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Everything posted by rexryan

  1. PC Engine SuperGrafx View File Submitter rexryan Submitted 02/22/2018 Category Platform Theme Videos
  2. Version 1.0.0


  3. StarWars Playlist collection View File Submitter rexryan Submitted 02/21/2018 Category Playlist Theme Videos starwars_(LB).mp4
  4. Movie Categories View File Sharing my movie theme... Submitter rexryan Submitted 02/21/2018 Category Platform Theme Videos
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  5. Version 1.0.0


    Sharing my movie theme...
  6. ok..figured that out in the registry,,,deleted in programs for fresh install.All good but a no dice when launching LB or a separate install of >net.....I was on 4.6.2 on net framework..Ill save this for another day thanks for the help.
  7. I did the download on it, Correct me if I am wrong you cant install it if you have a higher version? So if i did it's only getting it from LB updates..
  8. Win 7..All your updates from the start have come perfect..It's just this one..
  9. I have it..This is the reason i posted the issue..
  10. that's true, but why would i have to update windows to get an update from 7.1 to to the latest release? And i am current on all the latest Windows updates.
  11. there is a version that allows direct loading
  12. Why yes I did..What boggles me is all other updates have installed perfectly before.
  13. The latest update to 7.12 is giving me the latest error..Restarted even tried manually installing..Any thoughts guys?
  14. I will help...I am willing to do a Team viewer session to help you in anyway or you can PM..We will get this solved to make your Launchbox experience a good one.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    I imported My N64 Japanese set and pulled 3D boxes and only got a few..So I hope this helps anyone.. 197 images gotta be close to a full set..
  16. N64 Japanese 3D Boxes View File I imported My N64 Japanese set and pulled 3D boxes and only got a few..So I hope this helps anyone.. 197 images gotta be close to a full set.. Submitter rexryan Submitted 08/10/2017 Category Game Box Art  
  17. It's weird dont know what happened..
  18. In the config file find MessageDisplayTime try changing it from 120 to 0 that should get rid of all messages.
  19. Have you seen Upchurch's latest video..A little trash talk about the themes and how slow Launchbox is...lol
  20. Daphne was one of the longest systems that took me to figure out..Once I figured it out Action Max and the others was breeze..
  21. Anytime games are fun..The key is ini files on the hack side..
  22. He's all set but i can help you if you like on a PM side.
  23. yes there is a different dolphin build for triforce.
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