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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/forum/58-big-box-custom-themes/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6pTDaHeAz-X8yNgOD3DPxUf1gaB2FLzb
  2. You can have no nag on later versions. There are command lines but also they build versions of MAME like that. Glad it's working though.
  3. Naomi is an extension of MAME (Arcade), so that might help. Were you watching our tutorials, the one that I created?
  4. Why did it not import properly though. Did you try different import options? Are you on a merged or lower version set? I wonder why all of Galaga didn't get picked up. If you have just the 1 rom, then it's a merged set and it probably didn't get imported.
  5. It's not a pack, but the closest thing I know: http://www.thecoverproject.net/view.php?cat_id=54
  6. He did make that random DOS version, but the chances of that are honestly really low. Well, maybe. People have been asking for a "light" version. If it's not too much to make a second build (though we know that it is), then potentially... go back to the last XP and then Vista .net's and make legacy versions. The work on that though... it could be months just to get that up and running, then all of the maintenance time. Also, I don't think they're gonna extend 7. I thought at first they would, but they're severely gimping 7 on certain hardware. I don't think Microsoft is interested in keeping people on their legacy OSes at this point. They REALLY want people on 8 and 10 (mostly 10).
  7. Windows XP was surprisingly bad, but yea, I do fear for W7. I would say they might extend that, but I think 8 and 10 will get long tails. I think they want to kill off 7 as fast as possible. To be fair, 10 is a better OS, but the way they're dealing with 7 right now blows my mind. I do also understand not being able to support it for forever, sure, but the tactics happening right now reek of "we got paid a lot of money to do this" or "we paid a lot of money for this".
  8. You can also set the version for roms too. So now when you import them, anything in brackets gets put in to the version field. That's essentially the same thing here, but it gets them in this case from other metadata and not the file name. Otherwise, version is the same across everything in LB.
  9. There are tons of tutorials on our channel, but Jason did do a few on XAML. So I don't know if he covered your exact situation, but those are there. Otherwise, those requests are good ones. The best place for them to go though is our BitBucket. You can get there by clicking Issues/Requests at the top. Make a quick search, if your idea does exist as a ticket, vote on that one instead. If it doesn't exist, then feel free to create it make sure to vote on it.
  10. All that option will do is replace box art with clear logo's. You need to go in to the Keyboard Mappings or Controller Buttons menu, check the Switch View option, go to your list of games and press that button until you find a view, that uses clear logo's, that you like.
  11. Jason probably knew it was coming up, or would have been reminded, and done it then. I don't think he realized it was happening sooner technically.
  12. Don't try using the import. Click add in the bottom right hand corner, name it what you want, pick the platform from the drop down or type it in, then set the application path. Click ok and it will add.
  13. Yea, the conversation and topic is very complex. A split mame rom set is somewhere in the 60-70GB (if I recall), and CHD's are in the 450GB range. That's A LOT of data.
  14. In short, there really isn't one. It's like how Potato and Tomato are said two ways. No ones really wrong, we make jokes someones wrong, but they're not really wrong. Rom set distributors, or rom set info distributors, named things for personal reasons, technical reasons, or for what ever reason and then those stuck for their corner over the internet. For us, we love the No-Intro set, so we lean towards that, because we think the sets they make for non-disc based systems is of very high quality. The rips are good, there's no extra BS, it's straight to the point. So I loved the idea of basing the name of a game on the box art, or the cartridge. That seemed to, and still does, make sense to me. It conflicts in many ways to set names too. Not always, but sometimes. I got a step further, and say that the way a developer writes the name of their game, or a publisher, how it's officially written on Steam, the Playstation Store, Xbox Live, etc, is probably the correct way. The creator should have some artistical sense to tell us how it's spelt or pronounced (if you want to listen is a completely other topic). To that extent though, we even institute name changes based on certain things. So some PC's don't like certain characters, so to make it equal we wrote in our Database guidelines that special special characters shouldn't be considered the norm. Even though, it bites us in the ass sometimes, like the e in Pokemon, unless you have that character on hand, your operating system and keyboard support that character, it will most likely cause trouble. I still see issues with the ampersand, STILL. So on some cases, it makes sense to deviate. When I wrote up the guidelines I tried to write them that made sense. Now, with alternate naming on the database (except that LaunchBox doesn't read those name fields yet), we can write the games name in 14 different ways in English, then every way in each language, and it's all correct; but the way it all came about is just old carry over from old technical and personal decisions. As an example, the MAME naming convention, they're all shorthand. They're all under a certain character limit. That goes back to when the MAME project came about that character limits, space in names, and full path character limits were a major issue in almost every single operating system. Even now, Windows 10 has a full path character limit; obviously much more than it used to be to the point it's almost never an issue, but it still exists. I hope I touched on something related to what you were asking, if that made any sense. Let me know if that made sense.
