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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,

I've started to migrate Don's Export List tool to be used with LaunchBox. This will come with a few databases to match against,based on HyperList with additional columns, i.e. game description. 

I started this to primarily solve a few quirks I didn't like:

  • Checks against CRC then Name. Will alert you how it's matched by CRC being red but Game is green. Identify bad games.
  • Based on HyperList which prioritizes North American dates.
  • I never download media. I have my own media and if I don't I'll scourge the internet to find the best quality.
    • The database currently provides the image in it's raw size. I've noticed a significant performance increase (lower memory and non-existent stutter) when I reduce the game wheel, box art, etc. size to < 600 px (downsampling = no loss in quality). How can I expect it to work in my Arcade machine (i5 and GTX 750 TI) when my MAIN machine (i7 and GTX 980) stutters. 
    • No duplicates. Why do I need two clear logos. game titles, etc. ?
    • Manually adding images allows me to review it, checking consistency in image format.
  • I don't want LaunchBox to rename my media. Any time I do a change within the application it also renames my media i.e. adding '_ ' and removing the region. I completely ignore the folders generated by LB.
    • As a result, I usually modify the XML directly.
    • Compatibility for different Front-Ends.
  • Quickly generate game lists for LaunchBox as the databases are split per Platform.

It will essentially contain the same functionality it already has (audit games vs a full list, including images, generate based on filters [e.g. genres]) as well as look 'n feel but tailored for LaunchBox in regards to exporting. 

I understand Jason has been developing a built-in auditor but a single developer can only accomplish so much before having to move to another task. 

It's still a work in progress but I wanted to know if theres interest in this. Once the functionality meets the original I will publish it on GitHub.

Edited by Kevin_Flynn
  • Like 16
Posted (edited)

The renamer can work regardless of what front end you use as long as you do it prior importing your roms. Otherwise, it get trickier because you have to rename the XML files located in the data folder as well as the media so it matches which the renamer tool on its own can't do. 

I'd do the following:

1. Rename roms using renamer. 

2. Import without media. 

3. Copy media to appropriate folders after import, otherwise it will rename it to the launchbox convention. After I have it the way I want I manually do updates to the data folder to prevent media name changes.

Edited by Kevin_Flynn
  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, wallmachine said:

Hows this coming along @Kevin_Flynn?

Roughly 60%. I've got paths hard-coded so I still have to build the 'wizard', general GUI changes, and then onto testing.

I've been busy with work so I haven't had a chance to work on it the past week.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Long time user of Don's Hyperspin Tools, great work. Looking forward to it.

Is there a way you add some functionality which can take art in HyperSpin naming format and convert it to LaunchBox?

I would even be happier with a cloud sync tool similar to HyperSync (which requires HS premium FTP to use) to sync to LaunchBox media locations... that would just be... amazing...

HyperSpin still has a lot of artwork that isn't available on LaunchBox DB and I know this has been brought up in the past, but if it requires the HS premium credentials to work then no harm no foul, otherwise just something to convert locally would still suffice for my needs.

  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, IceLancer said:

I honestly dont see point in this. Work with HS tool then just quick py convert everything on any front end of your desire. That is how i do things.

Can you explain what you mean by "quick py convert"? 

Posted (edited)

i mean python script. Its easy to learn , easy to use. And super convenient. I have made updated HyperT00ls (can be found on HS download section) to support importing and reading new xml tags, then wrote couple py scripts and convert everything to any FE of my desire.

Before u ask if i will share my py scripts. I will answer now. No i will not. Entire comunity for emulating is bad in my eyes. Starting with super expensive emumovies. To expensive ftp for HS. And all so alienated for me and inaccessible due to price. Hence i am totally unwilling to do any share.


Anyway , sorry if this disturbs you. Its my point of view. And sorry for barging on your topic.

Edited by IceLancer
5 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

i mean python script. Its easy to learn , easy to use. And super convenient. I have made updated HyperT00ls (can be found on HS download section) to support importing and reading new xml tags, then wrote couple py scripts and convert everything to any FE of my desire.

