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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. @Zombeaver, I was about to reply, then I noticed the thread its on.
  2. Yep, seems like its just the initial importing that has gone AWOL. pass...
  3. lol, not you in particular, just in general. I say things sometimes that I know is funny/sarcastic and someone else takes offence. As @harryoke said, tricky to do in text.
  4. Clones work for HDD's not for ex wives though, so bonus.
  5. Ha ha, welcome to the club. We all start out thinking ill give this free program a chance, and we will see what happens, then you realise you have been using it for over a year and are still tinkering away on it, (not that its in any way difficult to use at all, its just that the possibilities are nearly endless). At least that's my story.
  6. Then you must of opted out of the E-mails at some point, as i'm sure you know you have to enter a valid E-mail address in order to download the program from the site in the first place.
  7. The E-mails have slowed down a lot recently, so it depends how long you have been using Launchbox. Back when I first started using it there was a weekly email sent out, now there is one usually when there is big news to share. Most of the other news @ETAPRIME announces on our excellent youtube channel.
  8. There is no current poll, although it is due soon ish. Usually you will get a email which will have a link once the poll is live, and it will be linked on here i'm sure. Also at the top of the site here is a help/support link and in that is a request a feature link, that will take you to our bitbucket page where you can request features, or vote on existing requests. Hope that helps.
  9. Ha ha, I have a i5 3570k also but I do not have any platforms with that many games. My biggest platform is MAME and I imported that last night with no media downloaded and it only took a couple of minutes.
  10. Yeah I have had the window open for about 10 minutes, and nothing. I only have about 150 games in steam, so it normally only takes a few seconds to parse them all.
  11. The only other thing then is to re-import. It will only take a couple of minutes per system as you already have all the images and videos, just import and UNCHECK all of the image and video options, they will re attach after the import.
  12. I'm just resetting up my launchbox as I had to re-format my ssd, I am having the same issue with the steam import, it has always worked fine before when I have used it. @Jason Carr maybe something has changed with the api? as I can log into steam and play games as usual, but I can not import into Launchbox as like the others it just sits on the parsing account screen.
  13. You can bulk edit the emulator per platform. Just click a game then ctrl a to highlight them all, then ctrl e to open the bulk edit wizard. Choose emulator from the drop down then your emulator in the second.
  14. I used to use the standalone before I switched to Retroarch as I used to have issues with epcsxe on my system, and it worked well. If you are using Retroarch though I would suggest Beetle also.
  15. Hi and welcome to the community. Your platform is named differently to what the associated platform is. Your platform is "Sony PS1" so your retroarch associated platform has to match that, it's currently "Sony PlayStation".
  16. So this is a sports "Platform" not a "Playlist"? because if its a platform this is going to be tricky as you will need to edit each individual game so Launchbox know's what emulator to use for different games from different systems. It would be much simpler to create a "Sports" Playlist instead.
  17. Just use the one called "MAME" that one is kept current and is currently version 0.193.
  18. Have you tried upping the Ram cache in Tools/Options/Ram cache? You mention this happens on MAME and Exodus, both of those platforms will have thousands of games in them, so a lot of data and images to load.
  19. It looks to me like a dodgy rendered snap? it may be official, but it looks bad.
  20. I am not on the moderator board here, but what are you uploading it as??
  21. Had to come in here and say I like it. You timed it badly as one of our best theme creators just put out his new one.
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