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Everything posted by rexryan

  1. That's funny i was just building some custom bezels for systems i emulate in MESS..Nice find.
  2. I just tested mine it did hang on the SNK screen for a bit but then did load.
  3. I agree with that because im a MESS and OLD and like the NET.lol
  4. Working like a champ thanks..
  5. I just tried ElectrEm loads fine, but need to figure an escape script for it.
  6. yes do that for every game.
  7. I have all the Daphne games and didn't need a DVD..Just a FYI.
  8. If i remember I had that same problem..I had to get a latter version of FX2 that launched individual tables.
  9. I have it setup..What help do you need?
  10. Bummer..If i remember I had to change the xinput in the ini to get mine to smooth out.
  11. Before you can configure your controls a game must be loaded first. you will then navigate to the menu entry Game - Configure Controls... to change the key assigned to an action, double click the row you want to change then press a button or key you want to assign for that action. When you are done click close and your settings will be saved. Racing wheel setup If you want to set up the controls for a steering wheel, check all 3 “Steering” “Accelerate” and “Brake” boxes in the emulator’s control configuration menu. Double click each of them and enter their properties to ensure that the correct function in the drop down box matches the corresponding control you have entered. You may also need to ensure that you check “invert” for the “accelerate” and “brake” pedals when configuring them too otherwise they may not function correctly.
  12. the one to go with is the Mayflash Wireless Sensor DolphinBar...Use it love it and so do a ton of people.
  13. should be in the same as Zinc.EXE..And rename to renderer.znc
  14. do you have the renderer plugin? If yes where is it located?
  15. I use snes9x with no issues, any screen shot you have to help would be great..
  16. Followed all your post..I had all of it but a very nice contribution..
  17. I used the Bat files to pull. Naomi roms to each folder
  18. Emumovies should always be supported. Circo has done nothing but great things for this hobby..Just my opinion.
  19. My roms also are in the demul folder..FYI.
  20. I would compare every setting I have to yours..Because I'm afraid if you dont get this going it will haunt you forever.
  21. Team Viewer allows some to sign onto another computer to look things..Common program used..
  22. If you have Team Viewer I have no problem taking a look to help.
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