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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. I tried to find my post about this, it got a bit in depth. The Xbox being modded took off much faster and more prolifically then any other system until the PSP. However, unlike the PSP, it's very hard to emulate. It being like a PC is partially why it's complicated. Sure, it's a locked down PC, much less complicated than a DOS emulator or a Windows 95 emulator, but still. There is something to the way the original Xbox was that is really unique. We're essentially asking for a stripped down and locked down Windows NT / XP emulator. I am a bit surprised it hasn't really happened yet, but there is progress being made slowly. I see new builds go up almost every other day for an Xbox emulator, but it's nothing to write home about. The more complicated the system, and virtually no other help, certain emulators flounder. Saturn and Dreamcast come to mind, especially Dreamcast with it's shared connection with the OG Xbox. It's very complicated stuff. The Xbox has been hacked wide open, which does help things... but yea. For every reason why it should be progressing, there's another reason why it isn't, and it seems locked up.
  2. Sure, but emulators need to be changed too, changing the drive letter back to the old one or using Notepad++ to replace the path letters is still much faster than re-importing everything, even when not downloading anything.
  3. I had to name things properly for it to work. I have plenty of TV shows, movies and anime that don't get found right away, and I need to fix their names. Fixing their names then lets them import. It may have been relaxed a bit, but it's a real thing. Like I said, this documentation exists: http://kodi.wiki/view/Naming_video_files/TV_shows Edit: Kodi and Plex do have built in scrapers (except when you start going down that rabbit hole like I said (I needed a modded scraper for Anime)), and FileBot helps immensely, but it likely needs to be done in most cases.
  4. Yea, In almost 10 years of using that program, it's never given me issues. So yea, I understand the trepidation. I had one screw things up too, and I used that begrudgingly and it worked some how. Now I use it all the time, on my family's PC's and on clients PC's. It really finds that obscure ass driver you never knew existed. IOBit's products are of quality if you decide to want to try again. It can also create restore points before each and every install as well, so that does help. If the codec pack cleared some stuff up, but it still persists, then I am at a loss. I know the start up videos only use VLC, so there may be more things you can do down that road, but I am unsure. I'm happy you're taking it in stride though. If video is giving you trouble, in any capacity, and software has been spruced up (except the Drivers in this case), then I go to hardware. CPU or GPU overheating, or something failing. It sounds dumb, especially for a short intro video, but failing hardware does cooky things. Do you have any issues with games or video played in other media players by chance? There might be something else software related im not thinking of either. I'll let some of the other top posters know about this and see what they think as well.
  5. Well, you can edit a game to see where the path goes, or go in to the LaunchBox/Data/Platform folder, and open up each of the XML's. That will also tell you the paths, and if you load it up with Notepad++, you can even find and replace the path. Make sure to do enough of the path so it doesn't grab random letters. So like, D:/ to F:/. If the paths look like this when you edit a game or look in your emulators list, "../../", instead of a drive letter, it shouldn't matter what drive letters it's on. For the rest, checking the path and then changing the drive letter of the drive (since it's new it's not too big of a deal yet), or editing the XML's, is the two easiest ways I can think of to fix this.
  6. Oh, that seems very odd. Just to double check everything, I would like it if you updated two very import things; Your Drivers and your Codecs. You can update your drivers very easily (all of them) with this piece of software. And yes, it really really works. I have to say that because people give me crap for using it and talking about it. To update your codecs, install this right here. During install, if it says that it found any issues, click yes to let it fix them. This will help eliminate the potential issues.
  7. When I first used Kodi, I got no where until my stuff was renamed. I first tried an import and it got a few episodes of a show, out of several dozen, so It's been instilled in me very early that I needed the structure and right names. Now I prefer for it being cleaner and nicer to look at. I don't care who ripped it. I'm happy, thankful, sure, but ... eh. So yea, I have Movies, TV Shows, Anime, then broken down a bit farther. Anime has 4 folders, 2 for shows and 2 for movies, with each being separated for different scrapers (some have different rules, and some anime can only be found in one or the other). I have a favorites movie folder, Old TV Shows, Japanese TV shows and then a Jackie Chan folder. Other than that, yea TV Show/Season/Episodes for me too. Movies are generally in folders named exactly like the movie too, but not always.
