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Everything posted by spectral

  1. Yeah, seems to be down for everyone. I've not been able to get on from at least yesterday evening (UK time).
  2. Well this sucks. Your help and advice both here and on youtube have been invaluable to me in getting into all this. You will be greatly missed.
  3. I decided to just get a new adapter while ordering the 8bitdo Super Famicom pad (I'm in the Uk so its the same as the snes pad here). While not as responsive as I remember there is a marked improvement over the old adapter, I can do the hadoken far more reliable, dragon punch is hit and miss but I think that took some practice originally too. This may have been how they were originally too and I'm just used to better now. This is without changing any settings in RA, I wanted a direct comparison to the old one. I'm going to try the input settings you suggested shortly. Edit: Tried the other settings and while certainly no worse than the default its hard to say with just a quick go if there is any improvement , but may aswell leave them set anyway. Do you have a ballpark figure for the frame delay? I realise the exact setting is going to vary system to system but I dont want to be upping it 1 at a time if I should be doing it 10 or even 100 at a time. The reason I'm not using a different pad, at least not atm is that where I can I want the systems running with the original or as close to original controllers as i can get/is convenient. I'm also not likely going to play the PS1 SF games much anyway when the Arcade version is sitting there in Mame. The reason I picked SF to test is that if that is playable with it, pretty much any other game will be fine. I may get that pad you recommended at some point in the future though it looks nice. I do however also have the Hori mini arcade stick for PS3/4.
  4. Bigbox doesn't replace retroarch its just a really cool interface to launch emulators, including Retroarch. If you set up RA to use retroachievements then set RA as your emulator for the relevent systems in Launchbox the achievements will work just the same as if you had loaded the game in RA without Bigbox. Alternatively you can set up LB to use the individual emulators from the retroachievements site.
  5. Hopefully it will just be the settings. The main thing that made be think it was the adapter is that the PS3 pad using the same settings was so much better.
  6. Yeah I'll have a mess before I fork out any money. Will try the settings you suggested in RA and will also try it out with some emulators to see if it is only RA. Although I'd rather it be the adapter than RA as I'd much rather buy another adapter than use a different PS1 emulator.
  7. Its possible its just the pads but like I said I used them in the past and they weren't perfect but I could do it. I'm not home till the weekend so cant test it with other emulators. I suspect the adapter because its so old and was never really intended for use on a modern system. I tried a PS3 pad and that worked much much better in RA.
  8. On PS2 I honestly dont know. I know I could used to do it fine on PS1 pads though. I've tried 3 PS1 pads and 1 PS2 pad and they all feel the same in RA. Not actually tried them with other emulators as I want to use RA for PS1 emulation. I cant remember exactly when I got the adapter but it was well prior to 2010. Possibly closer to 2005. Just dont want to buy another and have the same issue.
  9. Which is the best PS1/PS2 pad adapter to use with retroarch and PCSX2 on Win10? I have an old 10yo or so one and while it works it doesn't seem very responsive on the d-pad. General movement is ok but movements such as a Hadoken or Dragon Punch in Street Fighter games are imposible, it just doesn't keep up. I've tried it with 4 different pads and it happens with them all so its not a problem with the pad. I was looking at one on Amazon that is N64 and PS2 but a lot of the reviews say they never got PS2 working on it.
  10. Tbh you're probably better with standalone MAME rather than using RA. Unless its been improved alot in the last 2 weeks anyway. I initially wanted to use RA for MAME but it proved problematic. Some games wouldn't work on the latest core and needed one of the older ones so you needed to juggle about which roms were added to which, annoying but not a huge problem. Then at least for me none but the latest core would remember things like CPS3 games having been previously run so they wanted to install from the "CD" every time or others would run first boot diagnostics each time. Then at least for me I found in some games the audio was messed up in the latest core. The intro to X-men for example sounded way worse than in standalone mame. So I just moved over to standalone and it seems much more reliable. None of the compatibility issues, every game that should work has done and no problems with it remembering that it has installed or ran diagnostics previously. Also the sound was fine.
