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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. How I do this essentially is I will setup my library, like Nintendo DS. If I add a game to my rom list and want to add it to LB I just rescan my Nintendo DS games folder. It will not add any duplicates unless you tell it to, and it will think games are duplicates based on their file name not the name you give them in LB. So if you rename a game in LB and rescan it won't try and re-add it. When adding games, I prefer to 'Add Files' instead of 'Add Folder'. This let's me make sure I am adding all the correct games. For emulators that load several different file extensions this is great. I use the "Search Windows" function in the top right when I am looking at a rom list. For SNES I do *.sfc in the search box and then Ctrl + A for all of the items it finds then press add. I would then repeat the search for *.smc, etc. It's also handy for disc based systems. If a game has an iso and a cue sheet, depending on the emulator, you only need one of these.
  2. All BIOS for all cores will go in to your System directory which is located in your RA root directory. If it doesn't exist then create it. You'll also want to make sure that inside of RA your path settings are all correct and make sure that RA knows where the 'system' folder is located. As well, the BIOS will need to be named something specific. For example, PS1 BIOS need to be labeled spch5001, etc. There would be more required, but you get the idea. More documentation: http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Using_RetroArch
  3. The roms need to stay their odd names because of MAME, and since you imported it that way the images are off. This is why though LB hasn't as of yet officially supported MAME because of the whole naming thing. Jason hasn't had the time to build in the MAME.dat files that decode each of the games names. Once this is built in to LB, the names wouldn't need to be changed on the users side.
  4. Right, that's why I was saying make it a right click sub menu, where you can add any number of pdf or doc files.
  5. It's not a single file its several hundreds, and it's probably going to really large.
  6. A sub menu for this would be good. Right click -> PDF's -> Then you set up what ever you want and call it what ever you want. Some of those GOG games have way more than just the manual for DOS games. Cluebook, Map, Manual, AP Code Wheel etc.
  7. With RetroArch you need to tell it to use the right cores. When you edit RA, you'll see a list of emulators. There is a list that should autopopulate, but you can add more. You also need to make sure that the right command is run. For example it should be -L "cores\stella.dll" for Atari. -L is think is for load, then whats in " " tells it where to find the core. In RA, if you make changes make sure to close RA so it saves them to the config, if it crashes it wont save. If its still not saving, tell it to save to a new config. Make sure the path settings are correct for the "System" folder, this is where BIOS will go for various systems. Also, make sure to go to input if you are using a controller, go to Port 1 and make sure you select the proper device.
  8. I'm fairly certain that's what I posted. Edit: To How to Geek.
  9. That tells you how to launch it, not how to move it. You need to just copy your LB install directory. The XML file holds all of the path data. If you put the games in the same path as the XML has it will boot right up, but you can Ctrl + F and replace all with Notepad++ to manually change the drive letter or root folder they are in so you don't have to re-import. If you want to consolidate a bit, RetroArch will also be a good option to look at for an emulator. Also, if you are looking at a specific emulator and not all of your games, Ctrl + A will select them all. From here right clicking and Editing a game will bring up the bulk edit feature, and if you go to Tools at the top and click Download Images and Metadata, it will open up the dialogue to redownload the images and data for your games. There are options there to say only download the images and metadata that are missing. As well in the options, from time to time especially after deleting a bunch of games, clear your Image Cache. It will help with space.
  10. There is also the RetroArch cores. If you want iso / cue or bin / cue files ISO Buster is the program I use. It can convert the image to a lot of different formats and create a cue sheet for you. It will rename it to "CD" as will the cue sheet, but internally the cue sheet will be pointing to "CD" so you'd have to edit the cue sheet with Notepad++ as well if you want to change the names. They all have to be matching. Though, you can just select in LB to use the folder as its name. When selecting to load a game for Dreamcast, if it's got a cue sheet, try loading that. Especially if you create a bunch.
  11. Jason Carr said Come to think of it, this could probably be solved with screenshots, for the most part. That's what I was thinking too, mostly because Passwords can be images and characters instead of just numbers and letters. Golden Sun's password if you want to carry over everything to 2 is a very long 64 character password.
