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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Games in MAME are marked as working or non working on every version release. Yes games break, that's why you always need to match your version of the romset with that version of the emulator. Its been this way forever, if you are not updating your romset, don't update the emulator either.
  2. I believe its right trigger by default.
  3. OK, I just downloaded MAMEUI to test. I opened it and went to options in the top bar and selected directories. Then left it on Roms and clicked browse, I navigated to where my roms are then hit OK. MAMEUI then starts scanning by default, you can see the progress in the bottom left bar. Then I double clicked on the game "1941" and it loaded right up. That's all that is needed in order to get MAME working, no command lines needed. This is the same also in the default MAME just that the UI looks different.
  4. Can you put your roms and chd's in the MAME/Roms folder and open MAMEUI and double click the 1941 game, does it load?
  5. Lol, that's how it is, we all tend to get wrapped up in it once we dip our toes.
  6. We have a tutorial video on our youtube channel for setting up mame with launchbox.
  7. The vast majority of the commands in that link you will never need. all you will need to do is set your paths, and if you are putting roms and such inside your mame folder you may not even need to do that as mame looks inside its own folder by default, so it will by default look in the Roms folder for the roms. you can of course put your roms anywhere on your system, and that is when you would have to tell mame where they are. In that image I posted you will see the second option is "configure directories" you just go in there, pick something from the list, lets say roms, you then just navigate to where your roms are then once in the rom folder hit tab on the keyboard to set that as the directory. As for your original question as to the software lists, Extras, and Multimedia, I have never used any of those so I'm not 100% sure where they go, but as I say above you should be able to put them anywhere as long as you tell mame where to look for them. Hope that helps in some way, any further questions fire away.
  8. Yeah when setup in Launchbox its actually Launchbox that passes the command lines to MAME, and does so whether you use the UI version or not. In fact this is basically all Launchbox does for all emulators it passes the rom to load to the emulator via command line. You use whatever you want to use though, best emulators are always very subjective and what works for one may not work for another. That's the beauty of Launchbox it doesn't care what emulator you use it will just pass the command lines to whatever you tell it to.
  9. I see you are thinking about Star Trek Elite Force? I have that on disc but I couldn't get it to install, so id like to see that.
  10. I personally use it due to having controller issues with Retroarch, I use Retroarch for as much as I can, but stick to standalone for MAME.
  11. Yeah that view is hardcoded for box front, its very easy to edit the .xml file though as I have done myself to show 3D boxes. Just open "HorizontalWheel2GamesView" in the views folder find the line that says boxes and change it to "3D Boxes".
  12. The standard MAME has a UI also, I have never used command line for it I set everything I needed through the built in UI. This is the default UI in the standard MAME.
  13. What this view? If so you may of accidently changed the image type as it can be changed per platform. I believe its I on the keyboard to cycle through image types.
  14. As for the touch screen you can use either mouse or right stick on the controller, those options are also in the quick menu.
  15. go to View/Auto Play Videos and check the option.
  16. neil9000


    Its a cartridge for the snes that takes Game Boy games so you can play them on a TV. So yeah not really a system.
  17. I suppose it depends where it is getting it from, if it is just initiating a download from the play store under your account, it's probably OK. I think Jason wanted to actually include it with Launchbox but that was a no no, I guess he could technically initiate the download as well, as he already links to the download page when you add Retroarch as a emulator, but i'm not sure how the Retroarch devs would take that to be honest.
  18. Yeah you can only specify one folder, I would just copy and paste what you want to the other folder as well.
  19. http://pluginapi.launchbox-app.com/html/4cf923f7-940c-5735-83de-04107a6ae0e6.htm
  20. Yeah HDR will look like that if the content is not HDR, just set it to Auto and it should swap to HDR when viewing that content.
  21. Yeah unfortunately that is a issue with a lot of themes, they are designed for 16:9 1080p displays and it is actually quite tricky to support multiple resolutions without actually re-coding the theme. This doesn't solve your issue if you specifically want to use Nostalgia as its a great theme but the one below is specifically designed for 4K screens.
  22. Well if you have updated to 8.1 from older versions, then the installers should still be in Launchbox/Updates unless you manually deleted them. I always keep the last official and last couple of betas in there so its easy to roll back if something breaks.
  23. Then you will have to send a email to support@unbrokensoftware.com and explain why you want a older version, as it is advised you always use the most current version of the software. They may or may not help you, I honestly don't know.
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