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Everything posted by crack__19

    Great and clean theme.
  1. Gran tema, mi preferido, solo le cambiaría la lista de juegos de la rueda el texto del juego podría alinearse a la izquierda para tener una mejor visibilidad. De momento estoy intentando modificar el archivo cambiando las alineaciones horizontales a la izquierda sin éxito.
  2. El tema parece funcionar correctamente a nivel visual pero aún no he conseguido que la descripción de los juegos salga en español. A todo esto, a nivel estético, el tema es sobresaliente. Seguramente lo use como principal a partir de ahora. Enhorabuena por el trabajo.
  3. Great Theme, would be great show game text description in bottom right zone.
  4. Great idea, nice manual overview.
  5. This theme is the best theme ever in Hyperspin. I Hope you can make it in Launch Box.
  6. Wow! You are fast! Two new views are awesome, but i prefer first. All is clean, there are enough game info, and game cover is bigger than other themes. I think this is it best view game theme ever in Launchbox.
    This theme is awesome, near to be perfect. I Think that another alternative view would be great: Name, company, release date and genres on top right. And game description on bottom. I have tried to modify your theme but it is a bit difficult for me.
  7. This theme is a great idea. I hope will be finished some day!
  8. Hi, I make a petition. Would be possible make a theme similar to Aeon Nox Hyperspin Theme? I tried modifiy Game view 2 file to make 50% greater the box games, like Aeon Nox, but I'm not able to make something similar to Aeon, the goal is: Box almost 50% bigger, set border inner boxes to minium, and expand details text and video box and use max screen size. Excuse me by my terrible bad English level.
  9. Hi! Same problem here. I see that people with performance issues in coverflow have Nvidia Cards. My PC: Windows 10 pro 64, i7 3770, 16GB ram DDR3, 2x 780GTX SLI. I turn SLI off and my performance has improved 50% but stills laggy sometimes, more buggy when turn next cover slow, when i tries full speed turn next cover it is more fast. I just downloaded and installed latest Nvidia drivers but i dont see any improve. I hope this issue can be solved! Thanks!! (My Big Box version is 7.0 last release -last friday- I'am new customer.)
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