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Hazuki last won the day on September 9 2021

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  1. Hi all, Sorry for the long time without any updates to this start-up theme. I'm able to be back here again I've started working on a new theme. This will be my first Big Box theme. So I don't really know how long time it will take for me to get it ready, but its fun working on a theme. Once it's usable, I will upload it so if anyone wants to help me try it out and find what isn't work or what need to be changed After my new theme is done, I'm planning on making a pause theme for it. Then a new start-up theme, and after that I'll update this start-up theme too
  2. Hi, I know we are talking about adding new systems to the database. But I'd like to see more content rating systems. Personally I live in Europe and I'd prefer to use PEGI instead of ESRB. Its just what I'm use too. But I also have a lot of Japan only games, and this have never been rated in the US, so they are all unrated. But if we added CERO to the database I'd start filling in the ratings for the games. I listed all the Video game content rating systems: Australian Classification Board (Australia) CERO (Japan) Chilean Rating System (Chile) ClassInd (Brazil) ESRA (Iran) ESRB (US, Canada) FPB (South Africa) Game Rating and Administration Committee (South Korea) Game Software Rating Regulations (Taiwan) Gmedia (Saudi Arabia) Indonesian Game Rating System (Indonesia) iOS App Store (online) National Audiovisual Institute (Finland OFLC (New Zealand) RARS (Russia) SMECCV (Mexico) PEGI (Europe, Israel) USK (Germany) It be really nice if we had the option to pick rating system priorities, like we can do with art. For example I'd pick PEGI, then ESRB and then CERO So if I add "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" to my games collection, I'd get it rated PEGI 12 But if I add "Arc the Lad: End of Darkness" I'd get ESRB T - Teen, because this game was never released in Europe. In addition to some of the rating systems have content descriptor. PEGI for example has "Fear" or "Violence" for example. I know this has to be added to launchbox, but it all starts with adding it to the database, so we can start filling in the ratings for the games. So, yes I know this post is a little off. This thread is about adding new systems. But as you are adding to the database, I'll post this here in the hopes that you might consider adding more rating systems, so we that don't live in the US can use the ratings we are more familiar with. And so we can get ratings on games that aren't released in the US Thank you for you time
  3. Hi all, Has anyone else had this problem, you start launchbox and some games are missing? I had it with some Mega Drive games a year or two ago and now today when we fired up launchbox to play some Super Mario 3D world, the game is not in the list of Switch games anymore. I store all my games on a nas, in the 7zip format an extract then before playing. Checking the folder on the nas and the game is still there. In launchbox I tried scanning for now roms, but the game isn't added back. I then renamed the file and added it, no problem. The I renamed it back and scanned for removed roms, after that scanned of now roms but the game isn't added back to launchbox. Any ideas to what's going on?
  4. Hazuki

    Sorting MAME roms

    Hi, Anyone know of a script/app that can sort MAME/FBA roms into folders based on the arcade system there from?
  5. Hi all, Hope you all are doing well I haven't abandoned this startup theme, and I was working on a theme and pause theme to go with this startup theme. I got an optic nerve inflammation, so my left eye has blurred vision and I can't see colors normally. Its getting better but I still can't see colors normally, and this makes it hard to work on a theme where seeing colors is kind of important 🙂 I'll be back working on this startup theme once I can see colors as normal again
  6. Hazuki

    Wrong tab

    Hi, Is there a way to cancel a submission to the database? I was updating some games, and clicked on the wrong tab, added info for the wrong game and clicked submit before noticing what I had done.
  7. Its great to see all the new systems added, especially those a little more unusual like N-Gage and Game.com. Just wanted to ask if some of Game Parks platforms such as GP32 will be added?
  8. Hazuki


    This looks really good. Can't wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing your theme
  9. That's great news I'll be updating tomorrow morning. Thank you for the update
  10. No it doesn't work anymore, this was a great plugin when it was working.
  11. I just wanted to know, how long have the servers been in the Netherlands before the move to the US?
  12. Hazuki

    New Fields

    As proghodet said, https://howlongtobeat.com/ would be great. Maybe a howlongtobeat game-id field so the info can be scraped straight from them. It's nice to know before starting a new game if it's going to take 5h or 50h to complete. My kodi skin surprised me when Halloween came around and it suggested spooky films and tv episodes. And then at Christmas it suggested family/christmas films. I really like the idea and think a field with this kind of information (mode/style) would be great so a bigbox theme can suggest games based off of this. But most of all, I would like to see more rating systems added to the database. ESRB is great but I'd like to see PEGI added as I’m from Europe and this is what's used on games that I buy. And as I have a big Japanese only game collection, CERO is the only rating system used for those games. So having multiple ratings for all games and then in launchbox/bigbox having a priorities order just like for media, so for example I would have PEGI then ESRB and last CERO. (more/all rating systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_content_rating_system#Comparison_table)
  13. Nice to hear that it fixed the problem
  14. It uses the "Binding BackgroundImagePath", so if you have changed any settings in Tools -> Options -> Background Priorities, this may be the problem. I haven't messed around that much with these settings so I'm not sure. If not, is it on all platforms or only one?
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