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Everything posted by orphen92

  1. hello i have probleme with Acorn electron rom. I have passing this argument: But whern i start a game i have this error: Can you help me ?
  2. Hello, I'm trying to add Alf TV games system to my launchbox setup. I know that I should use a Russian emulator (Universal emulator - Alf emu) but I need help to set it up properly. Have any of you already integrated it into your configuration? How to pass the cartridges on the emulator? How to put the emulator in fullscreen? How to pass the "new configuration" screen automatically? And how to configure the controllers? I did a lot of research before deciding to write on the forum. I hope you can help me.
  3. - Si il existe déjà, supprime le system depuis Launchbox - Sur Screenscrapper choisi le system que tu veux importer - Sur Screenscrapper, supprimer la partie media (retire toutes les image proposer) - Sur Screenscrapper, demare le scrapping - Sur Launchbox, lance le téléchargement de media et choisi bien l'option ne pas remplacer les données existante - Tu peux lancer après l'outil de nettoyage de launchbox pour le system au cas ou Attention cependant les nom des jeux serrons désormais ceux de Screenscrapper et non ceux de Launchbox ce qui peux empêcher le téléchargement de certains media. En espérant avoir pu t'aider ------------- - If the system already exists, delete it from Launchbox - On Screenscrapper choose the system you want to import - On Screenscrapper, delete the media part (remove all the images) - On Screenscrapper, start scrapping - On Launchbox, launch the download media tools and choose the option for not overwrite existing data - You can run after the launchbox cleanup tool for the system just in case Be careful, however, the names of the games will now be those of Screenscrapper and not those of Launchbox, which can prevent the downloading of certain media. Hope I could help you
  4. Hello, I try to launch my Telstar cso game without success. I take a look to winarcadia but the games doesn't work with it. There is a way to emulate the Coleco Telstar games? hockey.cos handball.cos tennis.cos ... Thanks for your help
  5. I realy hope this feature will arrive one day on launchbox.
  6. Yes me too
  7. I need this scipt too can you share with us?
  8. Oh little update when i go inside the amber pegasus, if i filter by Available game there is nothing
  9. Hello thank you for your help yes i have already set the path but its not working. I have try with roms folder with Aamber Pegasus folder and both
  10. Hello all and sorry for my bad English. i try to launch the System Aamber pegasus with Mame. But nothing works properly. This is my configuration screen i have the correct full set of bios in the roms folder of Mame, but when i try to launch a game directly from mame i have this So i am so lost pleaasse Helppp
  11. Okay just use this script and its work great
  12. Hello i have again a probleme with the theme on startup Can you help me? Okay its again the language bug
  13. wow impressive. There is the same project available for n64 ?
  14. Okay i have try with a clean install. and have the same issue 1) start in english --> good 2) back to french --> Bad
  15. Thanks you :). For the plateform specific i 'm looking for the plateform files. It is yours?
  16. Where can i found Plateform specific view like in your screenshot please? And other question When i press x button on my stick the game start and not the search, and when i pressed Y button images apears on fullscreen not the detail i missed something? Thanks for this great job
  17. 1) Not i have this probleme just in this theme 2) yes already done but not work 3) i have test on a shadow (cloud PC) and have the same issue 4) i'm in french language for Bigbox
  18. Alors j'ai testé de recuperer (texte, front et back box + videos). Cela a effectivement marcher coter media et texte, par contre impossible de lancer mes jeux ça a foutu un bordel monstre. Les fichier de jeux se sont ajouter 4 fois dans la zone lancement d'application supplémentaire, j'ai du redéfinir l’émulateur pour chaque jeux, et j'ai perdu mes configuration retroarch... Une idée du pourquoi du comment? En attendant ce scrapper reste inutilisable pour moi
  19. Ouaip c'est exactement ce que j'avait fait. Je ne comprend pas c'est quoi les 7000 truc qu'il voulais me télécharger Peut être que l'outil de HFS marchera mieux (en espérant qu'il serra pas payant ou pour les supermembre)
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