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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. http://betanews.com/2015/08/24/how-to-completely-remove-onedrive-from-windows-10/ How to remove One Drive integration if you so desire.
  2. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2975289/windows/how-to-cure-windows-10s-worst-headaches.html I came across this, it said it was updated 5 hours ago from me making this post. So it seems to get updated. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this article as well as how to disable some applications like Cortana.
  3. polygonslayer said A cool, great to hear. :) It's very impressive work for one coder, got to say! Easy to use, snappy and looks great on the TV already. Might wait to do the big importing though until some of the detection stuff is in. Not sure if I wanna go back and re-name it all etc. Took forever to already name it the way it is haha. The switching of discs RocketLauncher handles perfectly already so not worried about that :) Really recommend RL as a background manager for anyone who want more functionality and options there, only thing is that it's fair from as userfriendly as Launchbox. Took me a good while to figure it all out. You don't need to rename anything. As long as it see's "Super Mario Bros" it will search that against the database. If it can't find a clean match, it wont use it. In some cases there will be a wrong import, but its very little. In the end, all the tweaking has been done and there isn't going to be too much more he can do to improve that.
  4. I'm still waiting to see if entering in YouTube links to stream the video becomes a thing people would want too (this would save on needing to download all the video and take up the Hard Drive space) and selfishly see if anyone uses the videos on my RNG series. I .... really need to get back to making videos. Edit: And for the record to anyone who does ever watch my videos, as long as you're not downloading them and stealing them you're more than welcome to link to them and use them if you need to, just let me know and give me a link. If it gets views on an external site, I can know through my analytics anyways, so there is really no use hiding the fact.
  5. I could never get that damn thing to work anyways. MESS is a mess. :P However, that's odd they merged it. I didn't think they would. I would prefer to use MESS in RetroArch personally, but its only needed for a handful of systems at that point.
  6. polygonslayer said Hi everyone, new member here. I've been trying to set up my HTPC for a good while now and up until recently have been using RocketLauncher along with kodi (Advance Launcher) as the frontend. However, I do find that kodi is just too slow and is quite cumbersome so when I found Launchbox, saw the video and tried it out yesterday for myself (bought the premium since I want it for use on my TV) I've decided that I will be moving over. There are a few things I'm wondering about, some of which might be feature requests? Probably stuff that has been asked for before. I did have a quick look around the forums, but couldn't find any specific answers to exactly what I'm wondering about. So when importing games/roms into Launchbox is there a way for it to automatically detect if I got multiple language versions of a rom? Like in AdvanceLauncher it would look for tags. It would look something like this: "Gamename {English} cd1.xxx" then the next being "Gamename {German} cd2.xxx" etc. The importer would collect all the roms that have the same name before the brackets and order them based on the cd-number. Would this be something that could be implemented into Launchbox? The same was used when having multidisc games. I found that you can set this up manually by using Additional Apps, but having a lot of games would make this a very long process :/ It would be great (might be asking a bit much here) if the importer would recognize the {} brackets as well if your already planning on implementing something like this? since it would take a long time to re-name everything :p I've seen other people ask for importing local info on games as well, and I would love it if I had the option, but that is less of an issue for me than the multi language/disc games. In any case, love the style of Launchbox and will definitely be migrating over as I can see this just get better and better :) Advance Launcher I feel has slowed down a lot in development and working inside kodi (which also does a ton of other stuff so it's understandable) is just a pain. Cheers :) Pretty much all of that is going to make its way in. Again for the newer people I just stress that Jason is the only coder, with the exception of the Translations he does it all alone. So things can take time when he's got a big project under way. Detecting Language and Disc Numbers so that they are in the title I believe is on the list and will be implemented. The more people that want it, which is now quite a few, the higher up on the list it goes. Same with importing local info, he'll probably pick a standard that another Front End has used. Also keep note, that there is only so much LaunchBox can do with disc games. Take Final Fantasy 7 or Parasite Eve. When you want to switch a disc, LaunchBox does nothing other than send a load command to the emulator with that disc. It can not facilitate the switching of the discs. You'll still have to do that within the emulator. I think RetroArch (1.2.2) is getting it right in a lot of ways, this being one of them. When it comes to needing to mount discs for... Saturn or Dreamcast... (one of those two systems or both) there should be a way for LaunchBox to facilitate it, but its not in as of yet. You still need to do it manually. However, there aren't too many games you would need to do this for. I can literally only think of three games with multiple discs on Dreamcast. Welcome, and thank you for the questions. As long a you don't mind my long replies.
