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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. Retroarch allows you to change the device index and that information is saved in the various overrides. I have found this solution by itself to be insufficient by itself and has changed over Retroarch versions. I use devreorder to set my device order, making sure dynamic devices are last. Then per core or game, whichever I need, set the device index in Retroarch and than save an override. If I put my dynamic devices first, sometimes the order wasn't right, but it could have been specific to my XBOX 360 wireless devices and not always using both at the same time. I just went with the easiest solution for me.
  2. I don't know your set up well enough to say exactly the steps you need but here are some steps. (Other devices you might have for example) 1) Use the link above that DOS76 gave and set up static IDs. 2) Attach all devices and go into MAME and configure as needed. The nice thing is MAME while allow multiple devices to be assigned to a single MAME input. (So for example, Button 1 in MAME inputs settings you can set to a keyboard key and a joystick button) Exit MAME and set the needed cfg file to read only. If it's just general input default.cfg will work or game specific will be the gamename.cfg So now, whether the device is attached when MAME starts or not, both should work and not change. Retroarch is totally different in how it supports devices and is tailored for dynamically attached/de-attached devices. You won't have to do the same thing, but there could be device indexing issues. You'll have to try it as different devices behave differently. Hope that's helpful.
  3. Yes MAME will reset them. This is why you set the file to read only to prevent that. Can you give a little more details on your arcade joysticks? If it's like something with an iPac, the lights are normally controlled via a 3rd party applciation like LEDBlinky and not MAME per sa. Is it just LED lighting that's always on when attached?
  4. I don't know how BB's marquee support works or the mechanism Jason uses to display the marquee, so I can't say if that is grabbing control back after a dual screen MAME game starts, but currently I use a real blunt force AHK script to grab it back. I use the following in the Running AutoHotkey Script section for MAME in LB: Basically it waits for MAME to start, waits 5 seconds (which is long enough on my system), than brings MAME's screen 0 back to front. It will run on every MAME game (not just dual screens), but that doesn't seem to be a problem and I'm sure I could clean it up to wait for the window to lose focus and bring it back rather than using a sleep, but for now it's good enough.
  5. Correct. I don't think there is a specific override for dual screens like there is for vertical.ini, raster.ini, etc. If you have a bunch of dual screen games that use the same driver or system you might be able to override several at once that way. More info here: MAME overrides
  6. Are you making those setting is a specific punchout.ini or the mame.ini? If in mame.ini, it will take control of the second (marquee) screen even if it is not used. So best to place your above options only in punchout.ini. Edit: Just to add to this, on my setup this works OK, but sometimes the main MAME screen looses focus. I believe this is likely related to the BB marquee code, as it's not an issue started from LB. In this case it would probably be fairly easy to use a AutohotKey script to grab the focus back a few seconds after starting.
  7. I don't use save states myself, and I don't think all games support them, or even if MAME can autoload them like Retroarch can, but that about the only way to get around that.
  8. There is something wrong with the artwork file for that game. I don't know where you got your artwork pack, but if you go into MAME directory -> artwork look for a folder or a zip file named exactly the same as your rom. (If you are using the standard MAME locations) If you remove it the problem should be gone, but obviously no artwork. You can re-download artwork for that game from many different sources. You can also inspect the lay file within that folder or zip and see what image file it is pointing to and possibly fix it. Option 1 is likely easier.
  9. 1) I assume you are talking the ID within MAME? If so you can look at MAME static IDs for making those IDs static. 2) You'll need to use MAME save states. I'll let someone who know them better to add more, or google that. 3) If your mice are appearing as different IDs, I assume you have enabled multi-mouse in mame.ini. If so you should be able to map your trackball OK within MAME. Have you set Trackball input to use a mouse device in MAME? (are you using command line MAME or a GUI variant?) Setting like this in mame.ini...
