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Everything posted by drewjbx

  1. Any progress on PS2 gz format support? I know iso works but hoping I would not need to un-compress a large number of PS2 games.
  2. RIght.. same situation, for an arcade cabinet I want to have game discovery center mapped to coin.. start is mapped to search. Even though game discovery is considered a 'view' I think it would be better hitting the back key should take you to your specific previous view, whether it be in a specific platform or custom playlist etc... I also can confirm the bug you mention is correct, I can still hear audio playing in the background from game discovery no matter where I navigate to, I have to restart BB, no way to stop the audio playing
  3. I'm really liking game discovery center... I set it to a hotkey and the main view I use is Platform Categories. Once you go into game discovery and hit the back button it goes to settings. Is there a way for the back button to go to the previous view (Platform Categories in my case). I would rather not have to do another hotkey for this if possible.
  4. I know this is an old thread... been looking for a way to play random videos as a screensaver, is there anyway this can be done with this plugin? *btw the plugin no longer works in LB 13.8
  5. So I just wanted to chime in... this issue has been plaguing BigBox for a number a users for years at this point as I have seen old threads from here add reddit as far back as 2017. I have attract mode set to default speeds, switch between platforms on, 10sec time in between movements. I have tried HyperMax, Colorful, and Critical Zone themes. I have deleted all BB image cache and force populated, then defragged the HDD as well. Attract mode works fine for about 30min then it starts to lag a little bit, then gradually gets worse. An hour in it is almost locked up and unresponsive to input but task manager shows BigBox is using the same amount of cpu/ram (no issues with maxing out resources). So to exit I just press windows key to show the taskbar and close the BB icon and it shuts down just fine (no unresponsive error dialog box). The next step I tried is to remove the video folder, attract mode plays with absolutely no videos. The exact same thing happens... slows down gradually then locks up. I am on the latest build 13.8. I have tried this on 4 different HDD's (seagate and wd clones) so I know it is not a hardware issue. Very disappointing to say the least. So for me it has nothing to do with video playback. At this point I would hope a screensaver option can be added with user defined videos (Batocera does this) This way we can at least just play some pre-set gaming/arcade videos because Attract mode is broken for me, and it seems, quite a few other people.
  6. @viking May I suggest Touhou project as well, designed with arcade cabinets as I think it should be in the arcade section... being simple to play shmups
  7. Perfect, thank you... will check back for this and hopefully an OpenBor set
  8. Any chance you can share the templates for the 3 arcade cabinets for Video and Images, maybe the locomalito style cabinets.. I would like to create video/hardware set for MUGEN and OpenBor
  9. Thanks for sharing, I am re-visiting xpadder for something a little different. I have a 4 player control panel and a ultimarc flight stick that comes in as controller/joystick number 5. I created a controller profile for the flightstick and a game profile for daphne flying games like Astron's Belt, Cobra Command etc... If I try to autoload that controller profile before launching the game xpadder loads it in controller number 1 slot rather than number 5. Is there a way to load the Ultimarc profile then the game profile (Daphne Flight Games) in the correct Player slot #5?
  10. I just did a re-import.... and chose 'World' as default region, forgot what I chose previously. There is an option not to import any clones whatsoever so naturally the 'default' rom would be selected that way as well. (default rom would be the parent rom name if I'm not mistaken). As you stated the 2 and 4 player games are most common, in which I usually configure manually.
  11. I have a .256 merged set I imported, LB seems to have set most roms defaults to alternative versions. For example avspa is set as default rather than avsp (alien vs predator). This is a big issue for me as all my bezels from bezel project are named from the standard parent rom. Not sure why LB chooses all these alternative rom names as default. Is there a way to automate the process of selecting the default parent name of all roms rather than go through all of them manually? This was never an issue with earlier versions of LB.
  12. Hey not sure if you still are working on this but after some time with it I noticed the theme getting sluggish after awhile so I deleted all image cache. I started Launchbox and all images cached up as expected. When running big box only 6 images got cached in the Cache-BB folder... this is after viewing a ton of systems and games. Then after awhile it will get sluggish. It seems that this is because no images are being cached in the BB folder. I could be wrong which is why I am asking... does this have something to with your theme maybe.. or ?