Before u ask if i will share my py scripts. I will answer now. No i will not. Entire comunity for emulating is bad in my eyes. Starting with super expensive emumovies. To expensive ftp for HS. And all so alienated for me and inaccessible due to price. Hence i am totally unwilling to do any share.


Anyway , sorry if this disturbs you. Its my point of view. And sorry for barging on your topic.

This does not disturb me. You have found a method that works for you. It's your prerogative if you don't want to share your scripts, no worries. 

39 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

Before u ask if i will share my py scripts. I will answer now. No i will not. Entire comunity for emulating is bad in my eyes.

I'd argue that people that make things that the community would find useful and then arbitrarily decide not to share those things for no reason other than spite are the bad part of the community.

...in my eyes.

There are plenty of us around here that have spent countless hours creating assets, creating tutorials, moderating the db, and any number of other things purely for the purposes of helping other enthusiasts in the community and have seen precisely cent zero for our efforts, and do so gladly. Maybe keep that in mind before you deign to shower us with your condescending garbage next time.

  • Like 4
11 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

i mean python script. Its easy to learn , easy to use. And super convenient. I have made updated HyperT00ls (can be found on HS download section) to support importing and reading new xml tags, then wrote couple py scripts and convert everything to any FE of my desire.

Before u ask if i will share my py scripts. I will answer now. No i will not. Entire comunity for emulating is bad in my eyes. Starting with super expensive emumovies. To expensive ftp for HS. And all so alienated for me and inaccessible due to price. Hence i am totally unwilling to do any share.


Anyway , sorry if this disturbs you. Its my point of view. And sorry for barging on your topic.

Yeah, python is just easy for the average person  /sarcasm

You complain about the emulation community is bad and yet you come here bragging about how you do something while shitting on what someone else has provided but you don't want to share.

It's fine you don't want to share but don't come here to rub it in peoples faces saying "nahnah look what i got and you cant have it", you come off just as bad as the people who seem to be angry about.

Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

Yeah, python is just easy for the average person  /sarcasm

You complain about the emulation community is bad and yet you come here bragging about how you do something while shitting on what someone else has provided but you don't want to share.

It's fine you don't want to share but don't come here to rub it in peoples faces saying "nahnah look what i got and you cant have it", you come off just as bad as the people who seem to be angry about.

You misunderstood my intentions.

First of all. Python is maybe easiest language to learn. asside from Visual basic, but they are similar.

Other thing, i did Not brag. I do Not brag. I was stating the obvious, which is "why reinventing the wheel" ? question. Go along with it and adjust to it and work arround it.All tools are already available, u just work with it and build ur way around it.

Maybe for people with big pockets and or shit load if time to spare reinventing the wheel is not problem . But it is pontless anyway.


As a moder you shouldn't really scorn people for stating their opinions

you said " and yet u come here" u see in my ears that is the "almighty" behavior that is strolling throu emulation "community". And is saying , why are you even coming here and posting , go away shush.

Edited by IceLancer
2 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

Other thing, i did Not brag. I do Not brag.

Actually, that's exactly what you were doing, whether you call it that or not. You're holding your toys in front of someone else and saying that you won't share.

4 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

Maybe for people with big pockets and or shit load if time to spare reinventing the wheel is not problem

Mmmkay. Still using ZSNES are ya? Why upgrade? ZSNES works. Why reinvent the wheel?

3 minutes ago, IceLancer said:

As a moder you shouldn't really scorn people for stating their opinions

It wasn't for stating your opinion. It was for being a jerk.

Simply saying "I don't think they should charge for Emumovies despite the fact that they have server costs, I'm entitled to that for free because reasons," you'd simply be stating an opinion. A misguided one, but just an opinion.

I'm scorning you for making it a point to say that you're fully capable of helping someone and then deliberately make it a point to say that you will not help them.

See the difference?

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