  10. I suspect that the command line options you set in LB for MAME are not the same you are using directly with MAME. As Retro808, are you using command line MAME or MAMEUI or another variant?If you are seeing diagonal lines across the screen in MAME, it's like a problem with missing artwork be used by a MAME layout file.
  11. Go into Tools -> Manage Emulators and for the emulator for that system, make sure the path to the emulator exe is correct and that the emulator itself hasn't been moved or deleted.
  12. Probably the easiest work around for the few multi system cores where this might happen.
  13. It saves them in Retroarch -> config -> core as well. So my core override is called Genesis Plus GX.cfg and my directory overrides are called Sega CD.cfg, Sega Genesis.cfg, and Sega MasterSystem.cfg, which match my directory folders holding those roms. The Retroarch configs are additive, so more like appended, so they are incredibly flexible. As you get closer to inidivual game configs, only differences are applied.
  14. I don’t know about stand-alone Mednefan. The Beetle-Saturn core in Retroarch is based on Mednefan and I know it does.
  15. Can't tell you where to get roms, but chdman from MAME can turn multiple bin files into a single chd file. Works great for emulators that support it. (Retroarch Beetle Saturn core for example)
  16. I just display the all time leader board for that reason. Just right size and still room for video and details on a 1080p screen. (Set the leader boards to display n LB Options)
  17. Select all the games, right click and select use bulk edit. Then switch the Platform. If you haven't changed them yet, I find selecting each platform first and right clicking and add a playlist named after that Platform. Then do the step above. This is handy if you ever want to switch back or change to a different emulator just for those roms. SO for example I have a Teknoparrot playlist, but they are all in the Arcade platform, If some new better emulator comes out, I can select them all in that playlist and bulk edit rather than going through all the Arcade plartform that is a mix of Teknoparrot, JConfig, MAME, m2emulator, supermodel, etc,
  18. Try launching the Supermodel exe, not the UI and also remove the space in your resolution option (1280,1024)
  19. You can add any game into the Arcade platform, just make sure after switching it points to the appropriate emulator still and hasn't switch to the default for that platform. I group all Arcade roms together regardless of whether it uses MAME, Supermodel 3, Sega Model 2, Sammy Atomiswave, Daphne LaserDisc, etc. Basically if it's an arcade machine it's in that platform. I do it for the simple reason when people come over and they trying to find a game they remember, they have no clue what "other" platform it would be in. You can hide games by using bulk editor or in each game details. If you want to see them at some point just select View Hidden Games from View menu.
  20. As much as I love LB, I think buying better hardware just for it might not be worth it. Except for Sega Saturn, those systems you listed can run fine with even a Raspberry Pi. That laptop would be fine as well. I think the biggest issue you will have is supporting cocktail mode. MAME does this, but I don't know of any console emulators do. It doesn't really make sense that they would. How big of a collection of console games do you expect to have? Edit: You wrote bar top, my mind read cocktail.... ignore the cocktail stuff.
  21. You'll need 3rd party support for Daphne to get bezels. Daphne is one of the few cases I use Rocketlauncher for that. You can also look into WootLauncher. It does have some bezel support but I don't know if Daphne is one of them.
  22. Not sure what the issue was, but deleting the digdug nvram file fixed the issue. First it reset digdug to the default hiscore, than on next restart of the game the LBDB hiscore was restored. Now it's updating properly.
  23. Yes I have done that. I see the message Figured it out. Seems I must have changed my default variant of Dig Dug to the Atari version, hence the hi scores show there. (digdugat) Now I swear I set the default back to just digdug, going to re-test and see if it will update now. Edit: So I made sure digdug variant was the default for Dig Dug. Restarted LB. Played and beat hi score (90000+) Message in LB logs about handing off hi score.... no update. PS: I get a lot of Retro Achievement messages in the log, is that normal?
  24. Is cheats disabled in plugins.ini in mame folder?
  25. No autosave and yes there is a digdug.hi file in MAME/hi. Nothing has changed since it posted a high score earlier.
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