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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. The first tutorial I did on Updating RetroArch is on our YouTube channel actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otnJNjiu7RA
  2. You can't replicate it. It is based on several different factors, Hardware being one of them.
  3. The only hang up I have over the software, and even the setup that I posted about, is when a program or game's files are split between two or more drives. If one crashes and the files are gone it's now more hastle to figure out what broke. Unless you made a backup of each drive and / or the entire drive bay / array. That would require double the drives though.
  4. Then your issue was with BIOS. MESS Requires BIOS, but most systems do. I still stand by what I said though, MESS is a mess, avoid it. If its a BIOS issue you're having though, they need to go in to your System folder, and you need to tell RA where your System folder is per my first post.
  5. Which is perfectly fine when its running. :P For now, keeping it simple is probably best.
  6. Don't mess with a config, just use the default one. You don't need a config per system unless you want one. It's why on my post I just said in a default RetroArch install. Also, they do offer save to the same file. First tab, Save to current config is above Save to New Config. If you save to current config with the default loaded that is what it will save your changes too. Again, you don't need to mess with custom configs unless you want specific Filters for specific cores and / or have special controllers that you want to use; for example I use Pixellate on 2D games, and my N64 controller on Mupen64.
  7. I would personally be afraid of that software when something crashes... though when It comes to my drives, I am always afraid of something bad happening. Another alternative would be to get an External Hard Drive Bay. They can get a bit expensive, but you put 3-8 Hard drives in it with one power source etc.
  8. MESS is a MESS, avoid it. In a default install of RetroArch go to the second tab (Settings Tab) and go down to Directory. In here the first line says System / BIOS Dir. Hit enter and change that to your current Installs System folder in the RA folder. If a core requires a BIOS and doesn't know where it is, it will crash. The other idea I have is that you don't have the cores. If you left it default, did you download the cores from the site / get the package of RA with the cores / download the cores in RA in the Online Updater?
  9. That's getting a bit in the weeds honestly, its just easier to keep the files on one drive. Even if you need to split platforms on drives. I.e. Half of PS2 will be on D: the other half on F:. You can tell LB multiple locations to scan and import and there for LB will just know the location they're all in regardless of location but LB knowing the file name and just automatically finding it based on 3 or 4 different locations is... too much. That would be a pain to code and probably bog down performance significantly.
  10. In the bottom right of LB there is an Add button, It's also at the bottom of the list under "Game" at the top. The edit screen will come up and Launcher should be selected. Hit the first browse button and point it towards the game. Then you can fill in the rest of the information / scan. Right now BixBox doesn't have much in the way of customization in how it looks or displays items from your library. If you want to change around the settings for the background, Tools -> Options. On the left under Images is a Backgrounds tab.
  11. Yea you can read those errors better than I can... figures since you make the damn thing. xD I read it as something wasn't opening, but I thought it was an error based on not being a Premium Member... I didn't guess browser. xD
  12. So BigBox is a Premium only feature, but it still shouldn't be giving you this error. I'll go ahead and forward this to Jason.
  13. Do you have a premium license? Is the BigBox exe in with your LB folder? Either way it shouldn't be giving an error and knowing the answers to my questions can help.
  14. Yes, you can think of the license as a subscription if you'd like. There will be Lifetime upgrades and renewal plans worked out in the future though so you wont need to pay full again for a renewal and / or you can upgrade eventually to a lifetime license when these are available.
  15. Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), scroll down to Windows Explorer (If you have a folder open its under Apps, if its closed its under Windows Processes) and end explorer. At the top, File -> Run New Task and input 'explorer.exe'. This should restart Explorer and cancel the transfer manually. Another method is signing out and logging back in since it should also do a similar thing. This is just so you don't have to fully restart.
  16. It wasn't really Wines problem to begin with. The .net installer doesn't want to function in Wine. Unless they made mono competent or figured out a workaround for the installer I don't think it will make a lick of difference.
