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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I'm happy to test at different scaling % here if you want?
  2. 1080p for me, but I'm running on a 60" TV so I don't use scaling at all (everything is big enough) I have seen others though on a 1080p TV using 125-150% scaling, due to say 32-42" screens but at 10" away.
  3. Of course you agree, I speak truth. lol Yeah looks real nice, I chop and change my theme on the regular, as I have never found one I 100% like, I could use different themes for different views, but I don't like that approach as everything looks different and doesn't match.
  4. This is looking really good. Cant wait to try it and add it to my rotation.
  5. I have the no-intro sets all in my games folder, but I only ever "mostly" import the (USA) roms into Launchbox, even though I'm in England. I just like to have the 60fps versions of the games, then if there are any (EUR) exclusive games I hear of or a really good (JAP) game that is playable despite the language I import those manually.
  6. Glad it helped you. No you only need to do it the once usually, the only time you would need to do it again is if you update all your box art etc. then you would need to refresh the cache in that same menu to show the new art, then you would probably need to force cache the new images, what you have done now will keep until you refresh your images. Edit: If you look in your Launchbox/Images folder you will see the cache folder, so you can always delete the folder and the force cache again if you need to for any reason, Launchbox will automatically create the cache folder again when launched.
  7. Well the Killer Instinct games are a perfect example of what @Lordmonkus was saying, where should they be sorted to? They are made by Rare but they only made a handful of Arcade games so don't really need there own Playlist, they were published by Nintendo so could be added to that playlist, but that playlist currently only has games Developed by Nintendo I believe so they would be out of place there also, so that's why they are not added to any playlists by default. Also the Killer Instinct games need CHD's so if you don't have them they may not of been imported at all.
  8. Usually this happens when Launchbox/Bigbox is still caching images as it doesn't cache them until they have been displayed and it does them in order (if you are on A and skip to D it will cache A, B and C before it gets to D). You can go to options/image cache and force cache both "Wheel Images" and "Coverflow Images". Bare in mind this could take a long time depending on your number of games, but it can be cancelled at any time and if you resume It, it should start from were it left off. Hope that helps you.
  9. Critical Zone 2 has a view like this, although its not full fullscreen as most game videos are 4:3 so the videos are centred with black bars at the sides to maintain aspect ratio. Its Game view "Vertical Wheel 3" in that theme. I'm sure there are others as well, but can think of them off the top of my head.
  10. Maybe that should be added to the "Small Things" list. A option in tools or manage platforms to bulk edit the currently selected platform? Just a thought.
  11. Welcome to the community. This is a known issue with Launchbox at the moment, follow the steps in this post below in order to get it working again.
  12. Just go to tools/options/updates and check the box for betas, there is also a box there for background downloads that's up to you I have it off. Then just restart launchbox, if you left background downloads on just wait and you will be prompted once its downloaded, if you unchecked it will you will be prompted as soon as you open launchbox.
  13. Are you on 7.16? if so there is a issue with the API key in that, you can update to the current beta and that will fix it for you. Of course the fix will be included in the next official release, but there is no ETA on that i'm afraid.
  14. Oh agreed, was just saying as long as your roms don't have a really weird naming scheme then most "should" just work. But as you say letting Launchbox handle all of that is by far the better and fastest way to go about it.
  15. Generally speaking they are already named correctly on the site, I got the whole snes pack originally when I first started using Launchbox, and all the videos attached just fine.
  16. If you only have the free account, then yes that is correct. You will also have a GB cap per day and much slower downloads. I also forgot to mention in my previous reply that the ones you can get free from the website are only the low quality 240p versions, if you want the 480p versions you will have to pay. they have multiple payment tiers though, so its up to you.
  17. Controller companion is great, I use it to make all my exit emulator and save/load states the same across multiple emulators that use different keyboard keys. So I don't have to remember which button for which emulator, its the same button combos always.
  18. The videos are available on the free account from the website only, you get a download limit per day and hugely reduced download speeds though. Paying for it is by far the easiest and fastest way to get them though, its much more convenient to have Launchbox grab them during the import.
  19. There is a TG-16 James Baker video I have it, it may be that your platform may be named differently to the video. Just right click the platform and edit, and change the scrape as to "TurboGrafx-16" and save out. When you search for videos again it should show up now. Hope that helps you.
  20. These are actually game theme videos, if you look in your videos folder there will be a be a folder in your platforms called "Theme" you can just delete them if you don't like them. In future when importing or searching for metadata uncheck the "Video Themes" option in the emumovies tab or the "game cinamatix" in the Launchbox tab if you do not want them downloaded.
  21. This has already been fixed in the latest beta.
  22. I think I prefer them with the logo, it reminds me more of a Blu-ray/PS4/XBOX ONE case like that, and as the ones I have are mostly relatively recent PC games (most of my PC games are from the last 10 Years or so only) I think it fits well. Just a personal preference though.
  23. Yeah I only said that so you would be prompted immediately to update, as @DOS76 said that is a personal preference thing though.
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