  8. It's possible to do this in LaunchBox, but not practical If you want metadata and media. If you're gonna rip your media, then that's a big step. But regardless of how you get it, it needs to be named very very specifically. Kodi and Plex (my choice is Kodi despite their crap PR stunt recently), require your media to be named after one of their scrapers. Generally, the TVDB, IMDB, OMDB, and AniDB. First is obviously TV, the second and third is for Movies primarily, and the last is for both but for anime. Even then, the first 2 also handle anime. I use a program called FileBot to rename my media for me. It takes what ever the media is called, and tries to best guess what it is. You load the media, tell it what scraper to choose, and it will do it's best. It's not perfect, but it's far far better than renaming everything you get off the internet, and it's generally named very very poorly. There are two accepted formats generally speaking. For TV it's set up like S00E00, or 00 x 00 (that last one assumes season first episode number second). For movies, it's generally the name of the movie followed by the year in parenthesis. So like, Matrix (2000). If that's even the year, it might be 1999, I don't remember off the top of my head. There are other tutorials out there for what both pieces of software are looking for, and it depends on your needs. I prefer Kodi's UI by a long shot, but Plex works on Xbox One as a downloadable app from the Store, and it's built in to some Smart TV's (it's built in to ours). If you're streaming to another PC, or have a PC set up as a dedicated machine, Plex can work, but if you want to work with a controller Kodi is best. I also use the Universal Media Server from time to time when I need. That can allow you to stream to consoles not supported by either software by tapping in to the inherent streaming capabilities of that consoles media player. It's not perfect, you don't get metadata, media, or progress check boxes on watched content, but it works. Once you've got your files set, you just tell Kodi and Plex what type of media it is, (TV shows or Movies), and then where it is. Depending on how far down the rabbit hole you want to get, like with Anime and stuff, there is certainly more to know, and Kodi has deep customization more so than Plex, but that should get you started I hope.
  9. It seems like you set the delay settings to 10 (really something like 12 or 13) seconds for your first video, and forgot to set it again to 20 (again, more like 22 or 23) seconds for the second video. Check your Big Box settings and adjust the time delays. Or, if you never set them, then your Big Box takes about 10 seconds to load, and your first video matched that perfectly, now your Big Box launches faster. However, if it's launching at 10 seconds each and every time, means you probably did set it.
  10. You're right, whoops. I read things wrong. My only guess then would be to edit the platforms and check to see if a platform with no games is attached to the platform. I read "Light Gun Games", and in my head I went, "oh, playlists".
  11. In LaunchBox, in the left pane, if you go to the drop down (where you can choose various view categories), choose playlists from the bottom. When it changes over to them, on the right, right click a playlist and choose edit. That should give you the info you need. I'm gonna loop @Jason Carr in too, just in case that it is a bug just in case.
  12. Which seems convoluted. Why can't it just be 1 button?
  13. I think I used Redump for my Saturn stuff... but there's so many out there I can't remember. If you find a Saturn rom set though, you'll be good to go. ... Maybe it was TOSEC... Oh, also, Mednafen did get a name change in RetroArch. The cores are still labeled mednafen, but the official name is now Beetle. So for anyone not in the know, that might get confusing.
  14. Both are valid requests, but no way to do either currently. You'll have to uncheck those each time you want to grab media currently. If you want to request these in seperate tickets though, click Issues/Requests at the top. Make a quick search to see if either have been requested before first, and vote on those tickets if they have. If they don't exist, feel free to request them. I know the Clean Up Images one has been requested to be overhauled, like also including manuals, music and video, but it removing an entire image type hasn't. To be fair, you can delete them very easily if you'd like, since Clean Up Images is mostly tailored for removing images no longer associated with any games and you would want to remove an entire image type all together. If you go in to ../LaunchBox/Images/<Insert Platform Name>/, you'll come to a list of folders labeled by their image type. You can delete the folders you're not interested in. Restart LaunchBox or delete them with LaunchBox closed and that should be it. Keep in mind, Clear Logo's do serve a big function in Big Box, but if you don't use those views or don't use Big Box at all, then they're not that important.
  15. Sure. Go ahead and e-mail support@unbrokensoftware.com and they'll get you squared away.
  16. LaunchBox doesn't remember anything. Everything is stored within the DOSBox conf file. You can edit this through LaunchBox or something like Notepad++. You change it in there. Also, VGA and Tandy are graphics options not sound options. It's also different depending on the DOS game you play. You generally change that in the games configuration, which can either be when you load up the game normally or in a separate exe that you need to launch in DOSBox. Those graphics options in DOSBox are you telling DOSBox what type of Machine you want it to be. Generally leaving it at default, unless you're doing something special, should be fine for a majority of games. SVGA_3 is I believe the default, and that will run a wide array.
  17. No, it's not, which is why I still think hack. Either way, like in the video I posted a few posts back, there are several reasons why this is fake. The government generally operates in the same way. It's like when people say the government called them and demanded money from them. There are just certain things the government does, at least public facing, that's the same. There are differences when compared to the notice on the Megaupload site for example too. At least I hope this was a joke, and not from them.
  18. If this is an April Fools joke, it's done in extremely poor taste given the issues Front End communities face, given the issues they have with resellers. I am leaning (hoping) more towards the hacked side, because at least then it's a bad joke someone else made.
  19. Even if they were hacked, there's no viruses.
  20. There's supposedly a link hidden in here, in the code, to a Rick Roll.. and / or they were hacked.
  21. That's my first guess, but I honestly would doubt it. They were fighting really hard (it seemed) against those resellers. They should be targeted, but they make it look like they're affiliated and no one knows where to swing their big stick at. So they swung at the name they saw.
  22. This is exactly why they tried really hard to not be linked to those box re-sellers.
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