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Posts posted by bundangdon

  1. Yep! Just did a test with Sega Game Gear and it's working properly. I tested it both with Retroarch (on its own), and once again with the same emulation setup in LaunchBox and there were no problems. The bezels and the cfg files provided by the Bezel Project program were displayed there with the few games I tested. You may want to check your Retroarch configuration ("manage emulators" in options) and make sure the cores are set up properly, and if you have more than one instance of retroarch set up, that might be a cause. Otherwise, you may want to consider setting up Retroarch again in LaunchBox and basically 'start from fresh' and see if you can get better results.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Dr.Chepe said:

    Hi I have the latest version of Launchbox and Retroarch. I have installed Bezel.Project and it will work if I only run Retroarch without Launchbox. When I use launchbox and play a game, the bezels do not show up.

    can anyone help?

    Thank you,


    That's kind of an odd situation, but I've had a similar thing happen to me as well  I'd check to see if the cores you're using through Launchbox are the same ones you set up with the Bezel Project. For example, you may have "mesen" set up with the Bezel Project for NES games, but perhaps LaunchBox is launching the FCEumm or Nestopia core. I'd start by checking that first

  3. 4 hours ago, ermac_0 said:

    I hear you. Im going to get off the idea of having Switch in my emulation project for now. 

    Just to add my 2 cents. Coming from my own experience in recent days, if you want to play the less demanding "A" titles, 2D games, and mostly indie stuff, you can get by playing Yuzu with a budget GFX card, but I'd have to say you'll need a pretty beefy processor (CPU) and a decent GFX card to play the more sophisticated 3D and "AAA" games. The same holds true for PS3 games as Neil mentioned. I have an older CPU (i7 4790s) and Nvdia 1070GTX, and while I'm running Super Mario Odyssey, it's playable but sluggish at best.

  4. 15 minutes ago, WraithTDK said:

    I don't have cdimono1.ini. That's gotta be it. I'm not even sure what that is. I'll have to do some digging.

    okay, it's basically a copy of the mame.ini file, but customized for only cdi games. so if you don't have it, just copy the mame.ini file and rename it to cdimono1.ini and then change the settings accordingly

  5. 52 minutes ago, WraithTDK said:

    I've been having a devil of a time trying to get Launchbox to recognize my CD-I files. Per the advice of the YouTube tutorial, I aquired them in .chd format from the MAME software list. The only thing I've done differently from that tutorial is that I'm using MAME instead of MESS, because MESS no longer really exists, having been merged with MAME. Do I need to be doing something vastly different here?

    For some reason, this is one of the most tricky systems to get working with Mame, based on the number of posts I've seen here on the LaunchBox forums, and I'd have to agree with that, mostly because of Mame's slightly picky configurations for software games like this. First, make sure you have the correct bios file (named "cdimono1.zip" or "cdimono1.7z") and also make sure you have the cdimono1.ini the "ini" folder of mame with the correct directory of where your bios is located. For example, like this:

    homepath                  .
    rompath                   C:\launchbox\emulators\mame\bios
    hashpath                  hash
    samplepath                samples
    artpath                   artwork
    ctrlrpath                 ctrlr

    I just tested this out, and it's now working for me.

  6. 1 hour ago, mange181 said:

    My Mame is old no doubt about it :)  Thanks for info. ill let you all know if this will fix it.  Maybe ill look into updateing Mame. But my experience tells me that it will create compability issues with games. Or is Mame better at this nowadays? last time i build a cab were 5 years ago so stuff might have changed for the better :)

    Yep, you have two choices: stick with the older mame and remove that "-keyboardprovider" from the default command line parameters, or update to the latest mame, but you'll probably have to find the latest set of mame roms. To answer your question, "newer is better" certainly does apply here, but I wouldn't be able to go into any specifics and if you're content with your current/original setup, then I'd stick with the older version of mame

  7. 1 minute ago, mange181 said:


    I upgraded my 5 year old bigbox to latest beta.   

    I changed theme to vertigo.

    Now when trying to runt a mame game i get following error and no game loads.

    Error unknown option: -keyboardprovider

    Looks like there is some setting i need to turn of. Anyone know were this setting is?


    Thanks in advance!



    Try replacing your mame default options with this instead, and see if it works
    -keyboardprovider dinput -skip_gameinfo -nowindow

  8. That newly updated text filters view looks really nice! I'd give a little more room for the fanart and other artwork, with a little less room for the games list, but that's probably just me :)

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Mr.Laor said:

    Hey Folks,


    What would be the best way to start learning and experimenting with the theme creator? Is there a video (or videos) I should watch first? Is there a template I should play with? I'm guessing there isn't a formal tutorial of any kind.


