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Everything posted by Vlansix

  1. This is still present, I believe. Will look into it and advise. Watch the issue tracker ;).
  2. Alternate name scraping implemented in LB. Closing thread.
  3. Quick update - Sadly, the series implementation was lost due to unforeseen circumstances. Back on the issue tracker now.
  4. Quick update - Will speak with Jason to confirm whether or not images are retained for specific reasons. If not, I will have them removed shortly.
  5. Informational: LBDB data submissions are included in the metadata package at 01:00 AM (UTC-8). Closing thread.
  6. HTTPS implementation issue. Resolved by Jason. Closing thread.
  7. Application pool failed to start. Restarted manually. Closing thread.
  8. Cannot reproduce issue, issue resolved without intervention, no further reports, closing thread.
  9. Exception handler implemented. Closing thread.
  10. CPS 1/2/3 exist in games DB. Closing thread.
  11. Exception handler implemented. Closing thread.
  12. Alternate names implemented. Closing thread.
  13. Just to resolve this quickly, Having ScummVM listed in the DB allows for easier use of LB for end-users, there would be no gain in removing it. There's probably some work to be done to make it more compatible, though. See bug tracker for more updates :).
  14. Hi @alissongamer, Good catch! Thought this was fixed. Please follow https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/issues/338/bug-moderation-moderation-queue-returns for updates.
  15. There we go. Good catch, guys :).
  16. That's bad. I'm on it.
  17. Heya guys, Aye, we're all a bit particular about how we like our games named. As a general rule, we want the game names to match the boxart, and everything else shoved into the alternate name fields. As for developer/publisher/etc moderation, it's also on the list of things to do, but having a ticket open for it would make it feel more... important ;). *coughhintcough*
  18. @FistyDollars - I've been toying around with the idea of locking metadata for games for a while. I think some form of this idea is already in the issue tracker. Currently looking at how best to implement it :).
  19. Hiya @Belgarath, I wasn't aware of there still being issues with deletion. Thanks for the feedback! I'll be out of the office a lot in the following few weeks, so it may take some time before I manage to get a fix up, but I'll add it to my todo list :). If you'd like notifications on this, add it to the issue tracker for the DB and I'll update you there :).
  20. @SentaiBrad - already got the code in on the dev build :). It'll be something I'll implement whwn I have some time :).
  21. Hi guys, Yeah, it's supposed to change it to the facing name as of right now, as I don't think the logic to keep the current alternate name listed for specific items is there yet. I'll look into it a bit later, but I'm pretty sure it's simply a bit problematic due to the fact that it's not completely implemented yet, which is why it's still in the Beta build :). Will advise a bit later!
  22. Vlansix


    Aye, there's something in the works for this idea :).
  23. @Enverex - Aye, we're working on something to mitigate bad submissions at the moment.
  24. @diamondgeezer - Aye, noticed it earlier. Somebody simply added the game over and over again. Just refuse the duplicates.
  25. Hi Diamond, Somebody simply added the game five hundred bajillion times.
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