  15. I'm sorry if that came out harsh, I re-read it and I certainly didn't mean it that way, but when someone asks a question I'm gonna tell them the truth.
  16. Xbox One isn't using Windows 10 as far as I recall. They're using a variant of Windows 10, sure, but not the same way a computer runs. It's not a retail copy of normal Windows 10. Consoles have a more locked down nature. Even if we got LaunchBox on the store, there would be nothing to populate it with. Roms and emulators are not currently existing there. One did for a short amount of time, but it was pulled. So unless it's hacked a bit, to install unsigned code (again, a variant of W10 if even W10), then we might be able to. I also wonder if .Net or the dependencies we even use are available on that system. We would most likely need to be ported. Us being on other operating systems is certainly always at the front of those thoughts. We wish we could be everywhere.
  17. Unfortunately, I'm not doing the tutorials anymore for us. I am more than happy to help out in other ways, like on our forums, but unless I did something on my personal channel (which right now I am not looking to do, I am looking at more creative things), then I wont be doing it. I do appreciate the kind words and that I came up in your thought. I do miss helping with my videos, I miss that process a lot. I love creating videos like this.
  18. Well it depends on the type of set. If the set is outdated, which .158 is, then there will be something lost. I believe it needs to be at least .174, that's where our metadata began. Also, are you using a merged set? Merged has an issue when being imported because files are missing, and if they're missing they can't be grabbed and imported in to LaunchBox. MAME is up to .183, and .184 will soon be out. Split sets or non-merged sets are the two best for LaunchBox, with non-merged being the most compatible (but the most large by double). Edit: What I mean by missing files is that a game can have up to 20 or 25 files associated with that game, and the only thing some of those files changes is what language you're in. Some are more complicated, some are just a base level. When you merge a set, the game still works, but now you're removing those identifier files that LaunchBox needs to read. So a merged set does work in LB, but the import nuance is lost and will not work the same way you might expect.
  19. Well it depends on what version of Vista, SP2 Vista can be supported but not Vista or SP1. I don't recall anyone reporting any issues with Vista for a while related to this subject, this was the first. So it's leading me to believe that either people on Vista are very few and never said anything, or this is just now an issue. @Jason Carr can clear this up though.
  20. Yea, Mupen64plus in RetroArch has been the closest thing for a really long time. It's honestly surprising. It's enough to have ditched Project64 for a long time honestly. As for a real N64 pad, yea, my RetroLink had issues too. I actually went with my PS4 controller, and it honestly works much better. My character controlled much better and the C-Stick style play is totally fine by me since I loved the GameCube. RetroArch can not be beat. The Parrallel core is lagging behind surprisingly, and the GLupen core was rolled in to Mupen and getting their top attention now (at least that was the case for the last few months). It's still no where near perfect, but it's honestly the best solution I think.
  21. Yea, @Charco's totally correct. Try changing views to another one.
  22. Yea, when the API goes down guys, it's down for everyone. API is a specific and special way for outside services to, more or less, hook in to your services without giving them any sort of direct access. In the case of EmuMovies, their FTP, Site and API are different servers or are different services. So if a server goes down, or a service goes down, it doesn't effect everything else, unless multiple go down. But, as you can see, it comes back up eventually.
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