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Everything posted by alexis524

  1. i have so much appreciation for your theme and this thread, i'm making it rain here at my desk with $$$... so much so that i feel bad for whoever has to sweep up.
  2. i like where this is going... how many systems do you intend on adding?
  3. so I can make platform fan art as opposed to having to add fan art to every single game in order for the same picture to show in the background while browsing through the platforms games?
  4. a different image for each platform.
  5. Not sure if that feature has been implemented yet, so in the meantime, i'm trying to think of a workaround and thought that perhaps in can set the background I want as "fanart background" Is there anyway for me to "bulk edit" for lack of a better term and set one specific image to be used as fanart background for all titles under one system? I'm trying to avoid manually adding the image I want to use to each.single.ROM. Thanks in advance
  6. @Nedo, I'm not aware of any way to bulk edit ROM names from within LB at this point. To manually edit ROMs/games in LB, simply right click on any game you want to edit, and select edit (7th option from the bottom of the list) and on the first field is your title field that you can rename to anything you want.
  7. Not sure if it's implemented, but is this possible? \ Would love to have a category for top of cart/cart label for carts with game titles on them.
  8. hmmm, i didn't and that may be one to look into. Thanks for the tio @locvez
  9. I'd grab it before a Cease and Desist noticed is ordered...
  10. DOS, for some odd reason, this time around I was able to get Thunder Blade added into my SMS library by using the "Add" button on the lower right corner of the screen. I dunno. I must have tried adding it that way about a dozen times with no luck, but gave it one more try after your post above and now she's in there like swimwear. Thanks so much for the help It's greatly appreciated.
  11. Hmm. I've also tried to add the game by going to tools/import/import ROM files and followed the usual steps, selected scraping sources, the whole 9 yards and at the end, it gives me the same message, 0 ROMS imported successfully. I may just wipe my build and start fresh. I have a few thousand titles in, but only just recently started to get serious in curating my set up. It just so happened that i wanted to start with the Master System since that console/library is near and dear to my heart. Any thing else i can try before i go ahead with a clean install?
  12. i go through all the motions, LB does it's thing and then the message box says that 0 games were imported successfully.
  13. wow. mind = blown then. I wouldn't have to edit any.xml files to have both would I?
  14. I think my issue revolves around the fact that i have those two systems separated. As another line of evidence, i can see Alien Syndrome in my Mark III LZ library, but when i try to import the same title into the SMS library, same issue. I don't believe that I can have two of the same exact named titles split over two systems. Since this seems to be the case, this is a bit...disappointing. Maybe this very issue has been mentioned here before when using regional libraries split for teh same system. Hmm, I guess I'll have to throw all ROM's for all regions into one folder and use the sort by region view type to separate SMS from Mark III.
  15. you there DOS? Don't leave me bro...
  16. yessir. I'm wondering now if it has something to do with the fact that I have separated Master System and Mark III libraries. Thunder Blade is one of the titles that won't import into my SMS library despite it showing up in my Mark III library. Think it has any conection?
  17. Good Morning all, imported my Sega Master System library last night and noticed that a handful of titles would not import. Only 103/114 imported. Any idears why and what i can do to get those bad boys back with in with the bunch? I've tried manually adding them back in but still no dice. Thanks in advance
  18. any chance someone can seed the torrent??? Trying to dl now, but just crickets and tumbleweed...
  19. @Grila, many thanks. I just didn't see the "vertical Wheel 1" option when cylcing thru the view options in BB/views but right after mentioned key binding, i remembered that i bound my kb to cycle thru view types and found that view. Many thanks my friend
  20. Having trouble getting this view to show. What should I be setting my games view as? Thanks in advance.
  21. Grila, love your theme and think i just found my favorite (no disrespect to all the theme creators here) I installed late last night and plan to tinker with it this weekend. Thanks for your hard work and sharing with us
  22. @kellygeorge, glad I could help
  23. nevermind, i decided to not use the bluemsx RA core for this platform. I'm just using bluemsx outside of RA. I found the settings to map keyboard keys to my 360 controller. All is good
  24. Curious to know if anyone has had any success? I'm willing to edit .cfg files for the core in RA . Which lines would I want to be changing/mapping?
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