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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Try these: http://www.thecoverproject.net/view.php?cat_id=15
  2. Changing the system path worked for loading PS1 Cue sheets, but I still cant load TurboGrafx games, so at the very least it will solve one of your problems. All Mednafen based core load cue sheets as well. You still need the bin or iso file there depending on what the game has, but they all must be loaded from cue sheet.
  3. Not to mention, if we were to pack in codecs we would need to make 100% sure its license allowed LaunchBox to redistribute it or it would be illegal. Also, if we installed a codec that users have an updated version to? That would also cause issues. I do admit that what I suggested is a solution to a very small problem right now, the method behind my madness however is that if Windows decides to move away from WMP being packed in for future releases then it'd be a fairly big problem unless we already found a way around it.
  4. All you would need to do to fix Codecs is just install K-Lite and let it do the standard install. You can even tell it to keep VLC as the default. If there are any problems with the codecs or outdated ones the installer will also ask if you want to fix them. It's actually really simple. http://www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_standard.htm
  5. I tend to go for specific emulators too, and I am going to use ePSXe for a while because I want to do an LP of Grandia, and I can't get it to look right in RA. With some shaders I tried to enable and trying to scale the internal res of the PS1 game, RA crashed saying it requested more VRAM than my card has, which is 4GB! It's a GTX 970 for crying out loud! I am just, essentially, trying to get an internal resolution increase, but that doesn't work the same for Pixelated games which Grandia is. You can make the game a higher resolution without doing that blending BS. I hate pixels that get blended to create a fake 3D model or rounded edges. I like to see each pixel, not an algorithm. I just can't seem to achieve that easily on RA. All of the shaders want to round out the pixels, I just want to make it sharper.
  6. Well I for one vote to see if we can move away from WMP being a dependency? Especially if its going to be iffy on if the user has WMP installed or enabled? We can just link to the Standard K-Lite pack. Might even improve performance.
  7. I didn't get an improvement on PCSX2 personally, but it really depends on someones PC. Sometimes you'll get an increase in performance, sometimes you wont. Most applications are moving towards 64bit too which is better. I praise Dolphin and RetorArch for doing this. Hell, RA can take some serious power depending on the Core and settings you use. It was using 1500mb of my VRAM last night for a PS1 game.
  8. I've used the Large Address Aware method on Fallout, Elder Scrolls and a few other games. It makes a huge difference, especially when you have 120+ mods on Fallout 3 / New Vegas and Skyrim. Be careful however on what programs you do this with and make sure to create a backup of the original exe. This can cause some programs to become faulty and buggy. Also, never do this with OS required software.
  9. It shouldn't matter. I don't think the user with the problems used K-Lite anyways. Video and Audio is codec based except for a few things on the OS level that require Internet Explorer or WMP for example. He didn't have WMP installed on his new W10 Pro install. My theory is, do the video's for LaunchBox require WMP or the codecs required to play the video. If they're not .wmv files, then they're not Windows specific video files. Even if they were .wmv K-Lite covers everything. For the record, I do the Full install for K-Lite and update it regularly.
  10. That's the thing, to graphically overlay a GUI on top of something else you need to hook in to the application. Generally through Direct X or OpenGL but it can vary.
  11. I did the upgrade Windows 10 Pro, but I didn't carry over any install settings, so it was like a fresh install. I did however do K-Lite Codec and never touched WMP. I wonder if installing that activates something that trying to run WMP or have it installed does? Hard to test when I had it installed anyways, so I have no clue. I just know I never touch WMP. Not since 2011.
  12. It still comes installed with Windows 10, its just not the default anymore. Well it came still installed for me. I didn't carry over any of my programs when I did the upgrade. Windows 10 Home or Pro?
  13. So when it was generating the information for the XML file, more than likely there was some sort of unreported error that broke the import process. LaunchBox thought you had them, but they were no where to be found. As a result, it wouldn't import them because it thought they would be duplicated. I am glad I could help.
  14. My first thought is that all the games are imported, they're just in a different location and it wont import them because they're all already there. Go to your LB install directory, create a back up of your LaunchBox.xml file. LaunchBox.xml - Copy will be its name and delete the original. Then launch LB again, this will generate a new XML for you and remove all of your games. Test importing your roms again. XML errors can be common. If it still doesn't work after that I will screenshot my entire process to make sure everything is fine... but that said, what you've described to me should work, so XML issue more than likely.
