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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Not what you are looking for I know, but I already tricked it into showing my 3D boxes, which it wont off the bat.
  2. configure is still grayed out for me? Hamburger menu still does nothing, am I missing something?
  3. Well that's one I had never heard of, just searched my launchbox and it works, so.......
  4. Also try installing everything in the dependencies pack linked in the description of this video, just so we can rule out drivers.
  5. Well to be honest its not broken in 8.1, at least not for anyone else. I mean you can try it if you want, but betas are just that, beta, and will likely have more bugs than the stable version so I would advise against it at this point as you don't want to introduce something that may cause more, but unrelated issues that may confuse us solving this one. I don't want to repeat myself but have you tried another drive to see if its a system wide issue, or just a drive issue?
  6. Sorry my bad, 8.1 is the latest official, I'm running a beta of 8.2 and got confused. Apologies.
  7. Yeah I'm guessing its some sort of external influence, but you probably expect me to say that. Ill tag @Jason Carr here to see if he has any ideas, I'm not a coder or a guy who knows a whole lot about the ins and outs of PC's, I just know how to use the program really well, but the fact that one .exe works but the other doesn't is baffling to me.
  8. Well the only thing I can suggest at the moment is to try it on another drive and see if you get the same behaviour, its really not a issue I have heard of before so I'm slightly confused to be honest with you. I assume you are using Launchbox 8.2?
  9. Also should of asked earlier, what OS are you running?
  10. Are you running any antivirus software that could be blocking the .exe? Also do you have a drive on your PC that isn't the C drive? Have you tried importing a rom or two there and testing it? Just so we can rule out whether or not its a system drive permissions issue like @harryoke was hinting at.
  11. Good idea but we actually advise against running as admin, as it can cause emulators to require elevation when a game is launched, which is obviously not ideal for a bigbox setup.
  12. Ok, are you trying to launch Bigbox from the button within Launchbox or the bigbox.exe in the launchbox folder? whichever way you are currently have you tried the other?
  13. Hi and welcome to the community. Well that's a strange one for sure, and not something I have heard of before. Just to check before we dive deeper you have your license file in the launchbox folder and your license name appears in launchbox at the top left of the screen?
  14. You can set that in launchbox, go to tools/options/screenshot priorities, check the image type you want and move it to the top of the list.
  15. Should probably tag @CriticalCid here as he actually knows, rather than me speculating.
  16. Critical Zone V2 allows it. On the coverflow with details, and I think others. 2018-03-19 21-11-31.mp4
  17. Give me a sec and ill dig a theme/view out.
  18. I hope so???? I f not maybe emumovies pulled them down for you?
  19. make sure you click the very top link, its 1.5GB. OK, I'm to slow, you edited your post before I replied.
  20. Correct, I was just checking that the program wasn't open when you deleted folders, or files within. because that wouldn't work. They would likely repopulate on next start of the program.
  21. Sorry I know nothing of the XAML, but there are already themes that let you use the "switch image" key/button to do this already, some views are hard coded, some let you switch on the fly.
  22. Where did you delete them from? within the interface itself? or from the folders with the program open?
  23. That makes a lot of sense. for someone who doesn't use marquees, its the same in every other image folder also. I think we have a winner.
  24. I have no experience with multi monitor or cabs, so your our guy now. Also deleting from within launchbox, or via there folders?
  25. Thank you @Retro808 this is why I called on your wisdom here.
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