should/ still work. I haven't been able to test anything with MESS, I avoid it like the plague. ProSystem is new to RA if I recall, and it fills a small void that was there thankfully. Atari's emulation just doesn't seem to be up to par. More popular systems get more attention sadly. Amiga also suffers.
  22. I thought about this too, but the point still stands regardless of where Associated Platforms are, if games are not launching then there is a setting off.
  23. Double click the first Box under Associated Platform and input it, you can click those boxes. Otherwise, click a platform on the left, Ctrl + A then right click an entry and edit. The Bulk edit will come up and you can change what Emulator the games are using. Handy for if you need to test another emulator but you don't want to change defaults (which only really matters as far as I know when you first import games).
  24. scree said Hi trevor. Have you tried clicking on the wav files in the Sounds folder in your LaunchBox folder? WMP should kick in here and play the sounds. If no sounds then it looks like your issue is not with BigBox. We already went through this.
  25. Just create a copy of your LaunchBox.xml, copy and pate in the same location then delete the non-copy version. This will boot LaunchBox with no games or settings. Try it this way first because then this will eliminate if it is an XML issue which I think is unlikely but possible. If you still have no sound just delete the LB.xml and delete " - Copy" off of the copy you made.
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