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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Are you asking why it is not fullscreen? If so its because you are running Retroarch in windowed mode and not fullscreen mode.
  2. Sounds like a bad zip, that's not a error I have ever seen with MAME so I cant really help there I'm afraid.
  3. Yeah its likely you already have the necessary files on your system, but Launchbox cant take that for granted so will install those with the update. It would be a bit silly if it didn't install all the files it needs to run when updating itself.
  4. I stand corrected, it appears it does work the way @DOS76 says, that would be really messy though in my opinion, I wouldn't want to have to go to say Master System in order to find a snes game, but to each to there own.
  5. Yeah there are no logos for the PEGI system ESRB only I'm afraid, it may be possible but the theme would have to be re-coded and someone would need to create the logos from scratch, and it may still not work as the program and database are coded to show ESRB so changing it may break things. Although I'm not a coder so cant say for sure.
  6. It is not possible to consolidate same named games from different platforms, this feature is more for multiple versions of the same game (rev a, rev b, beta, proto) etc. If you want to combine games from multiple platforms you would have to use the playlist feature. Also there is a checkbox in the import wizard to combine games with the same name at import, I believe it is checked on by default, so they should be combined by default when importing a platform, if any do get missed that's when you would click them and manually combine them.
  7. Also 8.1 is the current official version, or 8.2 beta 2, if you are updating to betas.
  8. It was probably VC redistribution packages or Direct X related stuff. If you go to your Launchbox/Updates folder you will find the installers, just install directly over the top of your current install and this time allow the install.
  9. I don't think PEGI ratings are supported period, and you would need someone to create those logos for them to show up in themes in the first place, if they were even supported to start with.
  10. Try right clicking the platform in the left sidebar and choosing edit, then in the scrape as dropdown change it to "NEC TurboGrafx-16"
  11. This is exactly what it does, if you have no rom options in the right click menu then you only have one rom for that game.
  12. Yep, I have specifically done the very same thing with demul myself before for loading Windows CE games.
  13. I don't think its possible to specify things like that via command line. What you could do is just have a second copy of the emulator named slightly differently in launchbox, and point that specific game at that one pre configured with the correct settings.
  14. Correct, if games have been combined they will be in the right click menu. You can also right click and edit then specify which one is loaded by default when double clicking.
  15. If it now works you probably miss spelled something, glad its now working though.
  16. So the line should be -L "cores\bsnes_accuracy_libretro.dll" Try copy pasting that, also the name in the associated platform tab must match exactly what the platfom is called in the left bar in launchbox.
  17. Does the game start when you load it in just Retroarch?
  18. Well the non-merged makes more sense when thinking purely about simplicity as the zips have everything you need. However I honestly have no idea how many people actually use those Vs the smaller sets. I would imagine a lot of people simply choose the smaller sets when downloading, but I have absolutely zero data to back that assumption up.
  19. Also my romset is 0.194 and my CHD set is I think 0.184, so if you do decide to add one or two that require CHD's i'm happy to test.
  20. You should be able to highlight all the games you want by holding ctrl and clicking on the games to be included.
  21. I would add Cosmic Cop to the shooters horizontal, its part of the R-Type series. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/33836 Also I didn't see NARC in there, technically a horizontal shooter?? Fighting VS: I would add Soul Edge, I think Soul Calibur needs a CHD but I'm not 100% on that, if it doesn't I'd add that also. Puzzle: Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. If I think of any others Ill come back.
  22. Yeah agreed, that has a similar setup to @eatkinola nostalgia theme, but with a very different look. if you are done with it, maybe share the results of that labour?
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