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Everything posted by dragon57

  1. Truly. I use it all the time for many different front ends. The renamer is just one of the useful utilities in Don's pack. I highly recommend learning and using them.
  2. In a word, no. This is way beyond the scope of the project. As we say in the readme and help, we use the No-Intro naming convention when we can, then for like CD based bezels, we ask for consensus and majority wins. Even No-Intro is problematic because changes are always creeping in. The only way to fix this is to distribute rom packs with the bezels that match and that sure isn't going to happen. You can't even go with 'trusted' packs because most are incomplete with always a few games named slightly different, often because of what I have already stated. You can try to use CRC matching, but again, there are so many versions of roms out there that you can never be sure what you get will work, plus there are quite a few renaming tools out there that allow you to rename in mass according to whatever standard you have. The old "Don's renaming utility" from the old Hyperspin days is still a mainstay with many users and continues to work well. Games names will always be problematic and I don't see that changing any time soon.
  3. Yeah, CD based systems could use some love as far as standard naming. You have the one you mentioned, Redump, plus TruRip, Dark Water, and a host of other smaller/different collections. That is what is so great about standards, there are so many of them!
  4. Thanks. I have that one. Our game list includes much more than what SupraKarma's file does. Our list has quite a few Japanese games which the Hyperspin files seem to not have much coverage for (there are exceptions, of course).
  5. Yet another beta release (sorry about the fast turnover). This version supports Windows only repo releases as they are completed. Since the original purpose of the project was to release for RetroPie users, there are great reasons to not open up repos that just aren't supported on that platform yet, but are either officially, or easily configured to work on Windows. The link is the same above. Note: in this release you should see Daphne and Dreamcast in the list of available repos. Finally, you may see quite a few naming issues if you install the Dreamcast files. The main reason for this is there is no official No-Intro database for Sega Dreamcast yet, so we had to pick some naming convention. We decided to go with the EmuMovies naming convention for Dreamcast at this point in time. This may change as feedback comes in and if No-Intro ever releases an official database. If anyone has any other info/input for this subject, please PM me.
  6. Hmm, not sure what to tell you. The Webinstaller 1.5 belongs to DMC4708. There are plans to stop development of it and archive it on Github in the near future. It sounds like your Retroarch-MAME cfg file was accidentally corrupted. All I can recommend is delete it and the bezels, then manually configure things how you want. Use my app to reinstall and see if that gets you back where you need to be. Installing any of the bezel packs should not keep you from further customizing your Retroarch settings.
  7. Another small update to the beta. Reset the 30-day expiration clock and added some user interaction if uninstalling bezel packs for RocketLauncher. The download link is the same as above.
  8. Yeah, my app is created with AutoHotkey and compressed with UPX. This combination is often flagged as a virus because of the compression. Either restore, or create an exception for the installer/app. @dov_EL, can you give more details? I don't have any issues saving settings with Retroarch here in my setup.
  9. You can convert your nib files using this converter: https://c64preservation.com/files/nibtools/
  10. Doesn't the Nostalgia emulator site have image packs you can download that includes the overlays?
  11. Another small update to the beta. Reset the 30-day expiration clock and turned off/on some GUI elements according to relevance. The download link is the same as above.
  12. If you can find any, yes. Emumovies has only very, very few Windows/Steam videos in its collection. You are better off downloading manually from YouTube.
  13. A new beta has been posted as of May 1, 2019. The link above has been updated. The modifications include progress bars where I could enable them.
  14. Does this work for any resolution monitor or do you have suggestions to make the bezels fit on a 1440p monitor without black space between the game and bezel? The bezels them selves are all 1080p resolution, but that is the same aspect ratio as 1440p, so they should scale fine no matter which application you use them with. In general, what is it doing? I see there’s a png and cfg file for each game/bezel. Is the png image size static or does it shrink/stretch based on the system where it’s installed? As I said above, the image should scale. Does the cfg file change the game’s play area? The cfg file does not change the play area specifically, but it will strip out any override if you leave the option 'Overwrite existing platform bezel cfg files' set to 'Yes'. Does the bezel project change any other Retroarch settings besides the png and cfg files they drop? See previous answer. Or are these bezels meant to be used with some specific settings from the video section around resolution or aspect ratio? I would check to see if you have any core overrides in effect that would cause the play area to be scaled incorrectly. If you don't find any, I would just bring up a game with the bezel and go into the Video options, then play around with the aspect ratio option and/or custom scaling numbers. Once you get the look you want, save a core override. MAME is similar. The lay files should set the correct aspect ratio and play area, but if you have any custom settings saved under MAME, you may have to delete them, or play around to get the look you want.
  15. My Windows port for The Bezel Project's Retropie script is ready for open beta. The app support Windows installations of native/standalone MAME, Retroarch, and RocketLauncher. While the app is in beta, it will have a rolling, 30 day expiration period. Also, after the app leaves beta, there will be no expiration and I plan to post the source code to Github. Note that you should backup any existing configurations and the app is not responsible for nuking your computer (really, it should be fine, but always backup!) If you find any issues, please post a message here in the thread. I will attempt to get back to you within 24 hours. One final caution, any process involving downloading, installing, disabling, and/or enabling the MAME bezel pack can take a while to complete, so be patient. Here is the download link (temporarily on my Google drive). The final app will be hosted on our Github account. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fr-Z0ISu2vgrxnFpn2NokbWEwSfsthCS
  16. @sundogak, amazing, totally. I never had any early Apple machine, and at this late stage of my life, I had given up even trying to integrate this platform into my setup. Your info changes that. I really look forward to going over the steps and coming out on the other end with a wonderful, new experience.
  17. If you are adept at writing Windows batch files, you could create one that you call from Launchbox instead of the emulator directly. From within the batch file, parse the command line to know which rom you need, then use copy or xcopy to copy the file from the locally reference cloud location to some local directory. After the copy is done, call the emulator from the batch file and point it to the newly copied file(s).
  18. Funny, I had the same question because I want to upgrade my existing controller's joysticks to Happ, possibly. Hopefully someone with experience will jump in.
  19. You can start with this Vector list from the downloads section:
  20. MAME expects a certain format for the files it reads, so using ColEM format probably won't work. You need to find and try a different set of games which are usually called 'Software List' format.
  21. If you really want to find these, all I will say is Google is your friend!
  22. Have you searched the LaunchBox games DB? There should be one there.
  23. Have you checked permissions on the userid used to mount the share?
  24. If you read page one of this thread, there are step by step instructions by myself and ateb, using two similar approaches of manually integrating the files into a Windows based RetroArch installation.
  25. Most impressive work. I can't wait to see the new theme. Thanks for your contributions to the community. It is very appreciated.
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