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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. To answer your question, yes you can change the default location for media, but it can be a bit of a process depending on how many platforms you imported. There is no simple way to bulk change media locations for imported platforms. If you right click a platform name and choose edit you will see a folder tab. You can edit locations there. Problem is there are 46 folders and you have to do each one for each platform. You could also edit the platform xml file and do a replace search to replace the old part of the path with the new part. A little faster, but you would need to do it for each individual platform. If you went this route, or even if you did the first one, I recommend making a copy of the original platform xml files just in case something messes up. Games are a bit easier. Just move the games to where you want them. Then go into a platform and select all the games. Then go to >Tools>Change Roms Folder for Selected Platform. It will update the new location. You do have to do this for each platform, but at least it is not as intensive as media. My recommendation is just move you entire LB to a new larger drive. Especially if it is an internal SSD or HDD.
  2. Can you confirm you are wanting to use they keyboard key "Escape" to close correct? I am no expert on this, but have done something similar thanks to help from a couple of our resident AHK experts. I have something that should work, but can you confirm my question.
  3. Not at home right now. But an option could be to make a launcher that will both launch the game and have the AHK. Then when the game exits it stops both the game and AHK script.
  4. You are using a launcher in Wacky Races. Your images show it. Launcher.exe is a launcher. That is what I was asking about. Did that launcher come in the download of the game files? When not using an emulator you will not have a place to paste an AHK script. You could compile an AHK and then add it as an additional app to run. Since "Escape" will not close it you would need to find out what will? Try Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Q. Once you find out what command will close the game we can go from there.
  5. Using the playlist feature in LB/BB to do this will only work if the metadata field has those listings. Currently you can only chose from "Play Mode" which more than likely the metadata pulled will not have # of players as data. There is no option to choose something like Max Players.
  6. I would also recommend getting away from using Process, Close when using AHK with games. It is a hard close process and can mess with emulators or other .exe that save on exit as well. This was identified a little over a year ago when a user had issues with Higan and that particular AHK script. WinClose, ahk_exe NAME OF.exe Would be safer to use. For example: $ESC::WinClose, ahk_exe higan.exe What Launcher are you using? Is it one downloaded with the torrent for that game? I have Wacky Races but I just run the game.exe.
  7. A playlist should not stop working as a playlist does not actually have games imported into it. All it does is show games of your criteria. The games still belong to and are setup in the platform. If you launch those games from the platform they are in do they work? Also what version Lb are you on? Newer versions you no longer enter command line parameters. You simply select the core name.
  8. Please do not post the same thing multiples times. You posted this request back on May 2nd. Feature requests are done on our BitBucket. At the top of the forum click Help&Support and you will find a Feature Request link.
  9. I could make something for you to use with the Retrorama artwork. I will not distribute it with any of Phil's original artwork or the art from this thread. So you will have to add the images yourself. The images will need to named a specific way and placed in the correct folder, but I will let you know what to do.
  10. This is not a startup theme for LB/BB. No one has created a Retrorama startup theme for BigBox yet. I have not really used the Retrorama style themes before so what these images are for I could not tell you. I can just say it is in fact not an actual LB/BB Startup theme.
  11. Do you mean for all games? The highlighted game title is always visible. For all the other games to have the title always showing there is a box on the bottom right of LB labeled "Text". Tick that box and it makes all non-selected games show their titles over the box art.
  12. What game? Very rarely do games in an earlier version not work in newer versions.
  13. LB allows you to use a default image for a few image options like Box, 3D box, Cart and 3D Cart. Just right click on the platform name. Then in the right part of the window with the game images click to add a new image and then choose the default option you want. Then add the image.
  14. So how can you be sure the list someone will post for you is accurate?
  15. Retroarch is easy to set up. No need to avoid it. First thing to always determine, do your games work if you run them directly in Retroach? 1: If you are using Retroarch you need to call the emulator Retroarch or you will not get the correct Associated Platform screen. So change the emulator name from Neo Geo to Retroarch. 2: Once you fix that your Associate Platforms screen will look like below. In the associated platforms team you no longer enter the core command line you simply click to drop down box and select the core. 3: Always make sure the name you have showing for the platform name in LaunchBox you enter that name exactly in the Associate Platforms tab. So if your games are in the platform SNK Neo Geo MVS then the associate platforms tab needs to show exactly SNK Neo Neo MVS (these cannot differ from each other). If your games are in the Neo Geo platform you enter Neo Geo in the associated platforms tab. Mame Set-up: If you want to use Mame it is just as simple as Retroarch. 1. Open Mame and in the UI add the directory path to your roms location. 2. Make sure you have the correct bios file(s) as well. The bios goes in the roms folder or anywhere you want as long as you add the folder path to Mame. 3. Test the games in mame to make sure they work. 3. Add Mame as an emulator to LaunchBox (If you do not already have it - If you do just go to step 4). 4. In LB Edit the Associated Platforms tab for Mame and add the exact name of your NeoGeo platform. 5. Group select all your Neo Geo games and edit them changing the emulator to Mame since you already have them pointing to Retroarch.
  16. I think Jason mentioned some themes that use one of Eatkinola's plug-ins have been having issues with Pause feature. What theme are you using? I would recommend trying the default theme if you are not using it and see if it happens with that theme.
  17. You will have to import them and select the option to allow duplicates. Then they will import. You can then combine them with the existing from.
  18. Is this a high score for the same game from the .220 build that is not getting uploaded? Or are you saying high scores for any game in the .196 build do not get uploaded?
  19. Is it just Mame this affects or other platforms as well? Did you try a different theme to eliminate it being a theme issue?
  20. Are you using the new high score function in LaunchBox? If so, save state do not work with that function. They are disabled as a way to eliminate some cheating on high scores.
  21. BigBox does not have a setting that allows flipping back and forth between 2 screens once a game is launched to keep something displayed on both screens. You can set main screen and a marquee screen. What ever you set as the marquee screen will stay the marquee screen. So in your case LCD is main screen (since that is what you said displays BigBox) and CRT is marquee. Once the game is started and whatever program you are using switches the game to the CRT, BigBox still sees the CRT as the marquee.
  22. LB/BB have experienced memory leaks issues and Jason has fixed them in the past and always looks to fix them. For your issue in BB crashing after being left in attract mode what theme or themes are you using? I have a similar issue with 2 of my cabinets the other 2 do not have it. So it is a pretty odd issue for me.
  23. This means unfortunatley you are either using a pirated license or one that has been known to have been shared amongst users. You will need to purchase a legitimate licenses. If you feel this is an error please email the license information to support@unbrokensoftware.com.
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