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Everything posted by alexis524

  1. this. @cleverest, i'm telling you, i had the same exact issue. down to the OS, to when LB would crash, all of it. The same.exact.thing. It all had to do with W10 updates. I noticed LB crashing right after installed the Creators Editon and also today after another update. Follow the steps in the post above and you should be right as rain.
  2. Hey man, had the same problem last week i believe with W10 and LB. Once I deleted and reinstalled all the M$ VC++ dependencies, i was back up and running no problem. Heh, i had to do i t again today as the lastest update to W10 messed with a few. In any event, go here to grab the all in one installer : http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_runtime_installer.html once you've downloaded, reboot, and run it. It'll delete any and all dependencies you have installed now, or if you wish to delete them manually, go to Control Panel/ Add/Remove Programs and delete everything that begins with "Microsoft Visual C++" and then run the installer. Either way, it takes about 10 minutes tops. Reboot after which ever of the two you decide, but in the end, you will have all 18 dependencies installed from oldest to newest in the proper order (x86 fisrt then x64 on top of) Let us know if the above helps
  3. Thanks Jason, silly question, but, how does LB know to combine region related ROM's? Does it look for tiltes with same names and group them that way? Is there any manual work that needs to be done?
  4. @viking, any word on this by chance? I'm curious to know if this can be added too.
  5. playing Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition. About 2 hours put in and around 20% completion rate. Enjoying it so far. Will try to see it all the way through. It's been a distraction from Sky Force Anniversay, which I've been playing pretty hard for the past few weeks. Trying to 100% that one is tough...
  6. @Jason Carr, now you've got me totally rethinking my setup... If I wanted to have a selection as stated above, what's the best set to import? Merged? non merged? other?
  7. In LB, right click on your game you want to mark complete to bring up the menu, select "Edit", and on the right hand side, right above the media for your game are 5 checkboxes, the 2nd is where you'll find teh "Completed" box. Tick it and the game will now show in the Completed list/status.
  8. like your clean work. Very nice:)
  9. I second this. It'll help you navigate it and you'll be zipping around in RA in no time flat.
  10. good to know. It's been a minute since i had to go into the menu and cruise around. thanks for the correction @NLS, what has you frustrated with RA specifically?
  11. yep, once you figure out that the "X" key is your Enter button, and "Z" is your Backspace, it's all good. Pretty straightforward from there on out.
  12. welcome back to the fold @wolfhound89 Actually, MAME isn't too hard to get set up. lordmonkus put together a pretty easy straight-forward tutorial on getting your set up and running. Look here if you'd like to have a read: I felt overwhelmed in getting my MAME set up and running but it was pretty easy with the help in the above post. Feel free to reach out here if you run into trouble
  13. I've learned quite a bit about install order of dependencies over the past 24 hours. I have a 64-bit OS and never knew that i needed to install the x86 files first and then the x64 on top of them. I think i was just fortunate over the years that I had most dependencies installed that allowed me to do what I wanted on my PC, buuut, it was probably my lack of knowledge in understanding repairing, modifying, and reinstalling my VC++ files that finally caught up to me. I simply deleted all that were installed to start with a clean slate and installed every one again in proper order and i'm all good now
  14. Thanks for the reply Brad. I've managed to sort it out and am back up and running. I installed what I thought was all the VC distro's, but come to find out I was missing a few. I ran across a nice 'lil installer package off of Major Geeks that installed every 32-bit and 64-bit build for me, updates and all so after a reboot, I'm happy to report that not only is Rocket Launcher working for me now, but also LB is back to it's good old self. I was ready to do a fresh install and rebuild a 20k title library . So glad i didn't...
  15. Ok, I've reinstalled everything VC++ starting from the oldest set (2005) up to the most recent and installing first the 32-bit package and then the 64-bit on top and still get the same behaviour in LB, but not RL, which is odd, but not complaining since that problem is solved, but LB is still closing itselft out whenever i click on any title. Is there a crash log that might be able to tell me what seems to be the problem?
  16. Nevermind guys, I found the answer to my question above
  17. When it comes to reinstalling my dependencies, is there a suggested method? door #1 - delete all enmasse that appear in my programs list in Control Panel and then re-install all, or door #2 - delete and then re-install one by one?
  18. I am Brad. Forgive me if this a very n00b question, but, can i roll back to a previous update in LB? On a quasi-related note, RL has been doing the same thing prior to my W10 update. I was encouraged there to re-install all.my.VC redist's which was...painful to hear. I've gone without RL for the time being, but since it's similar behaviour now in LB, I think i might have to entertain that thought.
  19. @jchasa, nada. haven't begun to experiment with any plugins yet.
  20. @SentaiBrad, big ups on the Driver Booster tip. I intalled hoping to find a cure for this : 9 drivers needed updating that my MSI Command Center never caught. I also updated my AMD drivers as well. Rebooted, but still getting the same behaviour from LB.
  21. hmmm, seems i do. i updated yesterday and ever since, LB closes itself whenever i right click on a game. The menu shows - play, edit, etc, for about 5 seconds then LB closes itself.
  22. Hello all, trying my hand at making some clear logos to fill in some gaps here and hopefully for the community to use. I don't have much experience in touching up images, but have toyed with GIMP over the years, and wanted to touch up the attached image. Any pointeres for what I might be able to do to sharpen things up and for the text below "Origin" to stand out more? Thanks in advance
  23. Yes. Because Castelvania Adventure Rebirth.
  24. I know that this a few years old, but this is the recommendation i was given when i was building my PC for pretty much the same purpose : Not even close. The Nehalem i3 is just not as fast as the Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell i3s, especially in complex emulation like GameCube / Wii. You'd be better off with something like this, to get the performance advantage of Haswell's faster architecture: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks Type Item Price CPU Intel Pentium G3420 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor $67.99 @ Amazon Motherboard ASRock H81M-DGS R2.0 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard $51.38 @ Newegg Memory G.Skill Sniper Series 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory $36.99 @ Newegg Storage Toshiba 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $83.18 @ Amazon Video Card PowerColor Radeon R7 260X 1GB Video Card $99.99 @ Newegg Case Rosewill FB-03 ATX Mid Tower Case $29.99 @ Newegg Power Supply EVGA 430W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply $34.99 @ Amazon Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) $97.27 @ TigerDirect Total Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available. $501.78 Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-04 13:45 EDT-0400 Since then, i've upgradded my CPU to an i5 4460 3.20GHz , PSU to 750W, my RAM to 16gb Gskill Ripjaws, a bigger mid tower case, and my GPU to an XFX R9 290x 8gb.
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