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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. You can compile an AHK to run the exe then send Alt+Enter. After you compile it just point LB to that instead of the game’s exe. When I get back to the house I can send you an example.
  2. Just open the mame exe and select a game from within the UI. Prior to the version of LB you are on now what was the previous version?
  3. It is not clear if you are saying they will not run directly in the emulator anymore or if you are saying they will not run when you try to open through Launchbox using different mame versions. If you open the games directly in Mame do they still run? If they still run directly in Mame and just will not run in Launchbox it could be because you are using such and old mame version. If you go to >Tools>Manage Emulators and edit your mame set up you will need to delete the line below from the default command line box. -keyboardprovider dinput
  4. Under "Controller" setting in BigBox did you tick the box for "Enable Game Controllers" Also make sure you select your controller under the "Device" option.
  5. That's probably right but I never really looked inside the InputBindings.xaml and the input inside BigBox menu is named differently. In BigBox if you go to your controller automation setting just make sure you bound the option named "Close Active Window". If that is what you bound try clearing the bindings and redoing them
  6. This is happening because the background image is looking for Fanart - Background image and since that game you are showing does not seem to have an image for that it is using your priority fallback which looks like a box image. The image is stretched uniformly to fill the space. The startup theme's code is likely using a Stretch="UniformToFill" command. You can change it to read Stretch="Unifrom" which would leave you with just a box image in the middle of the screen. That could also affect if a background image fills the whole screen or not.
  7. AHK does not need to run in the background. So the keys/buttons you mapped are no longer exiting games? What command are you mapping to (Exit or Close Active Window)?
  8. You would need to activate pause themes. But all pause themes that are created have that menu option. There is a global setting in both LB and BB. Then you can also turn it on or off per emulator from the manage emulator options. Some emulators may need a setting tweak to get it to work properly.
  9. Yes, that's what Drodrick's respones was eluding to. LB/BB Pause Theme feature allows you to pause a game and a menu gives you access to the manual. It is a premium feature so if you are on the free version that may be why you do not see it.
  10. Just right click a game in LB and you will see the context menu item for View Manual. In BigBox there is an option to view manuals in the game detail screen. As well as the Pause Theme feature allows you to view manuals from there.
  11. PJ64 returns to full screen from pause for me so I wonder why it does not for you. Do you have PJ64 option set to Enter Full Screen Mode when loading rom ticked? I assume yes since it runs full screen, but just wanting to confirm. In the Pause Screen tab when you go to Tools>Manage Emulators and edit PJ64 there is a tab for "On Resume". In that tab you could likely set an AHK to send a command to set the emulator back to fullscreen. You can probably try one of these two (they do the same thing). I am not an AHK expert. We have a couple forum members that know a ton about AHK. Maybe they can chime in with a better way to write the AHK. Send !{Enter} or Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up}
  12. Make sure the image file is named exactly as the game is named in Launchbox. If it is and it still does not show right click the game and choose Refresh Images.
  13. Glad you got it working, but just an FYI, that is exactly what Neil was telling you do to.
  14. Like Dos mentioned in his post you should not need a hack. It can run in 4:3 natively. I would check your emulator.ini and make sure in the line for WideScreenWindow it is set to 0.
  15. When you say "downlaoded a whole bunch of mame roms on LB" do you mean you downloaded roms and imported them yourself into LB or you downloaded one of those prebuilt LaunchBox set-ups some people make? I would first right click a game an edit it, then in the additional apps tab edit one of the additional rom versions and make sure it is pointing to the correct emulator.
  16. @thimolor Really looking clean. Those platforms look good both in original form and this new version (that little subtle background in the SNES image). I like that you are keeping it simple.
  17. Apologies, I completely forgot I replied to you on this issue. What Mute654 advised is correct. If you imported both games and they show as individual games in LB just select both and right click then combine. During import you can also select the check box to combine games of the same name. So a couple ways. Also afteer you have combined if you edit that combined game and click on the additional apps tab you can select which of the combined games show up as the default game.
  18. Check your associated platforms tab in LB setup for Retroarch. Make sure it is showing the your SNES platform name as it appears in LB, the correct core is listed, and the core is not showing it is missing.
  19. That's about normal for what I have seen for a while now. Mine ranges anywhere from 1.5-2.5 depending on what I am doing in LB.
  20. Well no users have actually requested that be an option so likely something niche enough it will be a while before it becomes an option. Recommend submitting a feature request on our bitbucket so users can vote for it.
  21. No. You would have to code it from scratch. You can use the community theme builder though if you do not know coding.
  22. The mame full set importer does not import device and bios files. If you leave the default importer check box items ticked when you run it then LB should import around 2800 titles. None of which are bios or device files.
  23. Nothing happens to games when you delete a playlist. They belong to the platform you imported them into. So they stay in the platform. That's what C-Beats was explaining.
  24. Try reselecting the rom path for Commando and testing. That's one long looking relevant path you got showing in the existing rom path.
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