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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. I personally would not post if I thought someone was cheating as it is not that big a deal to me. What I would do if I saw a score looked weird was post the game information in the high score troubleshooting thread and let Jason know the scores look off and let him first determine it if is one of those high score reporting issues.
  2. He was not scolded. If he was scolded I would have tagged him directly and told him directly to stop. The reason I even bothered to say something was the numerous times cheating has been mentioned in this and other threads. Jason has even mentioned himself the unnecessary drama of the cheating claim. So thanks for chiming in without understanding the full context. I am not going to thank him for making an assumption someone cheated when that person even started his own post about the error. The whole point is instead of crying "cheat" just post you see a score that does not seem correct so it can be looked at. To claim someone might have cheated and that person posted his scores were wrong is the exact reason not to make an assumption.
  3. That would be up to the theme creator coding it into one of the views. It is not just a setting that can be applied to all themes. Game Details screen does show the star rating in numeric form.
  4. I think we can stop making accusations and just focus on troubleshooting. If a score looks off post it and say it looks off so it can be looked at. I think everyone is well aware you will not be able to stop all cheating. It's a shame that worrying so much about cheating in an old video game led to assuming someone cheated and that person even created a post about his score being wrong.
  5. Trying a different theme would be the first troubleshooting step so we can eliminate it being a theme issue.
  6. Place this AHK in your Running AHK tab in Manage Emulators when you edit the emulator you are using. This one is generic so you do not have to put an emulator name in it. It just waits a period of time then sends the command. You can adjust the wait period by changing the number (milliseconds) after Sleep, (increase for longer wait decrease for shorter) Sleep, 2500 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send !{Enter} Return Or you could also try the one below. Note: you will have to change "WinTitle" to the name of the emulator you are using. WinWaitActive , WinTitle ; Send !{Enter}
  7. There are some random issues. We have a troubleshooting thread.
  8. In LaunchBox >Tools>Options in the Game Details section there are check boxes for which ones you want to show.
  9. If you added them the first time and have any of the "Hide Games missing..." items checked it would hide the games and look like you did not import them. Then if you tried to import again it would say "0" imported since you already imported them. Check if you have any of those Hide Missing options checked.
  10. Do you have the command line in the associate platforms tab to tell Kega to run 32x? (Note: the -fullscreen part is just to run it fullscreen. You can use -window if you want to run in windowed view.)
  11. It should not need an AHK as it exits fine with LB/BB automation. If you are wanting to use ESC though the issue may be that Citra sets ESC as the hotkey to exit full screen. Change the hotkey in Citra. Also in the General tab make sure yo do not have confirm exit while emulation is running turned on. If none of that works you can put this AHK below in the Running AHK tab of your Citra settings in LB. ESC:: Send !{f4}
  12. You can make a playlist that will show only those favorites for a specific platform. Just create a new playlist and set it to Auto-Populate. Give it 2 criteria: 1)Platform - Is Equal to - {Enter the platforms name} and 2: Favorite - Is True Now any game in that platform you tag as favorite will show up in that playlist. Keep in mind these will still also show in the main Favorites playlist across all platforms if you are still showing that playlist.
  13. If you have a logo and it is named after the game and in the correct folder try right clicking the game and refresh images. You can either click all games and refresh or just ctrl+click the ones that need it. In BigBox in the settings there is an option to refresh image cache for BigBox.
  14. Launchbox really needs a keyboard if you want to move around inside it. Even though the Xarcade controllers replicate a keyboard the stock way they map the buttons does not make moving around inside LB easy. If you have the tankstick with the trackball it is easy since the trackball replicates a mouse. Or if you have the new trimode pcb version you can switch the Xarcade to xinput which will work.
  15. Demul should not need it. There is a fullscreen check box in the settings under >Config>Video
  16. It may not be working in BigBox because you may not have controllers turned on in the settings and the controller mapped. It has been a while so I do not remember if it is on by default. LB and BB have separate controller bindings that need to be set up. You would need to use a keyboard to access the menus to get it set. Escape and Enter on a keyboard should get you moving.
  17. Version 7.8 is from 2017. Between 7.8 and the current version there have been a lot of updates. One being Startups. If you are running a new version try go into your manage emulators and edit Mame. Turn off Startups and see if that helps. We also would need more information to help troubleshoot. Does it does this in LaunchBox as well? Is Mame the only emulator that this happens with. How long has this been giving you issues?
  18. I edited my prior post. I was able to replicate what is happening.
  19. @GAMe I was able to replicate this. Before I was simply making a completely different folder in the existing LB structure and pointing images there and it was working fine. If I changed the path to be on a different drive completely outside the LB structure LB does retain the path when you edit and look at the folder paths, but when I imported the game it saved the images to the LB default. So it looks like the issue is if you change to a path outside \Launchbox folder to another drive. @Jason Carr
  20. It does use text, but the text is white and he is using the white version of the theme so it is white text on a white background.
  21. @GAMe When you edited directly in the xaml file was LaunchBox open? If so that would explain it reverting back to the old folder path. I just tested editing the path in the xaml and then importing a few new games. The path stayed the same as what I changed it to. This worked only because LB was not opened when I edited the file.
  22. The dipswitch thing is definitely something that would be good to see if you can detect a change. You can easily change the difficulty mode, increase lives, decrease score amounts to earn extra lives.
  23. Correct. I would save the script somewhere in case you ever want to go back to using Save/Load states. You will need that back in the tabs to work. You should not need to disable pause in Mame. My bindings in LB/BB and Mame match and there is no issue with it working.
  24. It still offers it as it is coded into the Pause feature. In order to not have it show on the Pause Menu you would have to delete the AHK script that makes it work. When an AHK is present in the Save State and Load State tabs it tells LB / BB to have the option listed in the Pause Menu.
  25. Oh yeah, I forgot he said he was using Refried. Forgot about all those platform specific xaml files too.
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