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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Easy to do just replace "SelectedGame.Rating" with "SelectedGame.StarRating" in line 131 of the Default.xaml. Also update line 125 to read "Star Rating:" if you want. Or just drop this Default.xaml in the theme folder. This one has those lines changed if you don't want to mess with it.
  2. What resolution and DPI scaling are you using? @BBG Try the new version I just loaded. Small fix to text code I hope will fix the issue. Still let me know the information above.
  3. .208 should not have had a problem with that code. It would have been an issue for a version way older than that (I think version below .175 or something like that). I still have .206 running on a machine with no issue. I do not use RocketLauncher so that might be something to consider. So there may be a different conflict with Rocket Launcher. That command line allows the new Pause screen options to work. Without it the Pause screen still shows, the options just do not work (save state, load state, etc...).
  4. What version is your Mame? If it is an old version the "-keyboardprovider dinput" command line would be the issue. Edit: Looks like Jason has you covered.
  5. In the edit emulator screen in Launchbox what tab do you have the AHK script in?
  6. Do you have your Mame setup in Launchbox in a way you can also run it without Rocket Launcher to rule out some type of conflict with RL? What other types of software run in this cabinet while Launchbox/BigBox runs?
  7. Well if you were on a version before 9.2 then one thing that will cause issues with Rocketlauncher are the new Startup screens that were implemented in 9.2. Startups within Launchbox and Startups from Rocket Launcher will not work together. You will have to turn off one of them. Not saying that is what is causing this issue, just letting you know it is something known to not work together. There has been a recent Windows 10 update that mixed with things like Riva Tuner/MSI Afterburner and even virus protection like Kaspersky has caused issues with the recent Launchbox updates. If you are using any of those turn them off and test some games. Are you on Win7 or Win10? I do not use RL so cannot really comment much more on troubleshooting with it. Just giving some heads up on issues we have recently seen.
  8. Yeah Riva Tuner has been know for quite a while now to cause issues every now and then. We will usually recommend adding an exception to it for Launchbox and BigBox exe's.
  9. Do you have the keyboard or controller automation buttons/keys mapped in Launchbox for what you want to hit to exit a game? What tab do you have the AHK script in? The running tab is where is primarily goes. That is the AHK that will always be available while in an emulator. The Exit tab is for exiting a game while you are in the Pause Menu. So you can have it in both. I would change the script though to the one below. The original is a hard closing of the emulator. The one below will shut it down properly and not risk losing a save state. $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe pcsx2.exe }
  10. Which tab do you ave the Exit AHK in? Can you share a pic of how you have it set-up?
  11. Do you have your video playback set to WMP or VLC in Launchbox/BigBox?
  12. We had another member who reverted back to pre 1903 and things went back to normal.
  13. So on the pc not working you are on Windows update with 1903? Are you also running anything like MSI Afterburner/Riva Tuner/Corsair iCUE software?
  14. Try disabling Cosair's iCUE on startup and reboot pc and run Launchbox to see if anything changes. We had an issue with certain Corsair keyboards and Launchbox. Maybe it is the iCUE software.
  15. Clear logos for the platforms need to be named exactly as your platform is named in Launchbox. For example if you have it named SNK NeoGeo MVS than the clear logo is name SNK NeoGeo MVS.png Folder location would be: \Launchbox\Images\Platforms\[Platform Name]\Clear Logo
  16. Did you add these command lines to any of the associated platforms you are trying to run?
  17. You should be able to adjust the aspect ratio of the images in >Launchbox>Tools>Visuals>Spacing. Adjust the slider to make the images wider or taller and then back in Launchbox at the bottom of the screen on the right is a slider bar you can adjust as well to fine tune how many are showing at once.
  18. @DOS76 I did not even think of that. We did have a couple threads a good while back about a similar issue. Edited: @thegreatiandi not sure if this will solve the issue, but it might be worth a read.
  19. No worries. I will try to mess around with your file if I can and see what I can do. I always like tinkering. I think though that the marquee views will always try in some shape to show a marquee and then default to the image priorities you have set in your box image priorities. I think it is the original way Jason coded it into BigBox. At least from what I can remember when I started messing with marquee xamls that he had told me. You should have no issue showing though the game clear logo, game text, and the marquee. I was able to get it to all show that from your existing file.
  20. Glad you are back in order. You should have no issue getting the Xarcade all set with Mame. I use it on one of my cabinets with no issues.
  21. The gamemargueeview.xaml may not be able to show platform data/images. I have never been able to get it to on any marquee edits I have done. Jason did advise he will eventually update marquee support to be a bit more robust. That may not be anytime soon though as Jason has his poll list to work through. Also what is weird is your xaml shows for me exactly the same thing, but in the line for the game clear logo if I add a Panel.ZIndex value into it the theme will show the clear logo instead. <Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.ClearLogoImagePath}" Panel.ZIndex="9" />
  22. For anyone experience audio bleed issue in any emulator please read the theme description. I have update notes on how to solve. Thanks to @Charco for troubleshooting.
  23. We have seen it cause issues. Try adding an exception for Launchbox and see if that helped. It was mentioned in a few other posts that this helped some other users.
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