  11. Unfortunately I dont have the space nor woodworking,etc skill and tools to build an actual cab. I would love one though. So given I have to accept that I'm going to just be running from a pc either way I figured I may aswell play into the strengths of that and get various controllers and adapters and what not to play various systems. Still dont have everything yet, getting it as I go. So far I have a Dualshock 3, 360 pad, Hori mini fight stick 4(or whatever its called) and a USB Saturn style pad. Aswell as mouse and keyboard obviously. Plan to get get a SNES pad and N64/PS2 pad adapter. I think I'll skip the DC pad adapter as the DC pad kinda sucks, I'll use the 360 pad. But since I'm using disc based games too it massively increases the size of the games folder. I think I'm going to be looking at, at least a 2TB drive. I may just go for a 4TB though and give myself lots of room too add stuff later. I've not tested much on my old PC yet either just my new one and I'm pretty sure anything that doesn't run on that is down to the emulator or settings rather than the hardware (6700K@4.5Ghz/16GB 3200 RAM/GTX 1070)
  12. I'm still only just getting into all this myself but so far haven't ran into any problems doing it like this. I think it is how most people do it. I currently have it on an internal 2TB drive while I get everything properly configured and set up and all the images and video's I need downloaded. Once I know it's total size I plan to buy a USB HDD and move it all over too that. Hopefully I'll have set it up right that it can fairly easily be moved between PC's. I bought a completely new PC around a year ago which I use for everything which I will just run BB on when I want to play. However my old PC I am going to have hooked up to a seperate monitor and boot right into BB. Sort of a mame cab without the cab. It wont run as many games but should be good up to PS1/N64 I think (Phenom II X6@3.05Ghz, 4GB RAM, GTX 560Ti) If I do run into any problems with folders, etc I'll let you know.
  13. I have a folder for the emulators each within their own folder inside it and a seperate folder for games with a folder in that for each system. Whether you put the individual games into seperate folders of their own shouldn't really make a difference. For some reason I put disc based games in their own folders but just stick all the roms for SNES for example into the SNES folder together. The only one I found any real reason not to sort games into seperate folders with is mame. It makes it more awkward dealing with CHD's and the various bios roms, parent roms, etc.
  14. You'd be better off having LB/BB on the same partition as the games and emulators. You can put the emulators and games in folders inside the launchbox folder. That way if you do reinstall windows you dont have to set up Launchbox again too. Alternatively you could get an external USB HDD and have Launchbox, emulators and ROMS all on that. Launchbox doesn't really benefit from being on an SSD. Size wise if you have Bigbox and a premium emumovies account to download videos,music,etc it can take up a lot of space.
  15. Just tried the 2nd one in BB and that works really well. Now I just need to figure out how to do that myself. I'm assuming it can't be massively difficult since you did it incredibly quickly. However I'm visiting my Gran for a week tomorrow so I think its going to have to wait until I get back.
  16. The one that stood out the most so far is this one. It's Aerial Assault for the Master System. There have been some others but I was able to google some alternate designs for those. Can't find another for all of them though including this. I thought the easiest option would be to colour the text.
  17. I'll download gimp and have a play, not got the fogiest on how to do even the simplest things when it comes to the arty stuff. I've literally never done anything more complex than add that red splodge to the pic in my other thread. Even that took too attemps and was on after I struggled with an arrow. Yes, I am that bad. Luckily most of the them seem fine, there are just a few that are almost completely black.
  18. Does anyone know of a good guide on editing clear logo's? The best background video's are all quite dark and I'm having trouble with game clear logo's that are all or mostly black. I'd like to add some colour to add contrast. However I have no idea where to begin. It needs to be step by step because I'm about as artistic as a blind dog who stepped in paint. Alternatively does anyone have a good background video that would contrast better? Not too bright as then there is the same problem with white logo's.
  19. How do you configure Spectabis to run the game when you pick it in LB/BB? I added it as the default emulator for PS2 and added -profile. However when I select a game in LB it just opens the spectabis main interface. If I click a game there it loads fine but obviously with BB that step needs skipping.
  20. Thaks for looking into it, I appreciate it. It's certainly not a big enough issue for anyone to put any kind of significant time into, I just made the thread in case I was overlooking an option or something. I'll get used to it eventually.
  21. I guess so,. I think I'm just a little paranoid. Never really used an online backup before but I'm considering it. The 30 days thing. Is that just that you can recover older versions of a file thats been replaced for 30 days or everything you upload only lasts 30 days and you need to make sure to replace it before then? Any other options I should be looking at?
  22. Is it safe to let it backup roms,etc?
  23. I have the download version, picked it up cheap in a sale some time back. I do have the PS2 version on disc though.
  24. Yeah, although in SW mode just out of the temple I was gettting 60fps ish iirc. So it may be okay even in fights if I cap the whole thing to 30. Although tbh I'm far more likely to just play the PS3 version.
  25. One thing I'm pleased about, having to run what looking like a majority of games in SW mode makes be glad I didn't skimp on the CPU in this PC. Even SotC seemed to run ok out in the field but didn't get a chance to try it while rendering a colossus.
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