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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. No need, just change the path like advised above.
  2. The game probably wants a keyboard, the Atari ST is a computer after all.
  3. you can change the rom path inside of launchbox. Yep what @Lordmonkus said, he was to quick for me.
  4. ha ha, I read the last line after.
  5. you can just change the drive letter back if that's the easiest route?
  6. yeah I would just get the no-intro and uncheck all the other systems, thats just me though.
  7. Hi, I think you are slightly confused. Launchbox is windows only, it doesn't work on android I'm afraid.
  8. Eh? Really, mine just improved hugely.
  9. True, but as I said there has been some crashing recently, also did you say 7.10? as 8.0 is out today?
  10. have you right clicked the .dll in the folder and unblocked?
  11. have you unblocked the .dll? right click it, properties, unblock.
  12. Launchbox itself had a issue recently, with a beta crashing outright at launch. so....
  13. It is still working for me and not crashing at all @alec100_94. So my have you unzipped it is a valid question.
  14. You sir are a machine, that is perfect.
  15. You sir are a absolute legend. I still love to use that theme as its clean, with a good sized video window and a good sized game box window. But that black background........lol. thank you so much, and so sorry to hijack your new thread, ill remove these posts if you want?
  16. This is why I like this project, Games I have never heard of, made easy for me to use if it tickles my fancy.
  17. I use the 3D boxes on every platform. I'm not normally this ocd about things, but for some reason this bothers me.
  18. while you are sorta hear @Grila, any chance of any code to hide that black box behind the images in fundamental when using 3D Boxes?? Cheeky I know, but it bothers me on a otherwise perfect theme.
  19. Hot damn @Grila is back in the game. Always like to see what you come up with my man.
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