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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I use RocketLauncher for only a couple Platforms for specific reasons. The question should be do you NEED to introduce Rocketlauncher. Is there something specific you need from it or in general you want it's features/media etc over LB? A lot of people will tell you RocketLauncher is simple once you learn it, but it does have some complexities as well and can be frustrating, especially when looking for updated modules and or information on updated emulators.
  2. Can you explain this a little clearer? Can you list some specific roms where this happens? It appears LB sends the message to LEDBlinky before calling MAME, so if you have a game with lots of controls for LEDBlinky to speak, and it's a game that loads fast in MAME, it might be a a delay you want.
  3. I already renamed it, it wasn't a problem. Just mentioned it thinking its probably best to match LB's stock platform names to avoid questions in the future from users who wouldn't know where or how to fix. ?
  4. You have a clear logo for Sony Playstation Portable, but isn't the default LB default name Sony PSP?
  5. Try refreshing Image cache and force repopulating images in Big Box options?
  6. No that was not my intent and I wondered why my screenshots looked a little different. (I just assumed you revised them since posting.) I had to go into Big Box -> Options -> Images and Refresh and now your's appear. Would it be possible to get a System Logo for Arcade that says Arcade not MAME? Even though MAME runs the majority of the arcade roms, I have about 6 different emulators used for that platform. From an end user perspective, most people using a cabinet probably don't know what MAME is, but Arcade makes sense. I know it's a minor thing and if you can't no problem.
  7. Sorry, forgot to mention that part. You can name and make any platform name you want. We don't have to rely on LB to add them.
  8. cemfundog, really liking your theme, nice job so far. On some of the views the images are larger than the enclosing oval that highlights them. In particular, in the above image you can see it, might need a small reduction in size. Is it also possible to disable the enclosing oval? I think it works just as well without it and I notice on one of your game views with a similar layout, you don't use it.
  9. Very nice JaysArcade, wish I had the room for several machines. ? It's definitively been interesting trying to accommodate so many different input and output systems in a workable arrangement into 1 machine. I think I have it all covered: joysticks, game pads, light guns, trackball, spinner, steering wheel, pedals. Guess I just need some mirrors for Time Traveller holographic output now. ?
  10. When you load the non-zapper game and go into controls, does it show a remap loaded at the top of menu? 100% sure you default controls haven't been saved with zapper on controller 2? I don't know if this will help, but do you have a core remap as well? If not, create a core remap as well (even if nothing is different), this will force a remap always to be loaded, whether it be the core or game remap.
  11. You mean when importing it auto picked Sega Naomi? Just select all your Sega Naomi 2 roms in LB, and right click and pick Edit. On the Bulk editor screen that opens, just set platform to "Sega Naomi 2" (Or type it in if not there)
  12. Just save a game specific remap from within Retroarch and it will load the correct controller needed per game.
  13. Headrush69


    It won't work because the Bezel Project is based on the newer artwork system that uses .lay files. Mame4All uses the old artwork format with .art files. You would have to make new .art files and extract the images from the Bezel project.
  14. We need what fromlostdays requested and also, please state exactly what happens when you try to launch from LB. Absolutely nothing? Does it appear to try to start anything?
  15. Does using START instead of call work?
  16. The file you want to edit is Retroarch/retroarch.cfg The defaults are probably fairly close to what you the iPac defaults to, but look for the lines beginning with input_player1_ You can see from my example above that we are just setting the keys for a Retropad gamepad which is similar to a SNES joypad: Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, X, Y, L1 = Left Shoulder, R1 = Right Shoulder, Select, Start.
  17. That is a very nice write up JaysArcade, I'm sure it will be very helpful. I have my setup working. I had done all that and my problems were because I was setting up VP9, VPX and Future Pinball all at the same and missed 2 important things. 1) I had setup B2S in my VP9 table folder, but not in my VPX table folder. (or vice versa, can't remember) 2) VPX has an option to disable the B2S server in Preferences -> Configure Keys, Nudge, DOF. I would have expected that option in the Video preferences. I'd like to do a real virtual pinball cabinet some day, but for now this will have to do:
  18. I would suggest starting FPLoader.exe manually and in video preferences set for Windowed mode. Close FPLoader.exe and try launching from LB again. Now right click on the Windows takbar and start Task Manager and see if your compiled AHK is still running.
  19. Yes, you just set the executable for Future Pinball to either the compiled AHK or your BAT file. (So as a Launcher, no extra apps) One thing I forgot to mention is that to compile the AHK you will need need to download the full AutoHotKey. (It’s small and free) just make sure you set the paths correctly in the script to the locations on your system. i prefer the compiled AHK since it’s one less layer or redirection, but the BAT works just as well.
  20. It's very simple. When you set up LEDBlinky you can can do it per platform or even per game. You can set the primary control as 2-way, 4-way, or 8-way and it will change automatically if you enable Servostick in LEDBlinky preferences. For MAME games, LedBlinky comes with several database files and also reads the mame.xml file and preconfigures a lot of games with joystick mode and buttons colors automatically.
  21. If you are going to use LedBlinky, it supports setting Servo sticks too, so it’s as simple as setting up LEdBlinky only. If you have LedBlinky already running with anything else, just enable it in LB and should be working.
  22. Right now I'm making a folder for each table that has a "clean" name. Within that folder I can have several versions of that table, which have the full name with versions etc in the name. When I import I select to use the folder name as the rom name and allow duplicates. I generally only keep one for each table, so after testing I delete the others or rename specifically if I decide to keep a variant.
  23. I've got a lowly i3 in my cabinet and it's handling the job fine. Always on the look out for a used cheap i7 upgrade though. ? I am the same but I don't mind video/audio upgrades that don't affect the game play. Tested an upgraded VPX Terminator 2 table that added explosions on the playfield and absolutely hated it. The kids like that scrolling camera view feature, I don't, but with FP it's just a simple keystroke to switch views, no messing with tables parameters, so it's easy to leave them that option in a cabinet set up. I have a lot of his tables and have been upgrading tonight quite a few of them. LOL. When the kids are asking me everyday, is it done yet, I need to stop. ? Once pinball is completely set up, I'm done. (Except for adding some Sinden light guns ? ) Edit: OMG. Countless hours later... Disable B2S option in Preferences -> Configure Keys, Nudge and DOF. Backglass working with VPX now. Not using a DOF I would have never thought to look there.
  24. I never intended to use a second monitor, but I was setting up my marquee cut LCD I saw that Future Pinball displayed a full screen backglass & DMD automatically and thought this was pretty cool. I have messed with all those settings in VPX and haven't found one that works, yet. I have gotten suggestions to use PINUP player with VPX, but that's just another thing to setup and not all tables have media/backglass packs to use with it. Frankly I'm torn between VPX and Future Pinball. I was always in the VPX camp because the physics where so much better, but newer tables with Future Pinball that use the latest physics, have a dynamic 3D rendering system, media upgrades for the backglass, might make it better for a dedicated cabinet and playability overall. LOL, I love tinkering, but I want to be done tinkering too and just play. ?
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