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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. You are missing the space between -L and the ".
  2. You don't need \Retroarch in that command line, it should just be -L "cores\fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro.dll" I'm not sure if that will make any difference, but I have never seen Retroarch in the command line like that before.
  3. I haven't tried it in a long time, when I last tried it it was really bad still.
  4. 3DS. https://citra-emu.org/
  5. you shouldn't have to re-import anything you should just be able to copy the folders to the newer install and things should still work.
  6. yeah it should be that's why I think something more serious went wrong. You should just be able to delete the xml and re-import, the fact that the issue persists after that leads me to believe there is a deeper rooted problem somewhere.
  7. Well it sounds to me like the initial import when you used lightspeed, royally broke something in Launchbox, as you say the new one in the new install works as expected, so I would just copy all the platform xml's excluding the arcade one and your image folders and such to the new install and see if that works as expected.
  8. when you re-imported did you use lightspeed again?
  9. you mean bigbox and launchbox settings? they are in the main data folder and can be copied over as well settings.xml and bigboxsettings.xml.
  10. you can just copy the platform xml's and the image/video/games folders into the new install, it should just work.
  11. neil9000

    2nd display

    Activate marquee support in Bigbox then copy paste your clear logos to the marquee folders. Images/name of platform/arcade-marquee.
  12. Cool glad you navigated the contrasting statements, that will teach me to go by memory and not actually check first, sorry about that.
  13. Yeah that's not a bad idea either, but Jason would have to spend time on the database as I'm not sure where vlansix is these days. So its time he would have to put in either way.
  14. Yeah apologies @DOS76 is correct, you need to highlight all the games in the platform then go to Tools/Change Rom Folder Path and browse from there. Sorry about that, were I was sending you is where you can change locations for images, videos etc.
  15. Hi and welcome to the community. You can change the rom path by going to Tools/Manage Platforms double click the Platform then choose the Folders tab, then in the games line browse to your location.
  16. Yeah I agree, the best thing would be for Jason to let us point to our mame emu and take the list from there like CLRmamepro does, then he wouldn't have to worry about updating the list in Launchbox anymore.
  17. Check your Launchbox/Updates folder and install directly over the top of your current install.
  18. Do you use Retro Achievements? If so its probably due to this.
  19. You can also just log out of Retro Achievements for the time being, you wont be able to earn any if they are down anyway.
  20. That's the thing with bugs, if no one encounters it you don't know its there.
  21. yeah, I forsee a lot of these today it happens no matter what version you are running.
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