  12. Just because it can, doesn't mean it will. It is still far from perfect. The other inherent problem is that the controller is more or less a gimmick. You'll get away with an Emulator for a lot of stuff, but not everything. The Bluetooth and USB IR Sensors are actually shocking when I had learned about it several years ago, but not too surprising. It's fairly basic tech if I recall. One of the things I love about PCSX2 is the internal resolution upscaler's, but my PS2 still plays a lot of my favorite games perfectly. No denying that PCSX2 looks better and its compatibility has been better than its ever been. I also personally think a modded console can go way farther than an emulator, and I am taking in to consideration the upscaling that is possible. Dear god Mega Man 7 looks beautiful. Just to play your games in a decent environment without getting upset over small BS, it can still be desired. My point is to just not discount it out right. Hell I'm convinced my Dreamcast will play my games better for still a long time to come, sadly. As far as whats best to actually play the emulator. Most of the non-motion control based games work just fine with my PS4 controller. If there is a game, like New Super Mario Bros. Wii, that requires minimal amounts of shaking you can bind those to key's. I also already mentioned the USB GameCube controllers. One benefit I can have on my Wii that is shared with emulators is the fast load times. I love loading games off a HDD. xD
  13. It'd be cool if there was YouTube support. YouTube has a pretty decent tagging system that I work with personally. If the person tags their video properly it can be used very smartly and powerfully. Walkthroughs, Soundtracks, Remixes, Lets Play's, Art etc etc etc. People can have my Let's Play's, Reviews and Pixel Arts attached to their games. xD That one is more of just... that would be badass.
  14. The Dolphin forums (make sure you're on the correct site, they changed at one point) have threads on this. I've browsed over there in the past and remember seeing them. The only USB controllers I use in Dolphin are my RetroLink USB Gamecube controller and my PS4 controller. If a game has basic motion like shake or waggle, I just map the button somewhere. Otherwise I just play my modded Wii, its honestly very easy to do and you can do the entire operation for about $200-250 depending on the price of parts. Wii (can get them used for a decent price now), an external HDD (I've got a 1TB for Gamecube and Wii games), and a 32GB SD card. Class 10 cards severely dropped in price. Make sure if you are interested in going the real Wii way that you do not get the Wii mini revision that they released. It does't come with Gamecube ports for anything. Besides that, no SD card slot so you can not mod it.
  15. The resolution will slightly change for every core no matter what. Each Console has a different internal resolution, so as long as you're using the Window Scaling at the top of the window, its also aspect ratio corrected. Or it should be. There are settings in RA that you need to test around with, one of them should be fullscreen. If you are having issues with settings saving try making all your changes then select the option to create a new save config, that might help you. Double check that all your path settings are correct as well. One more thing, are you using at least the latest 1.2.2 stable release?
  16. This has been a feature as far back for me as version 2.1, however I assume he's had it there since inception.
  17. Well some people don't understand what is super hard and what is do-able. :P I say that cause all of it is technically hard. Some just don't understand how hard it can be, especially on one person. Otherwise, this is a pretty unique feature request, and I like it.
  18. On the left pane, select a console like Nintendo Game Boy. In the GB Platform press Ctrl + A to select all of that platforms games. Then, go to Tools at the top then select "Download Metadata and Images." Go through the launcher and check the use of Wikipedia if you'd like then continue till it asks you, "Would you like to update games with existing metadata." You can select any option here, but if all you want to do is re-download images select, "Yes, but do not replace any existing fields." This should download metadata and images for games with fields that are empty or don't have any and only for that Platform.
  19. Anything is possible, as long as you're not asking us to inject the password back in to the game, but I probably misread that. Just shy of essentially coding a video game, this would be awesome and totally useful. I just was just streaming MM7 last night and the passwords popped up. I used save states instead so that is my only concern, why would I use this over save states? If the codes are general enough though, if you lose the save state the code should still work, so it can still have some use for some people.
  20. I just downloaded 5.2 (I still had a 4.7 exe...) installed it, transplanted all my settings. The last beta did work fine and normally I would just wait, but I really want to stream this game.
  21. Yea I was telling him this on Steam too. Do you have the previous beta? I wanted to live stream Superhero League of Hoboken but DOS wont launch. I am utterly lost inside the DOS command trying to launch my damn game lol.
  22. Yea, sometimes a working XML file can get buried. It's why there are so many backups to begin with.
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