  13. hello again, still enjoying the theme. I have been working on daphne and have multiple versions of lair, lair2, and ace. Do you know of a quick fix to display the full text instead of getting cut off as shown **Edit I figured it out.. having multiple versions you need to be sure to have a title in the version field in launchbox meta data, also it helps to have same title.
  14. I see... I will take a closer look and note sizes and format
  15. Ok, I also wanted to point out... in 'platform view' the wheels do not get cut off. There must be a way to duplicate the display properties from platform view to game view maybe?
  16. Ok I see, thanks for the clarification. I may try the theme creator app soon.
  17. Looking forward to updates.. ok so I have the Platform view on the left side and games view on the right. The left side is good, as wheel logos are not cut off. If you look at the right side game logos the bottom and top get cut off slightly. What value can I modify to fix this for the gamelist right side view?
  18. Very nice work, I have been using this theme on the Pi4 for a couple years now and have added alot of assets along the way for custom collections etc (character, backgrounds, controllers, consoles) the original theme has quite a few different views, Hopefully you keep on this theme, I could possibly share assets when I get things organized from Pi to PC. Thanks for sharing!
  19. I updated all my Teknoparrot games to use AHK... I then tried to copy the platform xml file overwriting the previous file to another build. Somehow LB is pulling up the old data even though it is using the updated file. Example DOA6, the audit is showing the old location ..\UserProfiles\DOA6.xml Looking at the TeknoParrot Arcade.xml you see <ApplicationPath>..\Roms\TEKNOPARROT\Dead or Alive 6\DOA 6.ahk</ApplicationPath> @Jason Carr Can you tell me how launchbox is pulling up the old application path and from where. I really don't want to manually go through each and every game again. I think it would be beneficial for more advanced users to be able to update platforms across multiple builds by copying over platform XML files. The way LB is hiding old data and using it defeats this ability and is counter-productive.
  20. It has been awhile.. any chance of a Kids games playlist? I am thinking kindergarten to 6th grade maybe, like scummvm educational games, elmo.. etc. The kiddos need some easy games to find and play too!
  21. Here is audit results after removing all additional apps, then using bulk run app for only 1 process. Then I selected all roms and use file management - change roms folder path. Everything looks correct.... as shown in this image After LB is closed and re-open... here is an audit of the same system. WTH is going on?
  22. Yes I just tried that, then I close out LB and re-open and it comes back. But some titles do remain with the correct change. Also if you notice the additional apps was Zero now some titles are doubled up and some with 4. I normally have all games have SInden Open and Sinden Close. I removed all using the bulk remove. There is some cache file somewhere maybe with this data... or maybe it has something to do the bulk additional apps plugin
  23. I recently updated MAME roms to .254... (only gun games for a gun cabinet) My previous folder location was MAME 0.232 I updated the folder name to MAME. I simply find and replace MAME 0.232 to MAME in Arcade.xml. Upon restarting LB the file locations revert back to MAME 0.232. I disabled backups and even deleted all backup data and it still reverts back. Where is LB getting this info to revert back to my previous Rom location? I even deleted the whole system and imported with the new rom location... upon reboot LB restored the MAME 0.232 rom location! Also I will get double entries for additional apps... something strange is going on. <ApplicationPath>..\Roms\MAME\jpark.zip</ApplicationPath> <ApplicationPath>..\Roms\MAME 0.232\jpark.zip</ApplicationPath>
  24. Yep that fixed it... it is always something simple, thanks for the info.
  25. Every time I delete these files.. once LB starts they magically re-appear. It would not be so irritating if the Boxart would not spin ridiculously as if it were a disc on the game loading screen. Where does LB keep a backup of these files and why are they being restored? The image below I don't even have Gamecube or Dreamcast on this build currently.... *edit so even if I edit the Sony Playstation 2.xaml file for example... I just deleted the <!-- DISC ROTATE --> section and it does stop the boxart from spinning. But again, once it is restarted LB restores a backup and overwrites my changes. I even tried to set file as read only.. now LB will not even open due to permissions error... wow ok lol I don't think any of the image priority settings will work... I am Open to any suggestions at this point!
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