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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Use the "Custom Field" and create one specifically for that. Right Click a game and edit it. In the custom field section give your field a name and a value. Now any game can be edited and you can use that field to make playlists. You can also bulk edit games and change the new custom field you made for multiple games at once.
  2. In >Tools Manage Emulators when you edit Retroarch do you have the correct core selected in the Associated Platforms tab and does the Platform name in the Associated Platforms tab match exactly as the platform name appears in LB?
  3. @leodavi3d I removed links from your post. It is against forum rules to post links to site that contain roms.
  4. In the left hand platform pane of LB change the drop down box to "Games Missing Media" (the section that typically users have "platform" or "platform category" selected). It will then give you a list of options to click on to show games missing different media types. You view may look different from these pics as I am using a custom theme.
  5. You can add these games to LB. In the game pass app right click the game and choose create a shortcut. Thae drag and drop it into LB. Yes, I know you are requesting a version that will import them like the Gog and Steam importers, but just making sure you are aware there is still a way to add them until an importer version can hopefully make it to LB. Also, if you want to request this as a feature using the Feature Request link located at the top of the forum under the "Help & Support" menu. The voting done there is the voting that Jason looks at.
  6. Says the one who actually took a stopwatch to time a download???? ?
  7. For Tiger try: gamecom -cart1 For Watara I am not sure. I do not emulate that system. Doing a search the svision -cart you have seems to be correct.
  8. Well, I believe what Neil is getting at is no matter how many connections and chunks a download manager is sending in your download you still only have X bandwidth with your provider so you can not download faster than what that can max out at.
  9. Are purposely wanting to have them in a separate build? It does not matter where your roms are stored just tell LB where to find them. You can add as many games on as many drives are you want to a single LB set-up.
  10. Check to see if your antivirus quarantined them. This has been something seen quite often recently.
  11. You probably need to update the rom paths for the other games inside of LB. Right click a game and edit it. In the Launching section check the rom path it has listed and if it does not match where you have the games now you can bulk edit the path for all games in a platform. To do so just select all the games in that platform. The go to >Tools>Change Rom Path for Selected Games.
  12. A couple things do not make sense here. 1: Mame roms need to be zipped. So not sure how they are working in Mame if they are not. 2: LB does not care what file format you import. What method are you using to import the file? The exact steps.
  13. Looks like you are using one of the Unified themes. To not have the BigBox logo show you can add a custom logo for your Star Wars playlist. The theme pulls logos to show in the view where that BigBox logo is from the \Themes\Unified Redux\Images\Theme\Logo folder (or \Themes\Unified\Images\Theme\Logo if you are using just the Unified theme). Since there is no Star Wars logo in that folder it will default to the BigBox logo. Add a Star Wars logo and it will show that instead.
  14. That’s actually not a bug. LB/BB in its current state does not recognize each of the 4 joysticks you have as unique joys. It just lets all 4 of them work. So it does not see them as Joy1, Joy2, and so on. It has been requested to have multiple joys recognized as unique so hopefully that comes at some point.
  15. He intentionally and deceptively tried not to make money on Black Friday.
  16. What is the build specs of the pc you are having issues on? Not asking so much as to the nature of "is it enough to run LB", but more so to compare to a few other threads of some users having issues. A couple recent threads were with AMD Ryzen builds. A few things to maybe look at based on past threads/discord. 1. Check task manager and see if you have nahimic services running. This has been known to cause some graphical glitches and could be a place to start if you see it. Try shutting the process down and see if anything changes. 2. If you have an AMD build and using Adrenaline or Wattman it is possible either could be causing issues. This was mentioned on discord, however that user never responded back if either of those were causing the issues he was seeing. So just recommending to check with your specific case. It definitely has to be something with that pc since your other builds are working normal. Something in it either does not like LB/BB or LB/BB does not like it. These issues are tricky to figure out. Most of the times it turns out to be some software causing the hiccup. We have seen things like Corsair software, audio software, and others cause issues with LB/BB you would not normally think would. Not saying it could not truly be a LB/BB issue.
  17. That is not something that has ever been implemented.
  18. That is how it used to be but the change adding priorities to video like some images removed that. Its been requested in several other posts already to add the option for BB to have different priorities than LB.
  19. That setting changed a while ago. I believe it was actually in 11.0
  20. As far as I know it does not expire.
  21. Yeah I would recommend not doing that. You can have it in your house, but your sister’s is a good way to get your account banned. Emumovies does IP monitoring. They have banned accounts found used across multiple IPs. Pay the fee for a second account to support their work.
  22. You can use a keyboard to move back into the BigBox menu. It has been a long time so I do not remember the default keyboard keys, but I think “Delete” is the back button and “Enter” is the select button.
  23. You cannot currently launch BigBox directly into a specific playlist.
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