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Everything posted by rexryan

  1. I have extracted them in the past the images from Mutiman are just to small for good editing or box creating.
  2. I run mine thru mess standalone in Rocketlauncher not retroarch
  3. What are you considering pointless artwork?
  4. Bios issue. There is one out there called cdimono1
  5. I was trying to figure out the exact same thing.
  6. Can'y you just make a copy of the FBA core change the the name? Example FBAMVS_.Lib.. You should understand? Then in LB under Retroarch emulator point it to that core make a config for that..Edit the controller settings for that config and all should be fine..It works.. You can have two different controller settings or more for your MAME pack.
  7. this is a working dc bios
  8. The error it's showing is a file inside to DC bios check to see if it is there or named incorrectly
  9. BIOS issue..
  10. In Tools there a change rom folder path option
  11. Updated the volume for you .
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Set of PinBall FX2 2D Boxes
  13. PinBall FX2 2D Box View File Set of PinBall FX2 2D Boxes Submitter rexryan Submitted 03/29/2018 Category Game Box Art
  14. I think he meant the SF-7000? But i'm not sure.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    3DS Eshop box images that i made up for my setup..There are over 430 boxes. Hope this can be helpful to someone. I named the system according to WiiWare etc.
  16. 3DS Eshop 2D box art View File 3DS Eshop box images that i made up for my setup..There are over 430 boxes. Hope this can be helpful to someone. I named the system according to WiiWare etc. Submitter rexryan Submitted 03/26/2018 Category Game Box Art
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  17. Version 1.0.0


    Since I use all 2D box art I needed something for FX3..This a a quick mock up for me until I get motivated someday for a different layout..Huge credit to any original creator on some of the dockets i found on the web. Total list should have 73 images..
  18. PinBall FX3 2D Box View File Since I use all 2D box art I needed something for FX3..This a a quick mock up for me until I get motivated someday for a different layout..Huge credit to any original creator on some of the dockets i found on the web. Total list should have 73 images.. Submitter rexryan Submitted 03/25/2018 Category Platform Media  
  19. just tried it very clean..Definitely heading in the right direction with this, Great Job.
  20. Yeah..I actually found that very well put together..
  21. managed the patching part so far and i'm using Snes9x...Working good thanks for the reply.
  22. Catching up on this scene..Do we need all the other files in the folder or can we have just the rom file? Thanks..
  23. search game TDB for your image it may help
  24. Have you gone to the site that host all Wii game covers?
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