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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Most themes are designed for 1080p screens specifically, so that's why the text is off for you. You say the TV supports 1080p so cant you just force it to 1080 in the dropdown? Also there are a couple of themes in our downloads section that have lower res versions, perhaps try one of those. Also I think the included Critical Zone theme will scale correctly to that res but I don't have a screen to test it on I'm afraid.
  2. This is all I have for mine, I don't use reshade.
  3. This theme is no longer being maintained I'm afraid.
  4. lol @Charco seems you have a head start on me this morning, I was about to post the same thing. https://emumovies.com/files/category/1351-videos/
  5. Yeah, I have AM2R and it launches just fine for me so there must be a error somewhere.
  6. I believe that would be because the series field is not actually populated in the metadata.xml as its not in our database, so my guess would be that its searching in the metadata.xml and not through your actual platform.xml's.
  7. That's actually more likely to be that not all the games have the series field filled in on our database, so they don't show in search. For example Super C as you mentioned it has no series attached in its details.
  8. Just set the "time between movements" to 30 seconds, in Options/attract mode.
  9. I'm not sure if there is to be honest, and moderators here on the forums are not moderators on the database so we couldn't check even if that info is there.
  10. Also have you tried updating the firmware on it? It probably wont help but its worth a shot. http://support.8bitdo.com/
  11. sorry I honestly don't know what my adapter is, i got it in a supermarket for about £5 probably 7-8 years ago and it has no markings on it, its just a black dongle. Windows shows no helpful information either.
  12. Hmm that's a strange one, I have the same controller and it connects just fine on my PC although I am using a generic dongle I picked up in my local Tesco years ago. Sounds like it may me a weird compatibility issue with your motherboard, but I cant confirm that as its not the motherboard I have, but it does work on PC.
  13. Welcome to the community. Are you on the latest beta? As its required as the way we import steam games has changed since the last official release.
  14. Yeah confirmed here, I used it originally when the beta released and just went to add a new game and had to click through the link, login, wait for my steam guard code on my phone then copy paste the api again. A bit of a faff really.
  15. You have the CHD's for CPS3 right?
  16. grab the latest beta and follow the steps in the wizard, you will need to provide your own API key.
  17. Can you tell any differences between the two?
  18. Not what you are looking for I know, but I already tricked it into showing my 3D boxes, which it wont off the bat.
  19. configure is still grayed out for me? Hamburger menu still does nothing, am I missing something?
  20. Well that's one I had never heard of, just searched my launchbox and it works, so.......
  21. Also try installing everything in the dependencies pack linked in the description of this video, just so we can rule out drivers.
  22. Well to be honest its not broken in 8.1, at least not for anyone else. I mean you can try it if you want, but betas are just that, beta, and will likely have more bugs than the stable version so I would advise against it at this point as you don't want to introduce something that may cause more, but unrelated issues that may confuse us solving this one. I don't want to repeat myself but have you tried another drive to see if its a system wide issue, or just a drive issue?
  23. Sorry my bad, 8.1 is the latest official, I'm running a beta of 8.2 and got confused. Apologies.
  24. Yeah I'm guessing its some sort of external influence, but you probably expect me to say that. Ill tag @Jason Carr here to see if he has any ideas, I'm not a coder or a guy who knows a whole lot about the ins and outs of PC's, I just know how to use the program really well, but the fact that one .exe works but the other doesn't is baffling to me.
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