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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Try there faces if they see you using these.
  2. And just for reference I have a old dual core Celeron nuc with 4gb of ram and integrated GPU that is set to use the max ram in that. It has to also run windows of course, and I don't use it for bigbox at all. Just saying.
  3. Yeah I would say the dual core is the issue there, I'm assuming its a low clocked/older CPU? And as I said Bigbox will run on most things but it does like to have a dedicated GPU in order to use all the bells and whistles, as I said not essential but a IGP is sharing bandwidth across CPU and IGP, with 4GB of ram which is pretty low these days. You could try upping the ram the IGP can use in the bios and test though.
  4. Yep, all this can be yours for the small small price of $20
  5. To a certain extent yes, what CPU are you currently running? Most MAME and PS1 game use CPU only, and a GPU is only used for buffs like upscaling and shaders. Bigbox itself likes a GPU, although it is in no way essential.
  6. I honestly no very little about the AMD cards, however most emulation relies on the CPU speed mostly especially the earlier systems. Some of the later systems may use a combination of the two but I believe will still be heavily slanted to the CPU side of things. I don't believe having more CPU compute on a graphics card will have any benefit at all, but as I said I'm not that familiar with AMD products. Maybe our resident AMD mod could chime in on this @Lordmonkus?
  7. Just copy your lanchbox settings.xml out of the folder and Launchbox will load with defaults, you can of course just drop it back in after.
  8. I don't believe that is possible to change at the moment. This is the place to post it though, custom themes section. This option was on the last poll for changing colours and fonts from within the Bigbox options, so you never know it may get implemented at some point.
  9. There is a option in options/videos for background videos, but it does depend on the theme whether that works or not, some themes are simply designed to only work in a window. You could also try changing views, all themes have several views and one may be designed specifically for fullscreen videos.
  10. The only way we could ever have a trial of bigbox is to include DRM in the program, and Jason is adamant that he is never going to inconvenience the paying customers by adding DRM, so that will never happen I'm afraid.
  11. Yeah the roms and emulators you may have are nothing to do with us and Jason has said before any images and such you downloaded from our database are yours to do with as you please, but as @DOS76 said including your license would be a big no no. Also videos from emumovies should not really be included either as they are a paid service, but that is your moral choice to make.
  12. Yeah it happens from time to time, we don't know when though Jason will just announce it when it happens.
  13. Is the associated platform command line set to use snes9x_next? that core doesn't exist anymore, you will need to edit it to a different core.
  14. I'm not familiar with this emulator, but it sounds like that specific game is changing your audio device in windows, hence why no audio when you quit. Are there options in the emulator to specify the sound device?
  15. Well retroarch can already go anywhere you want to put it, that's not the issue, the issue is not being able to read the users mind and automatically no which cores to use. So there will always need to be some form of input from the user.
  16. The problem there though is peoples PC specs vary. I would recommend higan for snes for example, but that needs a fairly beefy CPU to run smoothly. Where as if someone has weaker specs I may suggest the snes9x core. Unfortunately there is no "one size fits all" approach to recommending cores.
  17. Yes this is how steam in home streaming always works, if you are playing a game the PC will be tied up and unusable at the time. Controllers also are connected to the client not the PC.
  18. Those specs are identical to what I used to run, i5 3570k, GTX 770, 16GB DD3 and I ran everything just fine. I have since swapped out the 770 for a 1060 but all the other hardware is still the same. So yeah those specs are great for emulation.
  19. I don't believe its possible to use 2 different videos for the same game in Bigbox themes.
  20. You just beat me to that @Retro808 I too have no special setting and am running PPSSPP 1.5.4 and Launchbox 8.2 beta 2 and everything is working as expected.
  21. Well if ppsspp is crashing without even involving Launchbox in the equation, then it must me a emulator or PC issue. Like @Lordmonkus and @Retro808 said ppsspp works just fine for me in Launchbox.
  22. You should be able to just move the whole folder. Are your roms and emulators in the launchbox folder? If they are you don't need to do anything, if not you will have to tell launchbox were they have moved to. Just highlight all games in a platform then go to tools/change roms folder path. for emu's just go to tools/manage emulators to point at the new location for the emu's.
  23. Just copy the Launchbox folder to the other drive.
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