    Thanks in advance.


    I'm not sure if there's a proper tutorial out there just yet, but the theme creator is relatively easy to figure out. There's a theme included with the program called "Plain n Simple Community". I played around with that for a while, before diving into my own theme a little later.

  10. 3 hours ago, soqueroeu said:

    Hi @faeran!
    Congratulations for another excellent theme!
    What is expected to appear on this dark background? Do I have to configure something to show an image there?


    If you look at an earlier post (scroll up), as I requested that same thing here, you can change that view to have fanart images or videos instead of the solid black background


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  11. 2 hours ago, alvinicoogh said:

    I did it, with the fanart option checked, but nothing apperas

    What you should try doing is browse around the themes section in the downloads area here, take a look at the various themes available, and find one which includes platform artwork as a background. Coming from my own personal experience, I've discovered there are actually a lot that will allow you to do so, but you'll have to give each theme a try and see which one suits you best. Another one that comes to mind is the BigBox theme "Aeon MQ7"


    Also, I just checked the "Default" theme which is included with BigBox and realized that it also allows you to use platform fanart in the background. Keep in mind, these are images and not videos being used in the background

  12. It should look something like this, (in the appropriate folder for each system) as shown below. But you'll have to put your own image there, as I did with "nes.png" in this folder


  13. You shouldn't need to do a re-install, as I don't think that would solve the problem. I think there's a step missing somewhere. Also, I am pretty certain that with RetroFresh, it uses videos not images for that particular view (wheels). Although you should see images (platform artwork) with the text-list view. By any chance, did you set this in BigBox options? (see below)


    If that still doesn't work, let me know.

  14. 8 hours ago, alvinicoogh said:

    Thanks @bundangdon, but I tried put the image downloaded into the directories you told me, I changed theme and refreshed properties, but no background is displayed.

    Is there any settings that I have to change?


    You'll need to use a BigBox theme that allows you to use a platform image in the background. There are a lot out there to choose from, but I'd try using the "Retrofresh" theme and see how well that one suits you. Here you go

    RetroFresh - Big Box Custom Themes - LaunchBox Community Forums (launchbox-app.com)

  15. 2 hours ago, alvinicoogh said:

    Please help me, I'm a real noob!

    With all big box themes I can't display a background with the platform choice.

    What I have to do?

    Thanks a lot



    Not completely sure what you're trying to do, but if you want a picture-background for each platform, you need to put the image (jpg or png) of your choice in the following folder (using the Nintendo NES as an example): 

    C:\Launchbox\Images\Platforms\Nintendo Entertainment System\Fanart\nes.jpg

    Note: the image file name can be anything you want

  16. 9 hours ago, mallaard said:

    So this is probably a very noobish question, but I’m curious about trying Teknoparrot, however several things have been keeping me from attempting it so far.

    The first is the whole malware false-positive issue. I just wanted confirmation from those in-the-know that this program, as well as that Game Loader RH or whatever it’s called, are actually fine to use.

    The second issue I’ve had is in actually acquiring the program. I’ve visited the Tekno Gods official website and went to their downloads page, but it just brings up some scary message about my browsing not being private, and there’s no way to bypass it to get to any actual download link.

    My final concern is that Teknoparrot evidently requires some special C++ program and a special version of Direct X. Will installing this stuff mess up any of the other games and programs I have running on my current Direct X version (which I think is 11)? 
    So I guess in short, is this program worth all the trouble that seems to be involved with it? And if so, could anyone provide a working download link? 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Coming from someone who had very similar concerns with you in the not so distant past, I can say that TeknoParrot is safe to use, as long as you download it from a reputable website of course. I think because TeknoParrot is not really an emulator, and is more of a 'hack' than anything else, the program causes a lot of false positive malware warnings, and the same goes with Game Loader RH as well. Those particular arcade games are all programmed for use in Windows, and TeknoParrot essentially goes around the copy/hack protection, so that you can play those same (Windows) games on your own computer. The C++ and DirectX libraries that you mentioned won't mess anything up either. In short, it's a bit of a hassle to get up and running properly, but very much worth it since there are some extremely nice arcade games available for both systems (TP and Game Loader)

  17. 20 minutes ago, thimolor said:

    Small demo of BareBones theme. Things to do: banners, device images and system view. I don't think I will be making any more different views for this one.


    Very simple but cool! Looking forward to the release of this theme!

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