  15. I remember there being an emulator where it was extract and run, maybe they found a way to run those files, but they made it sound simple. I think the emulation of the Wii messed with some people. Most people never thought of it as a console on par with 360 and PS3 because it wasn't technically, but it still was. So they see Wii, go where is 360 and PS3. Edit: What I mean when I say this is that its a double edged sword. It's not technically on par so its a bit easier, but because it is in the generation of 360 / PS3, most users would expect an emulator from one of those consoles to also be available. It's just not the case Technically speaking its more on par with the Xbox and PS2, and it uses the same PowerPC tech with the next logical step of hardware from the Gamecube. Hence, it was emulated very quickly because Gamecube emulation was coming along. This is also why Dolphin does both and why Wii had Gamecube backwards compatibility until they took out the hardware hookups. 360 is a big step up, PS3 technically a bigger step. The partial beauty of the Microsoft consoles is the Direct X layer. If they get the GPU emulation correct it should be easier. It's going to start to get very interesting. Top PC's out perform Consoles, there is certainly no doubt about that. They just also cost 2-4x as much. To emulate a PS3 at a PLAYABLE framerate, it will require a top end PC. The other sad part that I think drags it down is the fact that games can be patched. PSP and Wii's you can insert that DLC data or patch information. It was just a lot smaller. What are we going to do if we want to play a game that is broken before a big patch and that patch is 5GB, 10GB etc. It's going to logistically get harder and harder. So besides the PC requirements shooting up it will be interesting to see how these questions are answered.
  16. Take me through your process a bit to see if there are any ways to troubleshoot this, because what you described should work. Import, Select a folder, Name it the proper name (which in this case is the Sega Genesis) then let it go. Did it still add the games just to a different folder? If the import process took a good amount of time then this is the more likely scenario. Also, are they zip's with one rom file inside? If they have multiples they will not run correctly.
  17. Go to the main forum page, top left there is a search box. Search AutoHotKey or Auto Hot Key there. The threads about it should come up, otherwise their website should have info. I personally don't use the program.
  18. The lite method can already be achieved with AutoHotKey or Xpadder. It's just an extra application on top, but its there. Of course I will listen, I get e-mails for every single thread on the forums. I see all. :P Also, welcome to the forums.
  19. We've actually had a conversation about this before, I think that thread was called Steam In Game or Steam Overlay or something akin to that, and sadly it would be something that we can not do. At least for the time being. That would be something very hard to code and keep in mind that Jason is one person. That said, this would require knowledge on the code of each / most emulators. LaunchBox would need to hook in to the emulator to display information. If it was just say... take a screenshot and exit ... maybe. If you're talking about all of the features of that emulator in the menu then each emulator would need to be forked and redistributed with LB which is simply too much. I always hate writing posts like this, because we have the same thoughts and discussions, it sucks. Steam works the way it can with the overlay because of hooking in to the application, but it relies on some sort of standard call like with Direct X or OpenGL. It would be akin to Game Development. It's been on the radar for a very long time, but one of those features / dreams that might only happen if LB was a full time Job for Jason and he could hire people to help code, maintain, moderate etc. It's just a stupid reality. The best option for an all-in-one type deal or at least a very cohesive emulator that doesn't require a lot of switching would be RetroArch. Several cores in one application, once its launched you can stay inside of it. That would be the easiest solution.
  20. Actually its easier than you think. Someone was messing around with just extracting a Xbox game, and running it through a layer of compatibility similar to WINE to run the discs exe because it has them. At least that's what a Blog was talking about several years ago. It's not easy, none of it is easy. However, on the spectrum of emulators it will be easier than the PS3, but still hard. The PS3 use a custom built Cell Architecture. It's why it was so expensive, why developers hated the console for 5 years, and why games that got ported to it looked worse than the less powerful machine they came from. RE5 is a good example, it looks way better on 360. So no, it will certainly be hard. But Xbox used DirectX calls and x86 calls as it is. They may still end up just emulating all of that system, but some of it may be able to be more natively ran on a modern system. Hell, you can install a version of Windows CE or Windows XP on the OG Xbox (I forget which).
  21. Another quick example on the slowness, look at how long the OG Xbox emulator has taken, and that was several behind now. They got the PS2 and Gamecube which were both apparently hard to get right. Xbox runs off a modified x86 architecture. It's all a matter how who wants to do it, what the hardware was like and how hard it is to reverse engineer.
  22. Right, so these emulators don't really exist. They do in theory. For example, most of the older emulators weren't considered anything worth their salt until most commercial games could be played at a good speed. They were also feature heavy. Three games doesn't mean you have an emulator per se, it just means you have a working proof of concept. I will be interested to see where this goes in the future though. Also, having a powerful machine is going to start to be extremely common. Though, I am way way way more shocked that a 360 emulator hasn't popped up with more than this PS3 emulator. It's Cell Architecture is a bitch and people in the industry hated it. Also, I do know of a ton of emulators including ones for systems you can't run, but there is no point in trying to tell people that. This emulator will not be ready for another 5 years-ish, If the user has a powerful enough system.
  23. You get a free tin foil hat with every internet connection.
  24. You can't really please everyone, but you know this. Ironically too, once you have the download as long you keep updating, you never need to do it again. xD Don't let it get to you too much, I appreciate you and your efforts. So much so that I do a lot of things for the project. Quite a few people here do. You fostered a community that several of us love. Be more proud of what has spawned of this website rather than one person who is mad for a very small reason.
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