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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I agree but he needs the xml for LEDBlinky as well. (I suppose downloading it is also an option)
  2. Are you dragging the mame folder onto this window before hitting <return>? So you are dragging the MAME folder on the right, onto that command window.
  3. There are a few issues that can cause this: It's a Sega Naomi 2 game You are missing the CHD file for that game SOme games you have to go into the in game test menu and set the cabinet type correctly Although the Flycast core seems pretty good now at picking the right system, at one point I had some that it didn't, so I've set the system type in the Retroarch options for every game and saved a game options file to be 100% safe.
  4. You type cd and a space, than drag the mame folder from file explorer onto this window. Now hit return.
  5. If you hit TAB key to get into the MAME menu, go to the Videos option, are the layouts listed there? I think punchout by default uses the layout to put both screens on one screen, so in actuality is working. Using the galaga one doesn't change anything because some layouts are compiled into MAME, and it's using that,
  6. Open a command prompt and type cd than drag your MAME folder from Explorer into this window and hit Enter/Return. (Make sure a space after cd) Now try running your command to create your xml file.
  7. That is more likely an issue with a bad rip, there are a lot especially for Dreamcast with the different formats. Some emulators are better than others for different format, but anytime I had that issue, a different rip fixed it. Here is a list of the files in my system/dc/naomi.zip file: and its as a CRC-32 checksum of AB628024. Running all Naomi and Dreamcast fine with these.
  8. Are you using the standard Mame or a variant? The standard Mame would only return to its GUI if a game was started from it, not the command line.
  9. I am on the waiting list also, but have had Aimtraks, and currently just using wiimotes and mouse/trackballs for light gun games. What is your set up like and do you have many different users? The Aimtraks did work, but my biggest issue was re-calibration between adults and kids. That's a limitation of that technology, not the product and why I'm so hopeful in the Sinden Gun. I just want a pick it up and it works product for everyone in my cabinet. These aren't cheap devices, so I'd hold out if you could. I think a month or two and you'll start hearing about reviews when kickerstarters get them. Fingers crossed.
  10. Check out Zombeavers PCSX2 Configurator, that will be a good start. The problem with PCSX2 is there is no best settings. Some games work better with OpenGL, some with DX11, and some even are best using a software renderer. This emulator more than any I have required per game tweaking to get the best look and performance. it will also depend on personal preference and what levels you are willing to accept. Missing graphic elements might not matter is the gameplay is there, but someone else feels it's not the same.
  11. If you go this route, get the combined installer here: BAM FP Installer Should be fairly easy setup after that.
  12. Have you tried escaping the quotations by adding a \ before each “
  13. This may be an issue with the Aimtrak calibration software possibly? What happens if you do the calibration first without the second monitor attached? My second screen is logically oriented above my main screen. Right now I am not using my Aimtrak, but my wiimotes. That’s why I thought it might be the calibration application itself. Might be worth contacting Andy at Ultimarc to see how it handles dual monitor setups. He is usually very helpful.
  14. I didn't set a hotkey to turn it off or on. In Dual Monitors -> Settings -> Cursor, all those hot keys are set to disabled. This restricts the mouse to the main screen by default. I have the Allow cursor to move freely if this key is pressed to Left Control Key. When I'm not in Big Box mode which displays the marquees on that second screen, I hold that key when dragging windows to the second monitor.
  15. Must be huge black bars with that ultra wide. Check out some of those newer lua scripts, some work well at 16:9 without stretching. Might at least get you a little more picture on that wide screen.
  16. Those posts are 3 years old, I'd stick with the newer scripts. Like others have mentioned it should default to 4:3 so not sure what's causing your issue. Maybe that ultrawide resolution is causing an issue. Maybe setting the resolution to 2048x1536 in emulator.ini with WideScreenWindow=0 and see if that changes anything.
  17. My srallyc.lua is completely different. I could have updated somewhere along the line, I don't remember, but 4:3 and 16:9 both work by setting WideScreenWindow=. (Even though it says WIndow, affects Fullscreen) Edit: I downloaded a clean copy of m2emulator 1.1a and your srallyc.lua doesn't match the one included. You must have updated from another source. Maybe they are the problem. Edit 2: Looks like my updated widescreen scripts all came with the Sega Model 2 UI I linked to above.
  18. It depends on the format you are using and count yourself lucky. A person could go crazy wondering why a few games just wouldn't work, I know! I wasn't sure and I'll admit I was lazy and didn't want to read the entire thread. Apple \\ was my first computer but I never used cassettes. When I started it was typing in 10 pages of assembly code from Nibble magazine. Loved that magazine and learned so much from it's articles on programming.
  19. For those not comfortable editing the emulator.ini, check out the Sega Model 2 UI. You'll still call the default emulator from LB, but for testing and trying things out it handy. You'll likely get a spam warning about print.dll, it's a false positive. You can read the thread above where the developer explains and shows what it does.
  20. I don't know if you are talking just software lists and/or cassettes only, but in general It's not that simple because disk format and whether a crack was used matters. For example, you can find copies of Choplifter that run with the Apple \\e, but if you are using the newer woz format that preservers the exact floppy image, it requires a plain Apple ][.
  21. Most games have calibration in game accessed via service buttons. i don’t know what emulator you’re using, so can’t say exact steps.
  22. I use stand alone MAME for those games, but in general many light gun games need to be calibrated within the games test/service menus to fix issues.
  23. There are several routes you could go. If you want to add buttons, you would need an encoder like the Zero-delay USB encoders which are really cheap. The problem with that is you would have 2 usb cables from your box, but you could add a lot of buttons and joysticks. The other option is an encoder like the iPac from Ultimarc, which the spinner plugs into and also provides the encoder for buttons. It's a more expensive option, but has the greatest flexibility. Once you go down this road, you are essentially on the way to making a full control panel. I don't know if you can still buy or find one of these used, but a Kensington Trackball like that would give you a full size trackball with buttons. The question is how much work do you want to do and how many of the games you play absolutely NEED a trackball. Many trackball games play quite well with a mouse. On my cabinet only a few games take advantage of it for a true authentic experience, but it serves as my mouse as well, so very useful.
  24. Glad you got it working. I'll hold to you to that beer!?
  25. Right clicking pastes in the command prompt, after high lighting you have to use the control - C keystroke to copy. Somehow you have a permission issue. There can be a lot of reason for this and I'm not sure now easy it would be to try to narrow it down using forum posts. Maybe someone more comfortable walking through the process in an easy way can chime in. For now, you can try this: Fixing permissions
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