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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. There was a issue with the api key we use, this has been fixed in the latest beta so I suggest updating to it. More info here.
  2. Have you turned on beta's in tools/options/updates?
  3. neil9000

    Video Files

    Right click the game and go to edit, then the "other" tab and specify the path.
  4. Hmm, I have never used the installer package personally. Have you tried downloading the zip version and testing that?
  5. Yeah I have just checked after seeing your post and I see the same thing.
  6. I have just opened Launchbox and I was prompted immediately that there was a update, downloading it now, ill post back after I try a import. Edit: Working just fine again. Thanks @Jason Carr.
  7. So you used the installer version of Retroarch i'm guessing? There should also be a Retroarch folder in C:/Program folders I would imagine if that's the case, try pointing Launchbox at that .exe instead. I'm not sure if it will make a difference or not though, but that is how KODI installs, it adds KODI to program files folder, but also stores data in the appdata folder.
  8. Unzip them and drop them in Launchbox/Themes/name of theme/Images/Platforms/Clear Logos. Then in Bigbox go to Options/image cache and refresh Platform Logos to see them.
  9. Yep, if you really want to know your use time then you need to ask the emulator devs to incorporate it into there emulators at a base level.
  10. Yep, as much as I would like these features, they are totally out of the question at the moment, and totally not in the scope of this thread.
  11. beta fix will placate us..
  12. Thanks @Jason Carr. Fingers crossed a easy fix??
  13. Not here, not now. for me at least, pi does it well already.
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