  7. The covers from GBA Temp remind of the Cover Project. They're all custom made, ready to fit a few generalized cart / cd boxes and they look amazing. If anyone needs help with Photoshopping stuff or making them a Front and Back let me know, I can help out.
  8. Also, if you want to manually link to a wikipedia or TGDB page you can do so with some XML editing... but its really out there and there isn't too much of a point to it unless LB can't find the Wikipedia page after it does its searching from within the Edit menu. I have had a few cases where there was a Wikipedia page, albeit no images, but LB didn't find it.
  9. That is because TGDB doesn't have a category for it at all. Just like they don't have a category for DOS. No amount of updating will fix that. Wikipedia might turn up some results... but you need to make sure it doesn't change the platform name on you. The only game that got any images downloaded and linked to a TGDB page is Metroid, and it linked its self to the NES page, just with the Famicom Disk System as a system name.
  10. Yea its just that most of the games aren't well represented on TGDB. Famicom Disk System is what I have mine set as, and it maybe caught 1 or 2. It is probably safer it doesn't catch them though because then it might rename the System to NES. Also, its in the options menu for LaunchBox to get the Beta builds. Check the box and restart LB.
  11. Drop the Nintendo from the FDS, but also there isn't a lot of information on Japanese games. Some games like Metroid and the Japanese name for Zelda will get picked up as an alternate name, but there just isn't too much information that is made on TGDB. GameFaq's has a lot of info on Japanese games, they have a lot on my SNES and PSP jRPG's. However, it has to be input manually which for me I am satisfied with an image. Dragging the image from Firefox on to the spot where they go in the editor will work and populate it most of the time. If I get an error then I just download it to my desktop.
  12. I've been running a modded BlueStacks installation and its been running flawlessly. I'll have to check this out too. I also tried installing Android x86 via VMWare, and it just doesn't work that well. BlueStacks modded, ~300mb, rooted and stock UI.
  13. General Tips and tricks. Some of these will make it in to the program. http://winaero.com/blog/category/windows-10/ This is the main program; the left pane is where you click to find the categories and you change the options on the right. There is an option to change the white top bar to what your customization color is. http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1836 These two I haven't used, but they seem useful for some of you. This PC Tweaker http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.213 Personalization Panel for Windows 10 http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1839 Personally, I don't find the need to change too much. The P2P thing for Windows Updates and the title bar were the only "egregious" things to me. I like a lot of the new UI, and the Start Menu is still functionally the same with a new coat of paint.
  14. Jason Carr said Ah, thanks @Arcamenel. I hate those white title bars too. Come on Microsoft, you were *so close*. ;) I haven't fix this yet in 5.1. There is a program that can fix this. I used it to tweak several options in Windows 10. There is another program that is designed to be one click and will turn off WiFi Sense, P2P Update uploading etc. General Tips and tricks. Some of these will make it in to the program. http://winaero.com/blog/category/windows-10/ This is the main program; the left pane is where you click to find the categories and you change the options on the right. There is an option to change the white top bar to what your customization color is. http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1836 These two I haven't used, but they seem useful for some of you. This PC Tweaker http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.213 Personalization Panel for Windows 10 http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.1839 Personally, I don't find the need to change too much. The P2P thing for Windows Updates and the title bar were the only "egregious" things to me. I like a lot of the new UI, and the Start Menu is still functionally the same with a new coat of paint. I'll also post these in the Windows 10 thread I made.
  15. It would all hinge on the license they use, they could have changed it any day since I last saw those reports. But even a license change wouldn't be a free catch all to download in mass all of their data. They could still have the power to ban people. The only way Jason could stately do it is if they offered an appropriate license we can then attain the data with and saying hey, we allow Front Ends to use our data like this. That is still without an API, so then it could still break constantly. I get it though, and I love GameFaq's to death. They have almost every single one of my obscure jRPG's and awesome guides for them. I would love it if we could use that site, its juts not worth the potential trouble. Maybe if we talked to one of the Admin's or Site Owners and worked something out, then maybe. Or again, maybe they changed their policies.