  17. No sadly. There will more than likely be no progress made here unless a Linux / Mac developer came on and help. There are just not enough resources right now to make that work. There is a hope though. The reason why LaunchBox isn't working right now in Linux through Wine is .Net's fault. Direct X works fine in Wine (otherwise games wouldn't work) but Mono isn't a good enough replacement for .Net. Supposedly the next major version of .Net is supposed to either allow it to work in Wine or allow someone to be able to get it to work in Wine. Either way, when we can make it work there (albeit in Wine) the user base will know about it.
  18. Not being a programmer myself my default answer is "it is fucking hard". That said, I know more than most when it comes to computers, code, what makes them tick etc etc, but that's because I love it. Adding one feature in its self is not actually necessarily hard. Granted, some will be harder to implement than others based on complexity but the really difficult part is when you have an entire code base, thousands of lines of code and 50 other modules that need to operate in sync. Adding in or taking away something can have massive issues that you just don't think about. In this case, a completely new system would need to be written up and new menu's added, guides so that users know what to do with it and the list can go on. I don't think it would be hard, but it could utterly break something, then you have to backtrack. Not to mention he is a single person and that bit bucket list is LOOOOOOONG. Derek, that link was broken for some reason so here it is again. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox
  19. It depends, if you keep the file structure the same and just change the Drive, then it should be really easy. For example you want to go from D:/Emulators/.../.../ to F:/Emulators/.../.../ I would open the XML in Notepad++, Ctrl + F, Find and Replace All D:/ with F:/ enter. This should work. If you want to go from D:/Emulator/Game/.../ to F:/Emulators/Games/.../ You would need to find D:/Emulator/Game/ and replace all with F:/Emulators/Games/. If you want to move each individual emulator in to a new file structure you'll need to change an emulator set one at a time. This isn't technically supported, so you should certainly make a backup of your XML before doing this. I came up with this a while back and it works flawlessly. I could have sworn I told you about this... did you ever ask about this in the forums?
  20. If you bought it simply on this guys recommendation based on false information then quite honestly your issue is with him. He had the dollar amount right but assumed lifetime. So it's not like he didn't or couldn't have found the right information. So on behalf of Jason I do apologize if this happened. I personally didn't think you sounded entitled, you sounded like someone who got the wrong information. I know the site has been updated, like Jason said, since November 1st and the forums talked about it before hand. You're frustrated, which is totally fine. Trying to find light in this annoying situation (not you) is that there is an upgrade or renewal offer instead of just a flat $20 a year. My Wife and I are broke too, so I get it. Thankfully Jason has finally hired me and I am getting freelance work.
  21. LaunchBox doesn't care what file extension you are using, LB does nothing to help emulate anything. All it does is aggregate all of your Roms and emulators in to one beautiful location. That's why LB's a front end. The cores change what File Extensions RA needs to load, so that specific core doesn't allow loading from an archive. You add RA to the list of Emulators, making sure the file path is all correct. You don't need to touch the cores list unless you are adding / changing them. If you use the defaults, which you don't have to, then leave it alone. As long as it says -l "cores\.....dll" with the actual core name you should be good to go. Most core's have information attached to them that will tell you BIOS and file extension information. Load a core in RA. On the first tab go down to Information. Inside is Core Info. This will have information based on the Core you have loaded. Again, not all cores have info attached to them, but most do and this should help you identify the file extension your ROM's need to be in.
  22. Jason Carr said Hehehehehehe, thanks @DOS76. @SentaiBraid, I would NEVER!!!! ;) Never Sleep? Yea, you got two kids. I can only imagine.
  23. We have a lot of conversations about those people, but they don't stop us from sleeping at night. ;)
  24. This should help you change the permissions on the LB folder and your LB XML. http://www.wikihow.com/Change-File-Permissions-on-Windows-7
  25. Can you make a backup of your LaunchBox XML located in your LaunchBox directory, then delete the original? Import one game with images and see if it works with a fresh XML.
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