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Everything posted by Grila

  1. It never worked in the Options view because Jason is doing some magic to calculate how many items are shown and adjusting the text size (I presume) or spacing based on the number of items. I remember telling him about it when I wrote the plug-in but never figured out a fix for it.
  2. I just uploaded to GitHub... https://github.com/G-rila/ListBoxScrollCenter
  3. @Jason Carr @wallmachine The control is set to use the ListBoxStyle (Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle}"). Must have gotten broken with the recent changes regarding the styles. I did it that way on all my plugins so they could just be dropped in to a theme and use the existing theme style. Here's a shot of the code...
  4. Yahoo ended support for their YQL api, which this plugin uses. Until I have time to switch it to another weather api it won't work.
  5. I could, but it's easier to just point the other few views at a new style. It takes 5 seconds where I would have to make changes, re-compile, re-package, re-upload to site etc. etc. I will try to get to it at some point down the line, but I can't say when.
  6. That property is in the BoxListBoxItemStyle.xaml inside the Styles directory. You should be able to spot the color hex codes pretty easily.
  7. BoxesGamesView.xaml -> line 44 It's wrapped in a viewbox though, so if you want to change the size you'll need to delete the viewbox.
  8. I believe it would if you tightened up the opacity mask... EDIT: Ahh, I see what your getting at. The second logo is actually behind the selected one. That is impossible with the current implementation of the wheel.
  9. My Fundamental theme has the wheel opacity effect achieved with an opacity mask for the wheel. The selected game is 100, and it drops to zero in both directions (up and down).
  10. I've installed it for you @bundangdon. Replace the corresponding file in the Unified Redux\Views folder with this one: TextListView.xaml Put the plugin DLL (unblock as needed) in the Unified Redux\Plugins directory: ListBoxScrollCenter.dll Here's a quick video of it working:
  11. Hey...I feel slighted ?? Joking. But honestly I can say that the current BigBox grid view lacks some very important features, mainly a way to denote the selected item (like the horizontal box view). In it's current state, all you can do is zoom the selected item. I've been meaning to address the grid view with a plugin to make it better, but have been caught up in other things.
  12. Grila


    You have to turn them on in the LaunchBox options...
  13. Grila


    Total number of games available on each platform is already in the theme...
  14. Grila


    <Rectangle x:Name="KeyRectangle" Grid.Column="5" Fill="{Binding SelectionBackgroundBrush, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, NotifyOnTargetUpdated=True}" Visibility="Collapsed"> <Rectangle.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Binding.TargetUpdated"> <BeginStoryboard> <Storyboard> <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="brush1" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="{Binding Fill.Color, ElementName=KeyRectangle}" Duration="0:0:0.5" /> </Storyboard> </BeginStoryboard> </EventTrigger> </Rectangle.Triggers> </Rectangle> <controls:VolumeKnobControl Grid.Column="5" FillBrush="{Binding ForegroundBrush}" Value="{Binding Path=VolumeValue, Mode=TwoWay}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Focusable="True" IsTabStop="True" FocusVisualStyle="{StaticResource FocusVisualStyle}" Padding="10,0,10,0" Margin="0,2,0,2"> <controls:VolumeKnobControl.HighlightBrush> <SolidColorBrush x:Name="brush1" Color="{Binding ElementName=KeyRectangle, Path=Fill.Color}" /> </controls:VolumeKnobControl.HighlightBrush> </controls:VolumeKnobControl>
  15. Grila


    I meant just copy the volume knob code and paste it in LBPlex by where I have the volume slider. You can't just replace the whole file.
  16. Grila


    Or you could just copy it from the default theme ControlsView.xaml and paste it in there...
  17. Since the Windows 10 redesign, Microsoft has a new brush in it's Universal Windows Platform (UWP) called Acrylic. If you're running Windows 10 and have transparency effects enabled, I'm sure you've noticed Acrylic, most notably on the Start Menu and the Notification Center. Since Acrylic isn't available in WPF, I found a library called BlurryControls on GitHub that mimics the behavior. Here's a little example of it in LaunchBox.
  18. Oh @neil9000 it's no bother to me I'm just dumbfounded on how a plugin could have any unintentional effect on theme colors...
  19. It looks like it's changing the background of the sidebar. In the code it's set to Black, 0.3 opacity. I guess I'm not sure what you mean about default colors...or how/why a plugin would have any effect on that.
  20. Grila


    Yes, all my background images are custom and they are all square.
  21. Also I'm guessing that Bebas Neue type font doesn't have a true semi-bold weight.
  22. I got it... I have it set to make the selected item's font semi-bold. When you select a top level item like that, it applies the font-weight to the whole list. I remember I was trying to overcome this when I was making the theme, but never figured it out. So...that's the problem. And now, I'm back to the drawing board to see if I can solve it.
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