  16. And they shouldn't be. I've gone through and done my research on Gamefaq's. They for one don't offer up their information freely there for it can be illegal to take it, which is what this would be. Two, there is no API. What this means is it would be really easy for Jason to create the scraper for the site and keep it up to date. Without it, he would have to force his way in and any time they make an update to the site, it could completely break it. One and Two lead in to Three which is because its not offered up with an applicable license, and because there is no API it stands to reason they don't want their information taken in droves. For GameFaq's to serve Images and text to my 10k library, even though they can, would be a drain on their server. Not everyone has as big of a library, but take an average 200-5k library times how ever many active users there are on LB. There are times where I will re-import my games too. So the drain could be significant. The big deterrent for Jason and myself though was that I saw reports of being IP banned from GameFaq's. Temporarily or permanently. Which they have the absolute right to do. It was a forum post and a few blog posts surrounding another front end that got their data from GameFaq's. There is a chance this would never happen to a single person, or there is a chance it could happen to everyone. It is just simply not worth it because then to the outside users LaunchBox is broken and oh, I can now no longer look up Guides from my IP address.
  17. These men are utterly, and disgustingly fucking sick. There were hundreds of children there. Thankfully it was stopped, but watch the video it explains it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS133NcaJiY
  18. Well crappy games are what keep my show, RNG, interesting. The more games I have = the more shows I can make. Though... I haven't made a single video in a week or two. Just... yea. Otherwise, I agree with Jason. I deleted PS2 games off my Hard Drive once I owned a physical copy of it as well, since I sort of collect that era. However, I downloaded some of the games again for ease of use. I own the disc, but play the emulated version for several reasons. It can run better than the console could run it. Far better looking, especially in the case of PS1, PS2, Gamecube and Wii with Internal Resolution increasers. As well, it helps keep my consoles and games in good condition. I treat them well but just normal wear and tear will happen and sooner rather than later there will no longer be workable discs or carts and the ones that do work will command 3, 4, 5x as much as they do. Think about Earthbound's price if suddenly half of the carts went poof. Thankfully though we have the WiiU Virtual Console for that, but still, Assume we didn't. As for my Steam games, I own every single one. All -Checks- ... dear god... 1,526 of them. I think that doesn't count the DLC as some counts will include them because they are seperate items in the store unless you buy a Game of the Year or Collection version. http://steamcommunity.com/id/SentaiBrad/
  19. With the new way DOS games are imported, why not the Root folder of where these are installed and create a check box for auto mount? Especially if you're gonna make it easier for users to supplant the version of DOSBox they want.
  20. Try RetroArch for Android. There is a setting in RA that you can assign per core. You can let the core use RA's method of save / save states or the Cores method of Save / Save states. Also, just changing the extension won't necessarily work either. Some times that is all that really changes, but other times they have different methods for saving the save state and the data inside is jumbled differently. .srm on the other hand is very common. I see that with several emulators. I don't remember if that is a save on its own, but I see that with the actual save, not save state.
  21. This is why I don't develop software. ;)
  22. I'm not so sure you can, the way a program / game changes your resolution has to change. Or nothing can be in focus when the game launches. Or put in a different way, looking at just your desktop with all the windows you have open minimized. Even that... might not be full proof but its what I've seen at least.
  23. I get scaling issues like this with a lot of stuff, gaming related but built in to Windows. So like folders can get screwed up with the resolution I set for them, which is maxed out, but a game that changes the screen resolution to something smaller will change the full screen folder if it had focus when the game launched to the resolution of the game after it closes. It will even still show that its maximized like nothing happened. So this is a scaling issue that is present outside of LB. At least, I assume its a very similar bug. I can make this happen to several programs, folders etc etc. It all has to do with a fullscreen application and how they change your resolution. If its a 1280x720 game, and your screen resolution is 1920x1080, some games will temporarily change your resolution to 720p while the game is launched. It is more prominent in old games and software.
  24. I am surprised you got the importer to even work properly. I stopped trying to bother with it a while ago. It was just... giving Jason issues and not a lot of people requested it. It's gone pretty much untouched I think for a really long time.
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